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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import socket
from ironicclient import client
from ironicclient import exceptions as ironic_exc
import netaddr
from oslo_config import cfg
import retrying
from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _
from ironic_inspector.common import keystone
from ironic_inspector import utils
LOG = utils.getProcessingLogger(__name__)
# See # noqa
VALID_STATES = frozenset(['enroll', 'manageable', 'inspecting', 'inspect wait',
'inspect failed'])
# States where an instance is deployed and an admin may be doing something.
VALID_ACTIVE_STATES = frozenset(['active', 'rescue'])
# 1.38 is the latest API version in the Queens release series, 10.1.0.
# 1.46 is the latest API version in the Rocky release series, 11.1.0.
# 1.56 is the latest API version in the Stein release series, 12.1.0
# NOTE(mgoddard): This should be updated with each release to ensure that
# inspector is able to use the latest ironic API. In particular, this version
# is used when processing introspection rules, and is the default version used
# by processing plugins.
DEFAULT_IRONIC_API_VERSION = ['1.38', '1.46', '1.56']
class NotFound(utils.Error):
"""Node not found in Ironic."""
def __init__(self, node_ident, code=404, *args, **kwargs):
msg = _('Node %s was not found in Ironic') % node_ident
super(NotFound, self).__init__(msg, code, *args, **kwargs)
def reset_ironic_session():
"""Reset the global session variable.
Mostly useful for unit tests.
def get_ipmi_address(node):
"""Get the BMC address defined in node.driver_info dictionary
Possible names of BMC address value examined in order of list
['ipmi_address'] + CONF.ipmi_address_fields. The value could
be an IP address or a hostname. DNS lookup performed for the
first non empty value.
The first valid BMC address value returned along with
it's v4 and v6 IP addresses.
:param node: Node object with defined driver_info dictionary
:return: tuple (ipmi_address, ipv4_address, ipv6_address)
none_address = None, None, None
ipmi_fields = ['ipmi_address'] + CONF.ipmi_address_fields
# NOTE(sambetts): IPMI Address is useless to us if bridging is enabled so
# just ignore it and return None
if node.driver_info.get("ipmi_bridging", "no") != "no":
return none_address
for name in ipmi_fields:
value = node.driver_info.get(name)
if not value:
ipv4 = None
ipv6 = None
addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(value, None, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP)
for family, socket_type, proto, canon_name, sockaddr in addrinfo:
ip = sockaddr[0]
if netaddr.IPAddress(ip).is_loopback():
LOG.warning('Ignoring loopback BMC address %s', ip,
elif family == socket.AF_INET:
ipv4 = ip
elif family == socket.AF_INET6:
ipv6 = ip
except socket.gaierror:
msg = _('Failed to resolve the hostname (%(value)s)'
' for node %(uuid)s')
raise utils.Error(msg % {'value': value,
'uuid': node.uuid},
return (value, ipv4, ipv6) if ipv4 or ipv6 else none_address
return none_address
def get_client(token=None,
api_version=DEFAULT_IRONIC_API_VERSION): # pragma: no cover
"""Get Ironic client instance."""
IRONIC_SESSION = keystone.get_session('ironic')
args = {
'session': IRONIC_SESSION,
'os_ironic_api_version': api_version,
'max_retries': CONF.ironic.max_retries,
'retry_interval': CONF.ironic.retry_interval
if token is not None:
args['token'] = token
endpoint = keystone.get_adapter('ironic',
if not endpoint:
raise utils.Error(
_('Cannot find the bare metal endpoint either in Keystone or '
'in the configuration'), code=500)
return client.get_client(1, endpoint=endpoint, **args)
def check_provision_state(node):
"""Sanity checks the provision state of the node.
:param node: An API client returned node object describing
the baremetal node according to ironic's node
data model.
:returns: None if no action is to be taken, True if the
power node state should not be modified.
:raises: Error on an invalid state being detected.
state = node.provision_state.lower()
if state not in VALID_STATES:
if (CONF.processing.permit_active_introspection
and state in VALID_ACTIVE_STATES):
# Hey, we can leave the power on! Lets return
# True to let the caller know.
return True
msg = _('Invalid provision state for introspection: '
'"%(state)s", valid states are "%(valid)s"')
raise utils.Error(msg % {'state': state,
'valid': list(VALID_STATES)},
def capabilities_to_dict(caps):
"""Convert the Node's capabilities into a dictionary."""
if not caps:
return {}
return dict([key.split(':', 1) for key in caps.split(',')])
def dict_to_capabilities(caps_dict):
"""Convert a dictionary into a string with the capabilities syntax."""
return ','.join(["%s:%s" % (key, value)
for key, value in caps_dict.items()
if value is not None])
def get_node(node_id, ironic=None, **kwargs):
"""Get a node from Ironic.
:param node_id: node UUID or name.
:param ironic: ironic client instance.
:param kwargs: arguments to pass to Ironic client.
:raises: Error on failure
ironic = ironic if ironic is not None else get_client()
return ironic.node.get(node_id, **kwargs)
except ironic_exc.NotFound:
raise NotFound(node_id)
except ironic_exc.HttpError as exc:
raise utils.Error(_("Cannot get node %(node)s: %(exc)s") %
{'node': node_id, 'exc': exc})
retry_on_exception=lambda exc: isinstance(exc, ironic_exc.ClientException),
stop_max_attempt_number=5, wait_fixed=1000)
def call_with_retries(func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Call an ironic client function retrying all errors.
If an ironic client exception is raised, try calling the func again,
at most 5 times, waiting 1 sec between each call. If on the 5th attempt
the func raises again, the exception is propagated to the caller.
return func(*args, **kwargs)
def lookup_node_by_macs(macs, introspection_data=None,
ironic=None, fail=False):
"""Find a node by its MACs."""
if ironic is None:
ironic = get_client()
nodes = set()
for mac in macs:
ports = ironic.port.list(address=mac, fields=["uuid", "node_uuid"])
if not ports:
elif fail:
raise utils.Error(
_('Port %(mac)s already exists, uuid: %(uuid)s') %
{'mac': mac, 'uuid': ports[0].uuid}, data=introspection_data)
nodes.update(p.node_uuid for p in ports)
if len(nodes) > 1:
raise utils.Error(_('MAC addresses %(macs)s correspond to more than '
'one node: %(nodes)s') %
{'macs': ', '.join(macs),
'nodes': ', '.join(nodes)},
elif nodes:
return nodes.pop()
def lookup_node_by_bmc_addresses(addresses, introspection_data=None,
ironic=None, fail=False):
"""Find a node by its BMC address."""
if ironic is None:
ironic = get_client()
# FIXME(aarefiev): it's not effective to fetch all nodes, and may
# impact on performance on big clusters
nodes = ironic.node.list(fields=('uuid', 'driver_info'), limit=0)
found = set()
for node in nodes:
bmc_address, bmc_ipv4, bmc_ipv6 = get_ipmi_address(node)
for addr in addresses:
if addr not in (bmc_ipv4, bmc_ipv6):
elif fail:
raise utils.Error(
_('Node %(uuid)s already has BMC address %(addr)s') %
{'addr': addr, 'uuid': node.uuid},
if len(found) > 1:
raise utils.Error(_('BMC addresses %(addr)s correspond to more than '
'one node: %(nodes)s') %
{'addr': ', '.join(addresses),
'nodes': ', '.join(found)},
elif found:
return found.pop()
def lookup_node(macs=None, bmc_addresses=None, introspection_data=None,
"""Lookup a node in the ironic database."""
node = node2 = None
if macs:
node = lookup_node_by_macs(macs, ironic=ironic)
if bmc_addresses:
node2 = lookup_node_by_bmc_addresses(bmc_addresses, ironic=ironic)
if node and node2 and node != node2:
raise utils.Error(_('MAC addresses %(mac)s and BMC addresses %(addr)s '
'correspond to different nodes: %(node1)s and '
'%(node2)s') %
{'mac': ', '.join(macs),
'addr': ', '.join(bmc_addresses),
'node1': node, 'node2': node2})
return node or node2