#!/bin/bash set -ex WORKDIR=$(readlink -f $0 | xargs dirname) FINALDIR="$WORKDIR/tinyipafinal" DST_DIR=$FINALDIR source ${WORKDIR}/common.sh BUILDDIR="$WORKDIR/tinyipabuild" BUILD_AND_INSTALL_TINYIPA=${BUILD_AND_INSTALL_TINYIPA:-true} TINYCORE_MIRROR_URL=${TINYCORE_MIRROR_URL:-} INSTALL_SSH=${INSTALL_SSH:-true} AUTHORIZE_SSH=${AUTHORIZE_SSH:-false} SSH_PUBLIC_KEY=${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY:-} PYOPTIMIZE_TINYIPA=${PYOPTIMIZE_TINYIPA:-true} TINYIPA_REQUIRE_BIOSDEVNAME=${TINYIPA_REQUIRE_BIOSDEVNAME:-false} TINYIPA_REQUIRE_IPMITOOL=${TINYIPA_REQUIRE_IPMITOOL:-true} TINYIPA_UDEV_SETTLE_TIMEOUT=${TINYIPA_UDEV_SETTLE_TIMEOUT:-60} USE_PYTHON3=${USE_PYTHON3:-True} PYTHON_EXTRA_SOURCES_DIR_LIST=${PYTHON_EXTRA_SOURCES_DIR_LIST:-} echo "Finalising tinyipa:" if [ -n "$PYTHON_EXTRA_SOURCES_DIR_LIST" ]; then IFS="," read -ra PKGDIRS <<< "$PYTHON_EXTRA_SOURCES_DIR_LIST" for PKGDIR in "${PKGDIRS[@]}"; do PKG=$(cd "$PKGDIR" ; python setup.py --name) if [[ "$PKG" == "hardware" ]]; then # hardware depends upon numpy which can't be optimised PYOPTIMIZE_TINYIPA=false fi done fi if $AUTHORIZE_SSH ; then echo "Validating location of public SSH key" if [ -n "$SSH_PUBLIC_KEY" ]; then if [ -f "$SSH_PUBLIC_KEY" ]; then _found_ssh_key="$SSH_PUBLIC_KEY" fi else for fmt in rsa dsa; do if [ -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_$fmt.pub" ]; then _found_ssh_key="$HOME/.ssh/id_$fmt.pub" break fi done fi if [ -z $_found_ssh_key ]; then echo "Failed to find neither provided nor default SSH key" exit 1 fi fi sudo -v if [ -d "$FINALDIR" ]; then sudo rm -rf "$FINALDIR" fi mkdir "$FINALDIR" # Extract rootfs from .gz file ( cd "$FINALDIR" && zcat $WORKDIR/build_files/corepure64.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d ) # Setup Final Dir setup_tce "$DST_DIR" # Modify ldconfig for x86-64 $CHROOT_CMD cp /sbin/ldconfig /sbin/ldconfigold printf '#!/bin/sh\n/sbin/ldconfigold $@ | sed -r "s/libc6|ELF/libc6,x86-64/"' | $CHROOT_CMD tee -a /sbin/ldconfignew $CHROOT_CMD cp /sbin/ldconfignew /sbin/ldconfig $CHROOT_CMD chmod u+x /sbin/ldconfig # Copy python wheels from build to final dir cp -Rp "$BUILDDIR/tmp/wheels" "$FINALDIR/tmp/wheelhouse" cp $WORKDIR/build_files/tgt.* $FINALDIR/tmp/builtin/optional cp $WORKDIR/build_files/qemu-utils.* $FINALDIR/tmp/builtin/optional cp $WORKDIR/build_files/lshw.* $FINALDIR/tmp/builtin/optional if $TINYIPA_REQUIRE_BIOSDEVNAME; then cp $WORKDIR/build_files/biosdevname.* $FINALDIR/tmp/builtin/optional fi if $TINYIPA_REQUIRE_IPMITOOL; then cp $WORKDIR/build_files/ipmitool.* $FINALDIR/tmp/builtin/optional fi mkdir $FINALDIR/tmp/overides cp $WORKDIR/build_files/fakeuname $FINALDIR/tmp/overides/uname sudo cp $WORKDIR/build_files/ntpdate $FINALDIR/bin/ntpdate sudo chmod 755 $FINALDIR/bin/ntpdate PY_REQS="finalreqs_python2.lst" if [[ $USE_PYTHON3 == "True" ]]; then PY_REQS="finalreqs_python3.lst" fi while read line; do $TC_CHROOT_CMD tce-load -wic $line done < <(paste $WORKDIR/build_files/finalreqs.lst $WORKDIR/build_files/$PY_REQS) if $INSTALL_SSH ; then # Install and configure bare minimum for SSH access $TC_CHROOT_CMD tce-load -wic openssh # Configure OpenSSH $CHROOT_CMD cp /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config.orig /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "PasswordAuthentication no" | $CHROOT_CMD tee -a /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config # Generate and configure host keys - RSA, DSA, Ed25519 # NOTE(pas-ha) ECDSA host key will still be re-generated fresh on every image boot $CHROOT_CMD ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key $CHROOT_CMD ssh-keygen -t dsa -N "" -f /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key $CHROOT_CMD ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N "" -f /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key echo "HostKey /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" | $CHROOT_CMD tee -a /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "HostKey /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key" | $CHROOT_CMD tee -a /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config echo "HostKey /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" | $CHROOT_CMD tee -a /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config # setup user and SSH keys if $AUTHORIZE_SSH; then $CHROOT_CMD mkdir -p /home/tc $CHROOT_CMD chown -R tc.staff /home/tc $TC_CHROOT_CMD mkdir -p /home/tc/.ssh cat $_found_ssh_key | $TC_CHROOT_CMD tee /home/tc/.ssh/authorized_keys $CHROOT_CMD chown tc.staff /home/tc/.ssh/authorized_keys $TC_CHROOT_CMD chmod 600 /home/tc/.ssh/authorized_keys fi fi $TC_CHROOT_CMD tce-load -ic /tmp/builtin/optional/tgt.tcz $TC_CHROOT_CMD tce-load -ic /tmp/builtin/optional/qemu-utils.tcz $TC_CHROOT_CMD tce-load -ic /tmp/builtin/optional/lshw.tcz if $TINYIPA_REQUIRE_BIOSDEVNAME; then $TC_CHROOT_CMD tce-load -ic /tmp/builtin/optional/biosdevname.tcz fi if $TINYIPA_REQUIRE_IPMITOOL; then $TC_CHROOT_CMD tce-load -ic /tmp/builtin/optional/ipmitool.tcz fi # Ensure tinyipa picks up installed kernel modules $CHROOT_CMD depmod -a `$WORKDIR/build_files/fakeuname -r` PIP_COMMAND="pip" TINYIPA_PYTHON_EXE="python" if [[ $USE_PYTHON3 == "True" ]]; then PIP_COMMAND="pip3" TINYIPA_PYTHON_EXE="python3" fi # Install pip $CHROOT_CMD ${TINYIPA_PYTHON_EXE} -m ensurepip --upgrade # If flag is set install python now if $BUILD_AND_INSTALL_TINYIPA ; then if [ -n "$PYTHON_EXTRA_SOURCES_DIR_LIST" ]; then IFS="," read -ra PKGDIRS <<< "$PYTHON_EXTRA_SOURCES_DIR_LIST" for PKGDIR in "${PKGDIRS[@]}"; do PKG=$(cd "$PKGDIR" ; python setup.py --name) $CHROOT_CMD $PIP_COMMAND install --no-index --find-links=file:///tmp/wheelhouse --pre $PKG done fi $CHROOT_CMD $PIP_COMMAND install --no-index --find-links=file:///tmp/wheelhouse --pre ironic_python_agent rm -rf $FINALDIR/tmp/wheelhouse fi # Unmount /proc and clean up everything cleanup_tce "$DST_DIR" # Copy bootlocal.sh to opt sudo cp "$WORKDIR/build_files/bootlocal.sh" "$FINALDIR/opt/." # Copy udhcpc.script to opt sudo cp "$WORKDIR/udhcpc.script" "$FINALDIR/opt/" # Replace etc/init.d/dhcp.sh sudo cp "$WORKDIR/build_files/dhcp.sh" "$FINALDIR/etc/init.d/dhcp.sh" sudo sed -i "s/%UDEV_SETTLE_TIMEOUT%/$TINYIPA_UDEV_SETTLE_TIMEOUT/" "$FINALDIR/etc/init.d/dhcp.sh" # Disable ZSwap sudo sed -i '/# Main/a NOZSWAP=1' "$FINALDIR/etc/init.d/tc-config" # sudo cp $WORKDIR/build_files/tc-config $FINALDIR/etc/init.d/tc-config # Place ipv6 modprobe config so the kernel support loads. sudo cp "$WORKDIR/build_files/modprobe.conf" "$FINALDIR/etc/modproble.conf" # NOTE(rpittau): workaorund for hwclock # The adjtime file used by hwclock in tinycore is /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime # but for some reason (bug?) the file is not created when hwclock is # invoked, causing hwclock to fail when using certain options, for example # --systohc. # We create the dir and the file to prevent that. $CHROOT_CMD mkdir -p /var/lib/hwclock $CHROOT_CMD touch /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime $CHROOT_CMD chmod 640 /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime if $PYOPTIMIZE_TINYIPA; then # Precompile all python if [[ $USE_PYTHON3 == "True" ]]; then set +e $CHROOT_CMD /bin/bash -c "python3 -OO -m compileall /usr/local/lib/python3.6" set -e find $FINALDIR/usr/local/lib/python3.6 -name "*.py" -not -path "*ironic_python_agent/api/config.py" | sudo xargs --no-run-if-empty rm find $FINALDIR/usr/local/lib/python3.6 -name "*.pyc" ! -name "*opt-2*" | sudo xargs --no-run-if-empty rm sudo find $FINALDIR/usr/local/lib/python3.6 -type d -name __pycache__ -exec sh -c 'cd "$1"; for f in *; do mv -i "$f" .. ; done' find-sh {} \; find $FINALDIR/usr/local/lib/python3.6 -name "*.cpython-36.opt-2*" | sed 'p;s/\.cpython-36\.opt-2//' | sudo xargs -n2 --no-run-if-empty mv fi set +e $CHROOT_CMD /bin/bash -c "python -OO -m compileall /usr/local/lib/python2.7" set -e find $FINALDIR/usr/local/lib/python2.7 -name "*.py" -not -path "*ironic_python_agent/api/config.py" | sudo xargs --no-run-if-empty rm find $FINALDIR/usr/local/lib/python2.7 -name "*.pyc" | sudo xargs --no-run-if-empty rm if $INSTALL_SSH && $AUTHORIZE_SSH ; then # NOTE(pas-ha) for Ansible+Python to work we need to ensure that # PYTHONOPTIMIZE=1 is set for all sessions from 'tc' user including # those that are elevated with 'sudo' afterwards echo "PYTHONOPTIMIZE=1" | $TC_CHROOT_CMD tee -a /home/tc/.ssh/environment echo "PermitUserEnvironment yes" | $CHROOT_CMD tee -a /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config echo 'Defaults env_keep += "PYTHONOPTIMIZE"' | $CHROOT_CMD tee -a /etc/sudoers fi else sudo sed -i "s/PYTHONOPTIMIZE=1/PYTHONOPTIMIZE=0/" "$FINALDIR/opt/bootlocal.sh" fi # Delete unnecessary Babel .dat files find $FINALDIR -path "*babel/locale-data/*.dat" -not -path "*en_US*" | sudo xargs --no-run-if-empty rm # NOTE(pas-ha) Apparently on TinyCore Ansible's 'command' module is # not searching for executables in the '/usr/local/(s)bin' paths. # Thus we symlink everything from there to '/usr/(s)bin' which is being searched, # so that 'command' module picks full utilities installed by 'util-linux' # instead of built-in simplified BusyBox ones. set +x echo "Symlink all from /usr/local/sbin to /usr/sbin" pushd "$FINALDIR/usr/local/sbin" for target in *; do if [ ! -f "$FINALDIR/usr/sbin/$target" ]; then $CHROOT_CMD ln -sf "/usr/local/sbin/$target" "/usr/sbin/$target" fi done popd echo "Symlink all from /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin" # this also includes symlinking Python to the place expected by Ansible pushd "$FINALDIR/usr/local/bin" for target in *; do if [ ! -f "$FINALDIR/usr/bin/$target" ]; then $CHROOT_CMD ln -sf "/usr/local/bin/$target" "/usr/bin/$target" fi done popd set -x # Rebuild build directory into gz file ( cd "$FINALDIR" && sudo find | sudo cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > "$WORKDIR/tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.gz" ) # Copy vmlinuz to new name cp "$WORKDIR/build_files/vmlinuz64" "$WORKDIR/tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.vmlinuz" # Create tar.gz containing tinyipa files tar czf tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.tar.gz tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.gz tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.vmlinuz # Create sha256 files which will be uploaded by the publish jobs along with # the tinyipa ones in order to provide a way to verify the integrity of the tinyipa # builds. for f in tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.{gz,tar.gz,vmlinuz}; do sha256sum $f > $f.sha256 done # Output files with sizes created by this script echo "Produced files:" du -h tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.gz tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.tar.gz tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.vmlinuz echo "Checksums: " tinyipa${BRANCH_EXT}.*sha256