diff --git a/ironic_lib/disk_utils.py b/ironic_lib/disk_utils.py
index 367dbdb2..abb2c321 100644
--- a/ironic_lib/disk_utils.py
+++ b/ironic_lib/disk_utils.py
@@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ def get_disk_identifier(dev):
 def make_partitions(dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb,
                     configdrive_mb, node_uuid, commit=True,
-                    boot_option="netboot", boot_mode="bios"):
+                    boot_option="netboot", boot_mode="bios",
+                    disk_label=None):
     """Partition the disk device.
     Create partitions for root, swap, ephemeral and configdrive on a
@@ -140,6 +141,9 @@ def make_partitions(dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb,
     :param boot_option: Can be "local" or "netboot". "netboot" by default.
     :param boot_mode: Can be "bios" or "uefi". "bios" by default.
     :param node_uuid: Node's uuid. Used for logging.
+    :param disk_label: The disk label to be used when creating the
+        partition table. Valid values are: "msdos", "gpt" or None; If None
+        Ironic will figure it out according to the boot_mode parameter.
     :returns: A dictionary containing the partition type as Key and partition
         path as Value for the partitions created by this method.
@@ -150,16 +154,18 @@ def make_partitions(dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb,
     part_template = dev + '-part%d'
     part_dict = {}
+    if disk_label is None:
+        disk_label = 'gpt' if boot_mode == 'uefi' else 'msdos'
+    dp = disk_partitioner.DiskPartitioner(dev, disk_label=disk_label)
     # For uefi localboot, switch partition table to gpt and create the efi
     # system partition as the first partition.
     if boot_mode == "uefi" and boot_option == "local":
-        dp = disk_partitioner.DiskPartitioner(dev, disk_label="gpt")
         part_num = dp.add_partition(CONF.disk_utils.efi_system_partition_size,
         part_dict['efi system partition'] = part_template % part_num
-    else:
-        dp = disk_partitioner.DiskPartitioner(dev)
     if ephemeral_mb:
         LOG.debug("Add ephemeral partition (%(size)d MB) to device: %(dev)s "
@@ -394,7 +400,7 @@ def _get_configdrive(configdrive, node_uuid, tempdir=None):
 def work_on_disk(dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format,
                  image_path, node_uuid, preserve_ephemeral=False,
                  configdrive=None, boot_option="netboot", boot_mode="bios",
-                 tempdir=None):
+                 tempdir=None, disk_label=None):
     """Create partitions and copy an image to the root partition.
     :param dev: Path for the device to work on.
@@ -414,6 +420,9 @@ def work_on_disk(dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format,
     :param boot_option: Can be "local" or "netboot". "netboot" by default.
     :param boot_mode: Can be "bios" or "uefi". "bios" by default.
     :param tempdir: A temporary directory
+    :param disk_label: The disk label to be used when creating the
+        partition table. Valid values are: "msdos", "gpt" or None; If None
+        Ironic will figure it out according to the boot_mode parameter.
     :returns: a dictionary containing the following keys:
         'root uuid': UUID of root partition
         'efi system partition uuid': UUID of the uefi system partition
@@ -441,7 +450,8 @@ def work_on_disk(dev, root_mb, swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format,
                                     configdrive_mb, node_uuid,
-                                    boot_mode=boot_mode)
+                                    boot_mode=boot_mode,
+                                    disk_label=disk_label)
         LOG.info(_LI("Successfully completed the disk device"
                      " %(dev)s partitioning for node %(node)s"),
                  {'dev': dev, "node": node_uuid})
diff --git a/ironic_lib/tests/test_disk_utils.py b/ironic_lib/tests/test_disk_utils.py
index 9e102f45..bfdf3a02 100644
--- a/ironic_lib/tests/test_disk_utils.py
+++ b/ironic_lib/tests/test_disk_utils.py
@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ class WorkOnDiskTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase):
                                              self.node_uuid, commit=True,
-                                             boot_mode="bios")
+                                             boot_mode="bios",
+                                             disk_label=None)
     def test_no_swap_partition(self):
         self.mock_ibd.side_effect = iter([True, False])
@@ -132,7 +133,8 @@ class WorkOnDiskTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase):
                                              self.node_uuid, commit=True,
-                                             boot_mode="bios")
+                                             boot_mode="bios",
+                                             disk_label=None)
     def test_no_ephemeral_partition(self):
         ephemeral_part = '/dev/fake-part1'
@@ -158,7 +160,8 @@ class WorkOnDiskTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase):
                                              self.node_uuid, commit=True,
-                                             boot_mode="bios")
+                                             boot_mode="bios",
+                                             disk_label=None)
     @mock.patch.object(utils, 'unlink_without_raise')
     @mock.patch.object(disk_utils, '_get_configdrive')
@@ -190,9 +193,40 @@ class WorkOnDiskTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase):
                                              configdrive_mb, self.node_uuid,
-                                             boot_mode="bios")
+                                             boot_mode="bios",
+                                             disk_label=None)
+    @mock.patch.object(utils, 'mkfs', lambda *_: None)
+    @mock.patch.object(disk_utils, 'block_uuid', lambda p: 'uuid')
+    @mock.patch.object(disk_utils, 'populate_image', lambda *_: None)
+    def test_gpt_disk_label(self):
+        ephemeral_part = '/dev/fake-part1'
+        swap_part = '/dev/fake-part2'
+        root_part = '/dev/fake-part3'
+        ephemeral_mb = 256
+        ephemeral_format = 'exttest'
+        self.mock_mp.return_value = {'ephemeral': ephemeral_part,
+                                     'swap': swap_part,
+                                     'root': root_part}
+        self.mock_ibd.return_value = True
+        calls = [mock.call(root_part),
+                 mock.call(swap_part),
+                 mock.call(ephemeral_part)]
+        disk_utils.work_on_disk(self.dev, self.root_mb,
+                                self.swap_mb, ephemeral_mb, ephemeral_format,
+                                self.image_path, self.node_uuid,
+                                disk_label='gpt')
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_ibd.call_args_list, calls)
+        self.mock_mp.assert_called_once_with(self.dev, self.root_mb,
+                                             self.swap_mb, ephemeral_mb,
+                                             self.configdrive_mb,
+                                             self.node_uuid, commit=True,
+                                             boot_option="netboot",
+                                             boot_mode="bios",
+                                             disk_label='gpt')
 @mock.patch.object(utils, 'execute')
 class MakePartitionsTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase):
@@ -206,26 +240,27 @@ class MakePartitionsTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase):
         self.configdrive_mb = 0
         self.node_uuid = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890abcxyz"
-    def _get_parted_cmd(self, dev):
+    def _get_parted_cmd(self, dev, label=None):
+        if label is None:
+            label = 'msdos'
         return ['parted', '-a', 'optimal', '-s', dev,
-                '--', 'unit', 'MiB', 'mklabel', 'msdos']
+                '--', 'unit', 'MiB', 'mklabel', label]
-    def _get_parted_cmd_uefi(self, dev):
-        return ['parted', '-a', 'optimal', '-s',
-                dev, '--', 'unit', 'MiB', 'mklabel', 'gpt']
-    def _test_make_partitions(self, mock_exc, boot_option):
+    def _test_make_partitions(self, mock_exc, boot_option, disk_label=None):
         mock_exc.return_value = (None, None)
         disk_utils.make_partitions(self.dev, self.root_mb, self.swap_mb,
                                    self.ephemeral_mb, self.configdrive_mb,
-                                   self.node_uuid, boot_option=boot_option)
+                                   self.node_uuid, boot_option=boot_option,
+                                   disk_label=disk_label)
         expected_mkpart = ['mkpart', 'primary', 'linux-swap', '1', '513',
                            'mkpart', 'primary', '', '513', '1537']
         if boot_option == "local":
             expected_mkpart.extend(['set', '2', 'boot', 'on'])
         self.dev = 'fake-dev'
-        parted_cmd = self._get_parted_cmd(self.dev) + expected_mkpart
+        parted_cmd = (self._get_parted_cmd(self.dev, disk_label) +
+                      expected_mkpart)
         parted_call = mock.call(*parted_cmd, use_standard_locale=True,
                                 run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=[0])
         fuser_cmd = ['fuser', 'fake-dev']
@@ -239,6 +274,10 @@ class MakePartitionsTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase):
     def test_make_partitions_local_boot(self, mock_exc):
         self._test_make_partitions(mock_exc, boot_option="local")
+    def test_make_partitions_disk_label_gpt(self, mock_exc):
+        self._test_make_partitions(mock_exc, boot_option="netboot",
+                                   disk_label="gpt")
     def test_make_partitions_with_ephemeral(self, mock_exc):
         self.ephemeral_mb = 2048
         expected_mkpart = ['mkpart', 'primary', '', '1', '2049',