.. -*- rst -*-

Introspection Management (introspection)

Abort introspection, get introspection data and reapply introspection can be
done through introspection sub-resources.

Abort Introspection

.. rest_method::  POST /v1/introspection/{node_id}/abort

Abort running introspection.

Normal response codes: 202

Error codes:

* 400 - bad request
* 401, 403 - missing or invalid authentication
* 404 - node cannot be found
* 409 - inspector has locked this node for processing


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - node_id: node_id

Get Introspection data

.. rest_method::  GET /v1/introspection/{node_id}/data

Return stored data from successful introspection.

.. note::
    We do not provide any backward compatibility guarantees regarding the
    format and contents of the stored data. Notably, it depends on the ramdisk
    used and plugins enabled both in the ramdisk and in inspector itself.

Normal response codes: 200

Error codes:

* 400 - bad request
* 401, 403 - missing or invalid authentication
* 404 - data cannot be found or data storage not configured


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

   - node_id: node_id


The response will contain introspection data in the form of json string.

**Example JSON representation of an introspection data:**

.. literalinclude:: samples/api-v1-data-introspection-response.json
   :language: javascript

Reapply Introspection on data

.. rest_method::  POST /v1/introspection/{node_id}/data/unprocessed

This method triggers introspection on either stored introspection data or raw
introspection data provided in the request. If the introspection data is
provided in the request body, it should be a valid JSON with content similar to
ramdisk callback request.

.. versionadded:: 1.15
  Unprocessed introspection data can be sent via request body.

.. note::
    Reapplying introspection on stored data is only possible when a storage
    backend is enabled via ``[processing]store_data``.

Normal response codes: 202

Error codes:

* 400 - bad request, store not configured or malformed data in request body
* 401, 403 - missing or invalid authentication
* 404 - node not found for Node ID
* 409 - inspector locked node for processing


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

  - node_id: node_id