#!/bin/bash set -eux INTROSPECTION_SLEEP=${INTROSPECTION_SLEEP:-30} export IRONIC_API_VERSION=${IRONIC_API_VERSION:-latest} # Copied from devstack PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME=${PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME:-"private"} rules_file=$(mktemp) cat > "$rules_file" << EOM [ { "description": "Successful Rule", "conditions": [ {"op": "ge", "field": "memory_mb", "value": 256}, {"op": "ge", "field": "local_gb", "value": 1} ], "actions": [ {"action": "set-attribute", "path": "/extra/rule_success", "value": "yes"} ] }, { "description": "Failing Rule", "conditions": [ {"op": "lt", "field": "memory_mb", "value": 42}, {"op": "eq", "field": "local_gb", "value": 0} ], "actions": [ {"action": "set-attribute", "path": "/extra/rule_success", "value": "no"}, {"action": "fail", "message": "This rule should not have run"} ] } ] EOM expected_cpus=$(openstack flavor show baremetal -f value -c vcpus) expected_memory_mb=$(openstack flavor show baremetal -f value -c ram) expected_cpu_arch=$(openstack flavor show baremetal -f value -c properties | sed "s/.*cpu_arch='\([^']*\)'.*/\1/") disk_size=$(openstack flavor show baremetal -f value -c disk) ephemeral_size=$(openstack flavor show baremetal -f value -c "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral") expected_local_gb=$(($disk_size + $ephemeral_size)) # FIXME(dtantsur): switch to OSC as soon as `openstack endpoint list` actually # works on devstack ironic_url=$(keystone endpoint-get --service baremetal | tail -n +4 | head -n -1 | tr '|' ' ' | awk '{ print $2; }') if [ -z "$ironic_url" ]; then echo "Cannot find Ironic URL" exit 1 fi # NOTE(dtantsur): it's hard to get JSON field from Ironic client output, using # HTTP API and JQ instead. function curl_ir { local token=$(openstack token issue -f value -c id) curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -X $1 "$ironic_url/$2" } function curl_ins { local token=$(openstack token issue -f value -c id) local args=${3:-} curl -f -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -X $1 $args "$2" } nodes=$(ironic node-list | tail -n +4 | head -n -1 | tr '|' ' ' | awk '{ print $1; }') if [ -z "$nodes" ]; then echo "No nodes found in Ironic" exit 1 fi for uuid in $nodes; do for p in cpus cpu_arch memory_mb local_gb; do ironic node-update $uuid remove properties/$p > /dev/null || true done if ! ironic node-show $uuid | grep provision_state | grep -iq manageable; then ironic node-set-provision-state $uuid manage fi done openstack baremetal introspection rule purge openstack baremetal introspection rule import "$rules_file" for uuid in $nodes; do ironic node-set-provision-state $uuid inspect done current_nodes=$nodes temp_nodes= while true; do sleep $INTROSPECTION_SLEEP for uuid in $current_nodes; do finished=$(openstack baremetal introspection status $uuid -f value -c finished) if [ "$finished" = "True" ]; then error=$(openstack baremetal introspection status $uuid -f value -c error) if [ "$error" != "None" ]; then echo "Introspection for $uuid failed: $error" exit 1 fi else temp_nodes="$temp_nodes $uuid" fi done if [ "$temp_nodes" = "" ]; then echo "Introspection done" break else current_nodes=$temp_nodes temp_nodes= fi done openstack baremetal introspection rule purge function test_swift { # Basic sanity check of the data stored in Swift stored_data_json=$(curl_ins GET v1/introspection/$uuid/data) stored_cpu_arch=$(echo $stored_data_json | jq -r '.cpu_arch') echo CPU arch for $uuid from stored data: $stored_cpu_arch if [ "$stored_cpu_arch" != "$expected_cpu_arch" ]; then echo "The data stored in Swift does not match the expected data." exit 1 fi } function wait_for_provision_state { local uuid=$1 local expected=$2 local max_attempts=${3:-6} for attempt in $(seq 1 $max_attempts); do local current=$(ironic node-show $uuid | grep ' provision_state ' | awk '{ print $4; }') if [ "$current" != "$expected" ]; then if [ "$attempt" -eq "$max_attempts" ]; then echo "Expected provision_state $expected, got $current:" ironic node-show $uuid exit 1 fi else break fi sleep 10 done } for uuid in $nodes; do node_json=$(curl_ir GET v1/nodes/$uuid) properties=$(echo $node_json | jq '.properties') echo Properties for $uuid: $properties if [ "$(echo $properties | jq -r '.cpu_arch')" != "$expected_cpu_arch" ]; then echo "Expected CPU architecture: $expected_cpu_arch" exit 1 fi if [ "$(echo $properties | jq -r '.cpus')" != "$expected_cpus" ]; then echo "Expected number of CPUS: $expected_cpus" exit 1 fi if [ "$(echo $properties | jq -r '.local_gb')" != "$expected_local_gb" ]; then echo "Expected disk: $expected_local_gb" exit 1 fi if [ "$(echo $properties | jq -r '.memory_mb')" != "$expected_memory_mb" ]; then echo "Expected memory: $expected_memory_mb" exit 1 fi extra=$(echo $node_json | jq '.extra') echo Extra properties for $uuid: $extra if [ "$(echo $extra | jq -r '.rule_success')" != "yes" ]; then echo "Rule matching failed" exit 1 fi openstack service list | grep swift && test_swift wait_for_provision_state $uuid manageable ironic node-set-provision-state $uuid provide done # Cleaning kicks in here, we have to wait until it finishes (~ 2 minutes) for uuid in $nodes; do wait_for_provision_state $uuid available 60 # 10 minutes for cleaning done echo "Wait until nova becomes aware of bare metal instances" for attempt in {1..24}; do if [ $(nova hypervisor-stats | grep ' vcpus ' | head -n1 | awk '{ print $4; }') -ge $expected_cpus ]; then break elif [ "$attempt" -eq 24 ]; then echo "Timeout while waiting for nova hypervisor-stats, current:" nova hypervisor-stats exit 1 fi sleep 5 done echo "Try nova boot for one instance" image=$(openstack image list --property disk_format=ami -f value -c ID | head -n1) net_id=$(neutron net-list | egrep "$PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME"'[^-]' | awk '{ print $2 }') uuid=$(nova boot --flavor baremetal --nic net-id=$net_id --image $image testing | grep " id " | awk '{ print $4 }') for attempt in {1..30}; do status=$(nova show $uuid | grep " status " | awk '{ print $4 }') if [ "$status" = "ERROR" ]; then echo "Instance failed to boot" # Some debug output nova show $uuid nova hypervisor-stats exit 1 elif [ "$status" != "ACTIVE" ]; then if [ "$attempt" -eq 30 ]; then echo "Instance didn't become ACTIVE, status is $status" exit 1 fi else break fi sleep 30 done nova delete $uuid echo "Validation passed"