# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_middleware import cors from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _ MIN_VERSION_HEADER = 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-Inspector-API-Minimum-Version' MAX_VERSION_HEADER = 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-Inspector-API-Maximum-Version' VERSION_HEADER = 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-Inspector-API-Version' VALID_ADD_PORTS_VALUES = ('all', 'active', 'pxe') VALID_KEEP_PORTS_VALUES = ('all', 'present', 'added') VALID_STORE_DATA_VALUES = ('none', 'swift') FIREWALL_OPTS = [ cfg.BoolOpt('manage_firewall', default=True, help=_('Whether to manage firewall rules for PXE port.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.StrOpt('dnsmasq_interface', default='br-ctlplane', help=_('Interface on which dnsmasq listens, the default is for ' 'VM\'s.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.IntOpt('firewall_update_period', default=15, help=_('Amount of time in seconds, after which repeat periodic ' 'update of firewall.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.StrOpt('firewall_chain', default='ironic-inspector', help=_('iptables chain name to use.')), ] PROCESSING_OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('add_ports', default='pxe', help=_('Which MAC addresses to add as ports during ' 'introspection. Possible values: all ' '(all MAC addresses), active (MAC addresses of NIC with ' 'IP addresses), pxe (only MAC address of NIC node PXE ' 'booted from, falls back to "active" if PXE MAC is not ' 'supplied by the ramdisk).'), choices=VALID_ADD_PORTS_VALUES, deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.StrOpt('keep_ports', default='all', help=_('Which ports (already present on a node) to keep after ' 'introspection. Possible values: all (do not delete ' 'anything), present (keep ports which MACs were present ' 'in introspection data), added (keep only MACs that we ' 'added during introspection).'), choices=VALID_KEEP_PORTS_VALUES, deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.BoolOpt('overwrite_existing', default=True, help=_('Whether to overwrite existing values in node ' 'database. Disable this option to make ' 'introspection a non-destructive operation.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_setting_ipmi_credentials', default=False, help=_('Whether to enable setting IPMI credentials during ' 'introspection. This is an experimental and not well ' 'tested feature, use at your own risk.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.StrOpt('default_processing_hooks', default='ramdisk_error,root_disk_selection,scheduler,' 'validate_interfaces,capabilities,pci_devices', help=_('Comma-separated list of default hooks for processing ' 'pipeline. Hook \'scheduler\' updates the node with the ' 'minimum properties required by the Nova scheduler. ' 'Hook \'validate_interfaces\' ensures that valid NIC ' 'data was provided by the ramdisk. ' 'Do not exclude these two unless you really know what ' 'you\'re doing.')), cfg.StrOpt('processing_hooks', default='$default_processing_hooks', help=_('Comma-separated list of enabled hooks for processing ' 'pipeline. The default for this is ' '$default_processing_hooks, hooks can be added before ' 'or after the defaults like this: ' '"prehook,$default_processing_hooks,posthook".'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.StrOpt('ramdisk_logs_dir', help=_('If set, logs from ramdisk will be stored in this ' 'directory.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.BoolOpt('always_store_ramdisk_logs', default=False, help=_('Whether to store ramdisk logs even if it did not ' 'return an error message (dependent upon ' '"ramdisk_logs_dir" option being set).'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.StrOpt('node_not_found_hook', help=_('The name of the hook to run when inspector receives ' 'inspection information from a node it isn\'t already ' 'aware of. This hook is ignored by default.')), cfg.StrOpt('store_data', default='none', choices=VALID_STORE_DATA_VALUES, help=_('Method for storing introspection data. If set to \'none' '\', introspection data will not be stored.')), cfg.StrOpt('store_data_location', help=_('Name of the key to store the location of stored data ' 'in the extra column of the Ironic database.')), cfg.BoolOpt('disk_partitioning_spacing', default=True, help=_('Whether to leave 1 GiB of disk size untouched for ' 'partitioning. Only has effect when used with the IPA ' 'as a ramdisk, for older ramdisk local_gb is ' 'calculated on the ramdisk side.')), cfg.BoolOpt('log_bmc_address', default=True, help=_('Whether to log node BMC address with every message ' 'during processing.')), cfg.StrOpt('ramdisk_logs_filename_format', default='{uuid}_{dt:%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f}.tar.gz', help=_('File name template for storing ramdisk logs. The ' 'following replacements can be used: ' '{uuid} - node UUID or "unknown", ' '{bmc} - node BMC address or "unknown", ' '{dt} - current UTC date and time, ' '{mac} - PXE booting MAC or "unknown".')), cfg.BoolOpt('power_off', default=True, help=_('Whether to power off a node after introspection.')), ] DISCOVERD_OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('database', default='', help=_('SQLite3 database to store nodes under introspection, ' 'required. Do not use :memory: here, it won\'t work. ' 'DEPRECATED: use [database]/connection.'), deprecated_for_removal=True), ] SERVICE_OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('listen_address', default='', help=_('IP to listen on.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.PortOpt('listen_port', default=5050, help=_('Port to listen on.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.StrOpt('auth_strategy', default='keystone', choices=('keystone', 'noauth'), help=_('Authentication method used on the ironic-inspector ' 'API. Either "noauth" or "keystone" are currently valid ' 'options. "noauth" will disable all authentication.')), cfg.BoolOpt('authenticate', help=_('DEPRECATED: use auth_strategy.'), deprecated_group='discoverd', deprecated_for_removal=True), cfg.IntOpt('timeout', default=3600, help=_('Timeout after which introspection is considered ' 'failed, set to 0 to disable.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.IntOpt('node_status_keep_time', default=604800, help=_('For how much time (in seconds) to keep status ' 'information about nodes after introspection was ' 'finished for them. Default value is 1 week.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.IntOpt('clean_up_period', default=60, help=_('Amount of time in seconds, after which repeat clean up ' 'of timed out nodes and old nodes status information.'), deprecated_group='discoverd'), cfg.BoolOpt('use_ssl', default=False, help=_('SSL Enabled/Disabled')), cfg.StrOpt('ssl_cert_path', default='', help=_('Path to SSL certificate')), cfg.StrOpt('ssl_key_path', default='', help=_('Path to SSL key')), cfg.IntOpt('max_concurrency', default=1000, min=2, help=_('The green thread pool size.')), cfg.IntOpt('introspection_delay', default=5, help=_('Delay (in seconds) between two introspections.')), cfg.StrOpt('introspection_delay_drivers', default='.*', help=_('Only node with drivers matching this regular ' 'expression will be affected by introspection_delay ' 'setting.'), deprecated_for_removal=True), cfg.ListOpt('ipmi_address_fields', default=['ilo_address', 'drac_host', 'drac_address', 'cimc_address'], help=_('Ironic driver_info fields that are equivalent ' 'to ipmi_address.')), cfg.StrOpt('rootwrap_config', default="/etc/ironic-inspector/rootwrap.conf", help=_('Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for ' 'running commands as root')), cfg.IntOpt('api_max_limit', default=1000, min=1, help=_('Limit the number of elements an API list-call returns')) ] cfg.CONF.register_opts(SERVICE_OPTS) cfg.CONF.register_opts(FIREWALL_OPTS, group='firewall') cfg.CONF.register_opts(PROCESSING_OPTS, group='processing') cfg.CONF.register_opts(DISCOVERD_OPTS, group='discoverd') def list_opts(): return [ ('', SERVICE_OPTS), ('firewall', FIREWALL_OPTS), ('processing', PROCESSING_OPTS), ('discoverd', DISCOVERD_OPTS), ] def set_config_defaults(): """This method updates all configuration default values.""" set_cors_middleware_defaults() def set_cors_middleware_defaults(): """Update default configuration options for oslo.middleware.""" # TODO(krotscheck): Update with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/285368/ cfg.set_defaults( cors.CORS_OPTS, allow_headers=['X-Auth-Token', MIN_VERSION_HEADER, MAX_VERSION_HEADER, VERSION_HEADER], allow_methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'] )