
Enable the following off-by-default checks: * [H106] Don't put vim configuration in source files. * [H203] Use assertIs(Not)None to check for None. * [H204] Use assert(Not)Equal to check for equality. * [H205] Use assert(Greater|Less)(Equal) for comparison. * [H210] Require ‘autospec’, ‘spec’, or ‘spec_set’ in mock.patch/mock.patch.object calls * [H904] Delay string interpolations at logging calls. Fix code that failed [H904]. Nothing else failed the new added checks. Change-Id: I727c944aad04298de07bcdd1d0008dcb9ffe32e9
Team and repository tags
A common library to be used exclusively by projects under the Ironic governance.
Running Tests
To run tests in virtualenvs (preferred):
$ sudo pip install tox
$ tox
To run tests in the current environment:
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ nosetests