
247 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import logging
import pkg_resources
import re
from prometheus_client import Gauge
from ironic_prometheus_exporter.parsers import descriptions
# NOTE (iurygregory): most of the sensor readings come in the ipmi format
# each type of sensor consider a different range of values that aren't integers
# (eg: 0h, 2eh), 0h will be published as 0 and the other values as 1, this way
# we will be able to create prometheus alerts.
# Documentation:
# ipmi-second-gen-interface-spec-v2-rev1-1.html
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'management': {'prefix': 'baremetal_',
'sufix': '',
'extra_params': {},
'use_ipmi_format': True},
'temperature': {'prefix': 'baremetal_',
'sufix': '_celsius',
'extra_params': {},
'use_ipmi_format': False},
'system': {'prefix': 'baremetal_system_',
'sufix': '',
'extra_params': {},
'use_ipmi_format': True},
'current': {'prefix': 'baremetal_',
'sufix': '',
'extra_params': {},
'use_ipmi_format': False},
'version': {'prefix': 'baremetal_',
'sufix': '',
'extra_params': {},
'use_ipmi_format': True},
'memory': {'prefix': 'baremetal_',
'sufix': '',
'extra_params': {'special_label': 'memory'},
'use_ipmi_format': True},
'power': {'prefix': 'baremetal_power_',
'sufix': '',
'extra_params': {},
'use_ipmi_format': True},
'watchdog2': {'prefix': 'baremetal_',
'sufix': '',
'extra_params': {},
'use_ipmi_format': True},
'fan': {'prefix': 'baremetal_',
'sufix': '',
'extra_params': {'extract_unit': True, 'special_label': 'fan'},
'use_ipmi_format': True},
'voltage': {'prefix': 'baremetal_voltage_',
'sufix': '',
'extra_params': {'extract_unit': True,
'special_label': 'voltage'},
'use_ipmi_format': True}
IPMI_JSON = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
def metric_names(category_info):'metric_names function called with data=%s' % str(category_info))
metric_dic = {}
extract_unit = category_info.get('extra_params').get('extract_unit')
special_label = category_info.get('extra_params').get('special_label')
payload = category_info['data']
for entry in payload:
if special_label == 'fan':
# NOTE (iurygregory): regex to remove a sequence of numbers and
# letters that comes after the fan sensor name.
# e.g: 'Fan4B (0x43)' will be 'fan (0x43)'
# 'Fan Redundancy (0x78)' will be 'fan redundancy (0x78)'
e = re.sub(r'fan\d*[a-z]*', 'fan', entry.lower())
# NOTE (iurygregory): regex to remove brackets and their content
# e.g: 'fan (0x43)' will turn into ['fan']
# 'fan redundancy (0x78)' will turn into ['fan', 'redundancy']
e = re.sub(r'\(.*\)', '', e).split()
label = '_'.join(e)
elif special_label == 'voltage':
# NOTE (iurygregory): regex to remove Voltage value from sensor_id
# e.g: '3.3V B PG (0x15)' will be 'b pg (0x15)'
# '5V SW PG (0x10)' will be 'sw pg (0x10)'
e = re.sub(r'([\d+]v)|([\d+].[\d*]v)', '', entry.lower())
# NOTE (iurygregory): regex to remove all numbers
# e.g: 'Voltage 1 (0x6d)' will turn into ['voltage', '(xd)']
e = re.sub(r'[\d]+', '', e).lower().split()
label = '_'.join(e[:-1]).replace('-', '_')
if label in category_info['prefix']:
label = ''
# NOTE (iurygregory): regex to remove all numbers
e = re.sub(r'[\d]+', '', entry).lower().split()
label = '_'.join(e[:-1]).replace('-', '_')
unit = ''
if extract_unit and payload[entry]['Sensor Reading'] != 'No Reading':
sensor_read = payload[entry]['Sensor Reading'].split()
if len(sensor_read) > 1:
unit = '_' + sensor_read[-1].lower()
if special_label == 'memory':
if 'mem' not in label and 'memory' not in label:
label = 'memory_' + label
prefix = category_info['prefix']
sufix = category_info['sufix']
metric_name = re.sub(r'[\W]', '_', prefix + label + sufix + unit)
metric_name = re.sub(r'[_]+', '_', metric_name)
if metric_name[0].isdigit():
metric_name = metric_name.lstrip('0123456789')
if metric_name in metric_dic:
metric_dic[metric_name] = [entry]
return metric_dic
def extract_labels(entries, category_info):
""" This function extract the labels to be used by a metric
If a metric has many entries we add the 'Sensor ID' information as label
otherwise we will only use the default label that is the 'node_name' and
'Entity ID'.
e.g: for Temperature we have two entries for baremetal_temperature_celsius
metric ('Temp (0x1)' and 'Temp (0x2)') and one entry for 'Inlet Temp (0x5)'
and other for 'Exhaust Temp (0x6)', this will produce a dictionary where
the keys are the entries and the values are the respective label to be used
when writing the metrics in the Prometheus format.
{'Inlet Temp (0x5)': '{node_name=...}',
'Exhaust Temp (0x6)': '{node_name=...}',
'Temp (0x1)': '{node_name=...,sensor=Temp1}',
'Temp (0x2)': '{node_name=...,sensor=Temp2}'}
returns: a dictionary of dictionaries {<entry>: {label_name: label_value}}
"""'extract_labels function called with: entries=%s | data=%s | \
node_name=%s' % (str(entries), str(category_info['data']),
if len(entries) == 1:
status = category_info['data'][entries[0]].get('Status')
labels = {'node_name': category_info['node_name'],
'node_uuid': category_info['node_uuid'],
'instance_uuid': category_info['instance_uuid'],
'entity_id': category_info['data'][entries[0]]['Entity ID'],
'sensor_id': category_info['data'][entries[0]]['Sensor ID']}
if status:
labels['status'] = status
return {entries[0]: labels}
entries_labels = {}
for entry in entries:
entity_id = category_info['data'][entry]['Entity ID']
sensor_id = category_info['data'][entry]['Sensor ID']
status = category_info['data'][entry].get('Status')
metric_label = {'node_name': category_info['node_name'],
'node_uuid': category_info['node_uuid'],
'instance_uuid': category_info['instance_uuid'],
'entity_id': entity_id,
'sensor_id': sensor_id}
if status:
metric_label['status'] = status
entries_labels[entry] = metric_label
except Exception as e:
return entries_labels
def extract_values(entries, category_info):'extract_values function called with: entries=%s | info=%s |'
% (str(entries), str(category_info['data'])))
values = {}
for entry in entries:
no_values = ['No Reading', 'Disabled']
if category_info['data'][entry]['Sensor Reading'] in no_values:
values[entry] = None
sensor_values = (category_info['data'][entry]
['Sensor Reading'].split())
if not category_info['use_ipmi_format']:
if not'(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)', sensor_values[0]):
raise Exception("No valid value in Sensor Reading")
values[entry] = sensor_values[0]
if len(sensor_values) > 1:
values[entry] = sensor_values[0]
elif sensor_values[0] == "0h":
values[entry] = 0
values[entry] = 1
except Exception as e:
return values
def prometheus_format(category_info, ipmi_metric_registry, available_metrics):
for metric in available_metrics:
entries = available_metrics[metric]
labels = extract_labels(entries, category_info)
values = extract_values(entries, category_info)
if all(v is None for v in values.values()):
desc = descriptions.get_metric_description('ipmi', metric)
g = Gauge(metric, desc,
for e in entries:
if values[e] is None:
def category_registry(node_message, ipmi_metric_registry):
for ipmi_category in node_message['payload']:
if ipmi_category.lower() in CATEGORY_PARAMS:
category_dict = CATEGORY_PARAMS[ipmi_category.lower()].copy()
category_dict['data'] = node_message['payload'][ipmi_category]
category_dict['node_name'] = node_message['node_name']
category_dict['node_uuid'] = node_message['node_uuid']
category_dict['instance_uuid'] = node_message['instance_uuid']
available_metrics = metric_names(category_dict)
prometheus_format(category_dict, ipmi_metric_registry,