# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import traceback as traceback_mod from eventlet import semaphore from futurist import periodics from ironic_lib import mdns from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import reflection import tooz from ironic_inspector.common import coordination from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _ from ironic_inspector.common import ironic as ir_utils from ironic_inspector.common import keystone from ironic_inspector import db from ironic_inspector import introspect from ironic_inspector import node_cache from ironic_inspector.plugins import base as plugins_base from ironic_inspector import process from ironic_inspector.pxe_filter import base as pxe_filter from ironic_inspector import utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF MANAGER_TOPIC = 'ironic_inspector.conductor' class ConductorManager(object): """ironic inspector conductor manager""" RPC_API_VERSION = '1.3' target = messaging.Target(version=RPC_API_VERSION) def __init__(self): self._periodics_worker = None self._zeroconf = None self._shutting_down = semaphore.Semaphore() def init_host(self): """Initialize Worker host Init db connection, load and validate processing hooks, runs periodic tasks. :returns None """ if CONF.processing.store_data == 'none': LOG.warning('Introspection data will not be stored. Change ' '"[processing] store_data" option if this is not ' 'the desired behavior') else: LOG.info('Introspection data will be stored in the %s backend', CONF.processing.store_data) db.init() try: hooks = plugins_base.validate_processing_hooks() except Exception as exc: LOG.critical(str(exc)) sys.exit(1) LOG.info('Enabled processing hooks: %s', [h.name for h in hooks]) driver = pxe_filter.driver() driver.init_filter() periodic_clean_up_ = periodics.periodic( spacing=CONF.clean_up_period )(periodic_clean_up) sync_with_ironic_ = periodics.periodic( spacing=CONF.clean_up_period )(sync_with_ironic) callables = [(periodic_clean_up_, None, None), (sync_with_ironic_, None, None)] driver_task = driver.get_periodic_sync_task() if driver_task is not None: callables.append((driver_task, None, None)) self._periodics_worker = periodics.PeriodicWorker( callables=callables, executor_factory=periodics.ExistingExecutor(utils.executor()), on_failure=self._periodics_watchdog) utils.executor().submit(self._periodics_worker.start) if CONF.enable_mdns: endpoint = keystone.get_endpoint('service_catalog') self._zeroconf = mdns.Zeroconf() self._zeroconf.register_service('baremetal-introspection', endpoint) if not CONF.standalone: try: coordinator = coordination.get_coordinator(prefix='conductor') coordinator.start(heartbeat=True) coordinator.join_group() except tooz.ToozError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.critical('Failed when connecting to coordination ' 'backend.') self.del_host() else: LOG.info('Successfully connected to coordination backend.') def del_host(self): """Shutdown the ironic inspector conductor service.""" if not CONF.standalone: try: coordinator = coordination.get_coordinator(prefix='conductor') if coordinator.started: coordinator.leave_group() coordinator.stop() except tooz.ToozError: LOG.exception('Failed to stop coordinator') if not self._shutting_down.acquire(blocking=False): LOG.warning('Attempted to shut down while already shutting down') return pxe_filter.driver().tear_down_filter() if self._periodics_worker is not None: try: self._periodics_worker.stop() self._periodics_worker.wait() except Exception as e: LOG.exception('Service error occurred when stopping ' 'periodic workers. Error: %s', e) self._periodics_worker = None if utils.executor().alive: utils.executor().shutdown(wait=True) if self._zeroconf is not None: self._zeroconf.close() self._zeroconf = None self._shutting_down.release() LOG.info('Shut down successfully') def _periodics_watchdog(self, callable_, activity, spacing, exc_info, traceback=None): LOG.exception("The periodic %(callable)s failed with: %(exception)s", { 'exception': ''.join(traceback_mod.format_exception(*exc_info)), 'callable': reflection.get_callable_name(callable_)}) @messaging.expected_exceptions(utils.Error) def do_introspection(self, context, node_id, token=None, manage_boot=True): introspect.introspect(node_id, token=token, manage_boot=manage_boot) @messaging.expected_exceptions(utils.Error) def do_abort(self, context, node_id, token=None): introspect.abort(node_id, token=token) @messaging.expected_exceptions(utils.Error) def do_reapply(self, context, node_uuid, token=None, data=None): if not data: try: data = process.get_introspection_data(node_uuid, processed=False, get_json=True) except utils.IntrospectionDataStoreDisabled: raise utils.Error(_('Inspector is not configured to store ' 'introspection data. Set the ' '[processing]store_data configuration ' 'option to change this.')) else: process.store_introspection_data(node_uuid, data, processed=False) process.reapply(node_uuid, data=data) @messaging.expected_exceptions(utils.Error) def do_continue(self, context, data): return process.process(data) def periodic_clean_up(): # pragma: no cover if node_cache.clean_up(): pxe_filter.driver().sync(ir_utils.get_client()) def sync_with_ironic(): ironic = ir_utils.get_client() # TODO(yuikotakada): pagination ironic_nodes = ironic.nodes(fields=["uuid"], limit=None) ironic_node_uuids = {node.id for node in ironic_nodes} node_cache.delete_nodes_not_in_list(ironic_node_uuids)