diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 44a41c163..a8432589f 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -160,6 +160,61 @@ may want to implement are list_hardware_info(), to add additional hardware
 the GenericHardwareManager is unable to identify and erase_devices(), to
 erase devices in ways other than ATA secure erase or shredding.
+Custom HardwareManagers and Cleaning
+One of the reasons to build a custom hardware manager is to expose extra steps
+in Ironic Cleaning [4]_. A node will perform a set of cleaning steps any
+time the node is deleted by a tenant or moved from MANAGEABLE state to
+AVAILABLE state. If the node is using an agent\_\* driver, Ironic will query
+IPA for a list of clean steps that should be executed on the node. IPA
+will dispatch a call to `get_clean_steps()` on all available hardware managers
+and then return the combined list to Ironic.
+To expose extra clean steps, the custom hardware manager should have a function
+named `get_clean_steps()` which returns a list of dictionaries. The
+dictionaries should be in the form::
+    {
+        // A function on the custom hardware manager
+        'step': 'upgrade_firmware',
+        // An integer priority. Largest priorities are executed first
+        'priority': 10,
+        // Should always be the deploy interface
+        'interface': 'deploy',
+        // Request the node to be rebooted out of band by Ironic when the
+        // step completes successfully
+        'reboot_requested': False
+    }
+Then, you should create functions which match each of the `step` keys in
+the clean steps you return. The functions will take two parameters: `node`,
+a dictionary representation of the Ironic node, and `ports`, a list of
+dictionary representations of the Ironic ports attached to `node`.
+When a clean step is executed in IPA, the `step` key will be sent to the
+hardware managers in hardware support order, using
+`hardware.dispatch_to_managers()`. For each hardware manager, if the manager
+has a function matching the `step` key, it will be executed. If the function
+returns a value (including None), that value is returned to Ironic and no
+further managers are called. If the function raises
+`IncompatibleHardwareMethodError`, the next manager will be called. If the
+function raises any other exception, the command will be considered failed,
+the command result's error message will be set to the exception's error
+message, and no further managers will be called. An example step::
+    def upgrade_firmware(self, node, ports):
+        if self._device_exists():
+            # Do the upgrade
+            return 'upgraded firmware'
+        else:
+            raise errors.IncompatibleHardwareMethodError()
+.. note::
+    If two managers return steps with the same `step` key, the priority will
+    be set to whichever manager has a higher hardware support level and then
+    use the higher priority in the case of a tie.
 Each hardware manager has a name and a version. This version is used during
@@ -174,15 +229,15 @@ is '1.0'. You should change this version string any time you update your
 hardware manager. You can also change the name your hardware manager presents
 by creating a class variable called HARDWARE_MANAGER_NAME, which is a string.
 The name defaults to the class name. Currently IPA only compares version as a
-string; any version change whatsoever will enduce cleaning to restart.
+string; any version change whatsoever will induce cleaning to restart.
 A hardware manager has a single overall priority, which should be based on how
 well it supports a given piece of hardware. At load time, IPA executes
-`evaluate_hardware_support()` on each method. This method should return an int
-representing hardware manager priority, based on what it detects about the
-platform its running on. Suggested values are included in the
+`evaluate_hardware_support()` on each hardware manager. This method should
+return an int representing hardware manager priority, based on what it detects
+about the platform it's running on. Suggested values are included in the
 `HardwareSupport` class. Returning a value of 0 aka `HardwareSupport.NONE`,
 will prevent the hardware manager from being used. IPA will never ship a
 hardware manager with a priority higher than 3, aka
@@ -204,6 +259,7 @@ References
 .. [1] CoreOS PXE Images - https://coreos.com/docs/running-coreos/bare-metal/booting-with-pxe/
 .. [2] CoreOS Cloud Init - https://coreos.com/docs/cluster-management/setup/cloudinit-cloud-config/
 .. [3] DIB Element for IPA - https://github.com/openstack/diskimage-builder/tree/master/elements/ironic-agent
+.. [4] Ironic Cleaning - http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/deploy/cleaning.html
 Indices and tables