Install Guide ============= Install from PyPI_ (you may want to use virtualenv to isolate your environment):: pip install ironic-inspector Also there is a :devstack-doc:`DevStack <>` plugin for **ironic-inspector** - see :ref:`contributing_link` for the current status. Finally, some distributions (e.g. Fedora) provide **ironic-inspector** packaged, some of them - under its old name *ironic-discoverd*. There are several projects you can use to set up **ironic-inspector** in production. `puppet-ironic `_ provides Puppet manifests, while :bifrost-doc:`bifrost <>` provides an Ansible-based standalone installer. Refer to Configuration_ if you plan on installing **ironic-inspector** manually. .. _PyPI: .. note:: Please beware of :ref:`possible DNS issues ` when installing **ironic-inspector** on Ubuntu. Sample Configuration Files -------------------------- To generate a sample configuration file, run the following command from the top level of the code tree:: tox -egenconfig For a pre-generated sample configuration file, see :doc:`/configuration/sample-config`. To generate a sample policy file, run the following command from the top level of the code tree:: tox -egenpolicy For a pre-generated sample configuration file, see :doc:`/configuration/sample-policy`. Installation options -------------------- Starting with Train release, ironic-inspector can run in a non-standalone mode, which means ironic-inspector API and ironic-inspector conductor are separated services, they can be installed on the same host or different hosts. Following are some considerations when you run ironic-inspector in non-standalone mode: * Additional packages may be required depending on the tooz backend used in the installation. For example, ``etcd3gw`` is required if the backend driver is configured to use ``etcd3+http://``, ``pymemcache`` is required to use ``memcached://``. Some distributions may provide packages like ``python3-etcd3gw`` or ``python3-memcache``. Supported drivers are listed at :tooz-doc:`Tooz drivers `. * For ironic-inspector running in non-standalone mode, PXE configuration is only required on the node where ironic-inspector conductor service is deployed. * Switch to a database backend other than sqlite. Configuration ------------- Copy the sample configuration files to some permanent place (e.g. ``/etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf``). Fill in these minimum configuration values: * The ``standalone`` in the ``DEFAULT`` section - This determines whether ironic-inspector services are intended to be deployed separately. * The ``keystone_authtoken`` section - credentials to use when checking user authentication. * The ``ironic`` section - credentials to use when accessing **ironic** API. When **ironic** is deployed standalone with no authentication, specify the following:: [ironic] auth_type=none When **ironic** is deployed standalone with HTTP Basic authentication, valid credentials are also required:: [ironic] auth_type=http_basic username=myName password=myPassword * ``connection`` in the ``database`` section - SQLAlchemy connection string for the database. By default ironic-inspector uses sqlite as the database backend, if you are running ironic-inspector in a non-standalone mode, please change to other database backends. * ``dnsmasq_interface`` in the ``iptables`` section - interface on which ``dnsmasq`` (or another DHCP service) listens for PXE boot requests (defaults to ``br-ctlplane`` which is a sane default for **tripleo**-based installations but is unlikely to work for other cases). * if you wish to use the ``dnsmasq`` PXE/DHCP filter driver rather than the default ``iptables`` driver, see the :ref:`dnsmasq_pxe_filter` description. * ``store_data`` in the ``processing`` section defines where introspection data is stored and takes one of three values: ``none`` introspection data is not stored (the default) ``database`` introspection data is stored in the database (recommended for standalone deployments) ``swift`` introspection data is stored in the Object Store service (recommended for full openstack deployments) .. note:: It is possible to create third party storage backends using the ```` entry point. See comments inside :doc:`the sample configuration ` for other possible configuration options. .. note:: Configuration file contains a password and thus should be owned by ``root`` and should have access rights like ``0600``. Here is an example *inspector.conf* (adapted from a gate run):: [DEFAULT] debug = false rootwrap_config = /etc/ironic-inspector/rootwrap.conf [database] connection = mysql+pymysql://root:@ [pxe_filter] driver=iptables [iptables] dnsmasq_interface = br-ctlplane [ironic] os_region = RegionOne project_name = service password = username = ironic-inspector auth_url = auth_type = password [keystone_authtoken] www_authenticate_uri = project_name = service password = username = ironic-inspector auth_url = auth_type = password [processing] ramdisk_logs_dir = /var/log/ironic-inspector/ramdisk store_data = swift [swift] os_region = RegionOne project_name = service password = username = ironic-inspector auth_url = auth_type = password .. note:: Set ``debug = true`` if you want to see complete logs. **ironic-inspector** requires root rights for managing ``iptables``. It gets them by running ``ironic-inspector-rootwrap`` utility with ``sudo``. To allow it, copy file ``rootwrap.conf`` and directory ``rootwrap.d`` to the configuration directory (e.g. ``/etc/ironic-inspector/``) and create file ``/etc/sudoers.d/ironic-inspector-rootwrap`` with the following content:: Defaults:stack !requiretty stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ironic-inspector-rootwrap /etc/ironic-inspector/rootwrap.conf * .. DANGER:: Be very careful about typos in ``/etc/sudoers.d/ironic-inspector-rootwrap`` as any typo will break sudo for **ALL** users on the system. Especially, make sure there is a new line at the end of this file. .. note:: ``rootwrap.conf`` and all files in ``rootwrap.d`` must be writeable only by root. .. note:: If you store ``rootwrap.d`` in a different location, make sure to update the *filters_path* option in ``rootwrap.conf`` to reflect the change. If your ``rootwrap.conf`` is in a different location, then you need to update the *rootwrap_config* option in ``ironic-inspector.conf`` to point to that location. Replace ``stack`` with whatever user you'll be using to run **ironic-inspector**. Configuring IPA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :ironic-python-agent-doc:`ironic-python-agent <>` is a ramdisk developed for **ironic** and support for **ironic-inspector** was added during the Liberty cycle. This is the default ramdisk starting with the Mitaka release. .. note:: You need at least 2 GiB of RAM on the machines to use IPA built with diskimage-builder_ and at least 384 MiB to use the *TinyIPA*. To build an **ironic-python-agent** ramdisk, use ironic-python-agent-builder_. Alternatively, you can download a `prebuild image `_. For local testing and CI purposes you can use `a TinyIPA image `_. .. NOTE(dtantsur): both projects are branchless, using direct links .. _ironic-python-agent-builder: .. _diskimage-builder: Configuring PXE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the PXE boot environment, you'll need: * TFTP server running and accessible (see below for using *dnsmasq*). Ensure ``pxelinux.0`` is present in the TFTP root. Copy ``ironic-python-agent.kernel`` and ``ironic-python-agent.initramfs`` to the TFTP root as well. * Next, setup ``$TFTPROOT/pxelinux.cfg/default`` as follows:: default introspect label introspect kernel ironic-python-agent.kernel append initrd=ironic-python-agent.initramfs ipa-inspection-callback-url=http://{IP}:5050/v1/continue systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes ipappend 3 Replace ``{IP}`` with IP of the machine (do not use loopback interface, it will be accessed by ramdisk on a booting machine). .. note:: While ``systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes`` is not actually required, it will substantially simplify debugging if something goes wrong. You can also enable IPA debug logging by appending ``ipa-debug=1``. IPA is pluggable: you can insert introspection plugins called *collectors* into it. For example, to enable a very handy ``logs`` collector (sending ramdisk logs to **ironic-inspector**), modify the ``append`` line in ``$TFTPROOT/pxelinux.cfg/default``:: append initrd=ironic-python-agent.initramfs ipa-inspection-callback-url=http://{IP}:5050/v1/continue ipa-inspection-collectors=default,logs systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes .. note:: You probably want to always keep the ``default`` collector, as it provides the basic information required for introspection. * You need PXE boot server (e.g. *dnsmasq*) running on **the same** machine as **ironic-inspector**. Don't do any firewall configuration: **ironic-inspector** will handle it for you. In **ironic-inspector** configuration file set ``dnsmasq_interface`` to the interface your PXE boot server listens on. Here is an example *dnsmasq.conf*:: port=0 interface={INTERFACE} bind-interfaces dhcp-range={DHCP IP RANGE, e.g.,} enable-tftp tftp-root={TFTP ROOT, e.g. /tftpboot} dhcp-boot=pxelinux.0 dhcp-sequential-ip .. note:: ``dhcp-sequential-ip`` is used because otherwise a lot of nodes booting simultaneously cause conflicts - the same IP address is suggested to several nodes. Configuring iPXE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iPXE allows better scaling as it primarily uses the HTTP protocol instead of slow and unreliable TFTP. You still need a TFTP server as a fallback for nodes not supporting iPXE. To use iPXE, you'll need: * TFTP server running and accessible (see above for using *dnsmasq*). Ensure ``undionly.kpxe`` is present in the TFTP root. If any of your nodes boot with UEFI, you'll also need ``ipxe.efi`` there. * You also need an HTTP server capable of serving static files. Copy ``ironic-python-agent.kernel`` and ``ironic-python-agent.initramfs`` there. * Create a file called ``inspector.ipxe`` in the HTTP root (you can name and place it differently, just don't forget to adjust the *dnsmasq.conf* example below):: #!ipxe :retry_dhcp dhcp || goto retry_dhcp :retry_boot imgfree kernel --timeout 30000 http://{IP}:8088/ironic-python-agent.kernel ipa-inspection-callback-url=http://{IP}>:5050/v1/continue systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes BOOTIF=${mac} initrd=agent.ramdisk || goto retry_boot initrd --timeout 30000 http://{IP}:8088/ironic-python-agent.ramdisk || goto retry_boot boot .. note:: Older versions of the iPXE ROM tend to misbehave on unreliable network connection, thus we use the timeout option with retries. Just like with PXE, you can customize the list of collectors by appending the ``ipa-inspection-collectors`` kernel option. For example:: ipa-inspection-collectors=default,logs,extra_hardware * Just as with PXE, you'll need a PXE boot server. The configuration, however, will be different. Here is an example *dnsmasq.conf*:: port=0 interface={INTERFACE} bind-interfaces dhcp-range={DHCP IP RANGE, e.g.,} enable-tftp tftp-root={TFTP ROOT, e.g. /tftpboot} dhcp-sequential-ip dhcp-match=ipxe,175 dhcp-match=set:efi,option:client-arch,7 dhcp-match=set:efi,option:client-arch,9 dhcp-match=set:efi,option:client-arch,11 # dhcpv6.option: Client System Architecture Type (61) dhcp-match=set:efi6,option6:61,0007 dhcp-match=set:efi6,option6:61,0009 dhcp-match=set:efi6,option6:61,0011 dhcp-userclass=set:ipxe6,iPXE # Client is already running iPXE; move to next stage of chainloading dhcp-boot=tag:ipxe,http://{IP}:8088/inspector.ipxe # Client is PXE booting over EFI without iPXE ROM, # send EFI version of iPXE chainloader dhcp-boot=tag:efi,tag:!ipxe,ipxe.efi dhcp-option=tag:efi6,tag:!ipxe6,option6:bootfile-url,tftp://{IP}/ipxe.efi # Client is running PXE over BIOS; send BIOS version of iPXE chainloader dhcp-boot=undionly.kpxe,localhost.localdomain,{IP} First, we configure the same common parameters as with PXE. Then we define ``ipxe`` and ``efi`` tags for IPv4 and ``ipxe6`` and ``efi6`` for IPv6. Nodes already supporting iPXE are ordered to download and execute ``inspector.ipxe``. Nodes without iPXE booted with UEFI will get ``ipxe.efi`` firmware to execute, while the remaining will get ``undionly.kpxe``. Configuring PXE for aarch64 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For aarch64 Bare Metals, the PXE boot environment is basically the same as x86_64, you'll need: * TFTP server running and accessible (see below for using *dnsmasq*). Ensure ``grubaa64.efi`` is present in the TFTP root. The firmware can be retrieved from the installation distributions for aarch64. * Copy ``ironic-agent.kernel`` and ``ironic-agent.initramfs`` to the TFTP root as well. Note that the ramdisk needs to be pre-built on an aarch64 machine with tools like ``ironic-python-agent-builder``, see for how to build ramdisk for aarch64. * Next, setup ``$TFTPROOT/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg`` as follows:: set default="1" set timeout=5 menuentry 'Introspection for aarch64' { linux ironic-agent.kernel text showopts selinux=0 ipa-inspection-callback-url=http://{IP}:5050/v1/continue ipa-inspection-collectors=default ipa-collect-lldp=1 systemd.journald.forward_to_console=no initrd ironic-agent.initramfs } Replace ``{IP}`` with IP of the machine (do not use loopback interface, it will be accessed by ramdisk on a booting machine). * Update DHCP options for aarch64, here is an example *dnsmasq.conf*:: port=0 interface={INTERFACE} bind-interfaces dhcp-range={DHCP IP RANGE, e.g.,} enable-tftp dhcp-match=aarch64, option:client-arch, 11 # aarch64 dhcp-boot=tag:aarch64, grubaa64.efi tftp-root={TFTP ROOT, e.g. /tftpboot} dhcp-sequential-ip Configuring PXE for Multi-arch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the environment consists of bare metals with different architectures, normally different ramdisks are required for each architecture. The grub built-in variable `grub_cpu`_ could be used to locate the correct config file for each of them. .. _grub_cpu: For example, setup ``$TFTPROOT/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg`` as following:: set default=master set timeout=5 set hidden_timeout_quiet=false menuentry "master" { configfile /tftpboot/grub-${grub_cpu}.cfg } Prepare specific grub config for each existing architectures, e.g. ``grub-arm64.cfg`` for ARM64 and ``grub-x86_64.cfg`` for x86_64. Update dnsmasq configuration to contain options for supported architectures. Managing the **ironic-inspector** Database ------------------------------------------ **ironic-inspector** provides a command line client for managing its database. This client can be used for upgrading, and downgrading the database using `alembic `_ migrations. If this is your first time running **ironic-inspector** to migrate the database, simply run: :: ironic-inspector-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf upgrade If you have previously run a version of **ironic-inspector** earlier than 2.2.0, the safest thing is to delete the existing SQLite database and run ``upgrade`` as shown above. However, if you want to save the existing database, to ensure your database will work with the migrations, you'll need to run an extra step before upgrading the database. You only need to do this the first time running version 2.2.0 or later. If you are upgrading from **ironic-inspector** version 2.1.0 or lower: :: ironic-inspector-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf stamp --revision 578f84f38d ironic-inspector-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf upgrade If you are upgrading from a git master install of the **ironic-inspector** after :ref:`rules ` were introduced: :: ironic-inspector-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf stamp --revision d588418040d ironic-inspector-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf upgrade Other available commands can be discovered by running:: ironic-inspector-dbsync --help Running ------- Running in standalone mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Execute:: ironic-inspector --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf Running in non-standalone mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ API service can be started in development mode with:: ironic-inspector-api-wsgi -p 5050 -- --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf For production, the ironic-inspector API service should be hosted under a web service. Below is a sample configuration for Apache with module mod_wsgi:: Listen 5050 WSGIDaemonProcess ironic-inspector user=stack group=stack threads=10 display-name=%{GROUP} WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/local/bin/ironic-inspector-api-wsgi SetEnv APACHE_RUN_USER stack SetEnv APACHE_RUN_GROUP stack WSGIProcessGroup ironic-inspector ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ironic_inspector_error.log LogLevel info CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ironic_inspector_access.log combined WSGIProcessGroup ironic-inspector WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} AllowOverride All Require all granted You can refer to :ironic-doc:`ironic installation document ` for more guides. ironic-inspector conductor can be started with:: ironic-inspector-conductor --config-file /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf