* Simplify the logic in utils.py/wait_for_disk_to_become_available * Correct unit tests to not use None as a return value for calls to utils.execute() that return no output. In reality utils.execute() will return empty strings for example: ('', '') * Add unit tests to test 'psmisc' and 'busybox' versions of output data from 'fuser' * Add a shorter check device interval as test was taking over 2 seconds and showing up in longest test run time list. Change-Id: Ibc481e4a76c63612e1774b5c7a8144ee934eb2f5
Team and repository tags
A common library to be used exclusively by projects under the Ironic governance.
Running Tests
To run tests in virtualenvs (preferred):
$ sudo pip install tox
$ tox
To run tests in the current environment:
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ nosetests