diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/errors.py b/ironic_python_agent/errors.py
index ee2df1698..5ddbf0a18 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/errors.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/errors.py
@@ -284,6 +284,38 @@ class IncompatibleHardwareMethodError(RESTError):
         super(IncompatibleHardwareMethodError, self).__init__(details)
+class CleanVersionMismatch(RESTError):
+    """Error raised when Ironic and the Agent have different versions.
+    If the agent version has changed since get_clean_steps was called by
+    the Ironic conductor, it indicates the agent has been updated (either
+    on purpose, or a new agent was deployed and the node was rebooted).
+    Since we cannot know if the upgraded IPA will work with cleaning as it
+    stands (steps could have different priorities, either in IPA or in
+    other Ironic interfaces), we should restart cleaning from the start.
+    """
+    message = 'Clean version mismatch, reload agent with correct version'
+    def __init__(self, agent_version, node_version):
+        self.status_code = 409
+        details = ('Agent clean version: {0}, node clean version: {1}'
+                   .format(agent_version, node_version))
+        super(CleanVersionMismatch, self).__init__(details)
+class CleaningError(RESTError):
+    """Error raised when a cleaning step fails."""
+    message = 'Clean step failed.'
+    def __init__(self, details=None):
+        if details is not None:
+            details = details
+        else:
+            details = self.message
+        super(CleaningError, self).__init__(details)
 class ISCSIError(RESTError):
     """Error raised when an image cannot be written to a device."""
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/extensions/base.py b/ironic_python_agent/extensions/base.py
index 17bad14bd..6d1ba57b5 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/extensions/base.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/extensions/base.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class AgentCommandStatus(object):
 class BaseCommandResult(encoding.Serializable):
@@ -153,6 +154,11 @@ class AsyncCommandResult(BaseCommandResult):
             with self.command_state_lock:
                 self.command_result = result
                 self.command_status = AgentCommandStatus.SUCCEEDED
+        except errors.CleanVersionMismatch as e:
+            with self.command_state_lock:
+                self.command_error = e
+                self.command_status = AgentCommandStatus.CLEAN_VERSION_MISMATCH
+                self.command_result = None
         except Exception as e:
             if not isinstance(e, errors.RESTError):
                 e = errors.CommandExecutionError(str(e))
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/extensions/clean.py b/ironic_python_agent/extensions/clean.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30988fda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/extensions/clean.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Rackspace, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ironic_python_agent import errors
+from ironic_python_agent.extensions import base
+from ironic_python_agent import hardware
+class CleanExtension(base.BaseAgentExtension):
+    @base.sync_command('get_clean_steps')
+    def get_clean_steps(self, node, ports):
+        """Get the list of clean steps supported for the node and ports
+        :param node: A dict representation of a node
+        :param ports: A dict representation of ports attached to node
+        :returns: A list of clean steps with keys step, priority, and
+            reboot_requested
+        """
+        # Results should be a dict, not a list
+        steps = hardware.dispatch_to_all_managers('get_clean_steps',
+                                                  node, ports)
+        return {
+            'clean_steps': steps,
+            'hardware_manager_version': _get_current_clean_version()
+        }
+    @base.async_command('execute_clean_step')
+    def execute_clean_step(self, step, node, ports, clean_version=None,
+                           **kwargs):
+        """Execute a clean step
+        :param step: A clean step with 'step', 'priority' and 'interface' keys
+        :param node: A dict representation of a node
+        :param ports: A dict representation of ports attached to node
+        :param clean_version: The clean version as returned by
+            _get_current_clean_version() at the beginning of cleaning/zapping
+        :returns: a CommandResult object with command_result set to whatever
+            the step returns.
+        """
+        # Ensure the agent is still the same version, or raise an exception
+        _check_clean_version(clean_version)
+        if 'step' not in step:
+            raise ValueError('Malformed clean_step, no "step" key: %s'.format(
+                step))
+        try:
+            result = hardware.dispatch_to_managers(step['step'], node, ports)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise errors.CleaningError(
+                'Error performing clean_step %(step)s: %(err)s' %
+                {'step': step['step'], 'err': e})
+        # Return the step that was executed so we can dispatch
+        # to the appropriate Ironic interface
+        return {
+            'clean_result': result,
+            'clean_step': step
+        }
+def _check_clean_version(clean_version=None):
+    """Ensure the clean version hasn't changed."""
+    # If the version is None, assume this is the first run
+    if clean_version is None:
+        return
+    agent_version = _get_current_clean_version()
+    if clean_version != agent_version:
+        raise errors.CleanVersionMismatch(agent_version=agent_version,
+                                          node_version=clean_version)
+def _get_current_clean_version():
+    return {version.get('name'): version.get('version')
+            for version in hardware.dispatch_to_all_managers(
+                'get_version').values()}
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/extensions/decom.py b/ironic_python_agent/extensions/decom.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2596bffc4..000000000
--- a/ironic_python_agent/extensions/decom.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 Rackspace, Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from ironic_python_agent.extensions import base
-from ironic_python_agent import hardware
-class DecomExtension(base.BaseAgentExtension):
-    @base.async_command('erase_hardware')
-    def erase_hardware(self):
-        hardware.dispatch_to_managers('erase_devices')
-        return 'finished'
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/hardware.py b/ironic_python_agent/hardware.py
index 8b5b94d91..0875c66f4 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/hardware.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/hardware.py
@@ -137,13 +137,16 @@ class HardwareManager(object):
         raise errors.IncompatibleHardwareMethodError
-    def erase_devices(self):
+    def erase_devices(self, node, ports):
         """Erase any device that holds user data.
         By default this will attempt to erase block devices. This method can be
         overridden in an implementation-specific hardware manager in order to
         erase additional hardware, although backwards-compatible upstream
         submissions are encouraged.
+        :param node: Ironic node object
+        :param ports: list of Ironic port objects
         block_devices = self.list_block_devices()
         for block_device in block_devices:
@@ -157,8 +160,73 @@ class HardwareManager(object):
         hardware_info['memory'] = self.get_memory()
         return hardware_info
+    def get_clean_steps(self, node, ports):
+        """Get a list of clean steps with priority.
+        Returns a list of dicts of the following form:
+        {'step': the HardwareManager function to call.
+         'priority': the order steps will be run in. Ironic will sort all the
+            clean steps from all the drivers, with the largest priority
+            step being run first. If priority is set to 0, the step will
+            not be run during cleaning, but may be run during zapping.
+         'reboot_requested': Whether the agent should request Ironic reboots
+            the node via the power driver after the operation completes.
+        }
+        Note: multiple hardware managers may return the same step name. The
+        priority of the step will be the largest priority of steps with
+        the same name. The steps will be called using
+        `hardware.dispatch_to_managers` and handled by the best suited
+        hardware manager. If you need a step to be executed by only your
+        hardware manager, ensure it has a unique step name.
+        `node` and `ports` can be used by other hardware managers to further
+        determine if a clean step is supported for the node.
+        :param node: Ironic node object
+        :param ports: list of Ironic port objects
+        :return: a default list of decommission steps, as a list of
+        dictionaries
+        """
+        return [
+            {
+                'step': 'erase_devices',
+                'priority': 10,
+                'interface': 'deploy',
+                'reboot_requested': False
+            }
+        ]
+    def get_version(self):
+        """Get a name and version for this hardware manager.
+        In order to avoid errors and make agent upgrades painless, cleaning
+        will check the version of all hardware managers during get_clean_steps
+        at the beginning of cleaning and before executing each step in the
+        agent.
+        The agent isn't aware of the steps being taken before or after via
+        out of band steps, so it can never know if a new step is safe to run.
+        Therefore, we default to restarting the whole process.
+        :returns: a dictionary with two keys: `name` and
+            `version`, where `name` is a string identifying the hardware
+            manager and `version` is an arbitrary version string. `name` will
+            be a class variable called HARDWARE_MANAGER_NAME, or default to
+            the class name and `version` will be a class variable called
+            HARDWARE_MANAGER_VERSION or default to '1.0'.
+        """
+        return {
+            'name': getattr(self, 'HARDWARE_MANAGER_NAME',
+                            type(self).__name__),
+            'version': getattr(self, 'HARDWARE_MANAGER_VERSION', '1.0')
+        }
 class GenericHardwareManager(HardwareManager):
+    HARDWARE_MANAGER_NAME = 'generic_hardware_manager'
     def __init__(self):
         self.sys_path = '/sys'
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/tests/extensions/clean.py b/ironic_python_agent/tests/extensions/clean.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ece0121d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/tests/extensions/clean.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Rackspace, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import mock
+from oslotest import base as test_base
+from ironic_python_agent import errors
+from ironic_python_agent.extensions import clean
+class TestCleanExtension(test_base.BaseTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestCleanExtension, self).setUp()
+        self.agent_extension = clean.CleanExtension()
+        self.node = {'uuid': 'dda135fb-732d-4742-8e72-df8f3199d244'}
+        self.ports = []
+        self.step = {
+            'GenericHardwareManager':
+                [{'step': 'erase_devices',
+                  'priority': 10,
+                  'interface': 'deploy'}]
+        }
+        self.version = {'generic': '1', 'specific': '1'}
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.extensions.clean.'
+                '_get_current_clean_version')
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.hardware.dispatch_to_all_managers')
+    def test_get_clean_steps(self, mock_dispatch, mock_version):
+        mock_version.return_value = self.version
+        manager_steps = {
+            'SpecificHardwareManager': [
+                {
+                    'step': 'erase_devices',
+                    'priority': 10,
+                    'interface': 'deploy',
+                    'reboot_requested': False
+                },
+                {
+                    'step': 'upgrade_bios',
+                    'priority': 20,
+                    'interface': 'deploy',
+                    'reboot_requested': True
+                }
+            ],
+            'FirmwareHardwareManager': [
+                {
+                    'step': 'upgrade_firmware',
+                    'priority': 30,
+                    'interface': 'deploy',
+                    'reboot_requested': False
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+        mock_dispatch.return_value = manager_steps
+        expected_return = {
+            'hardware_manager_version': self.version,
+            'clean_steps': manager_steps
+        }
+        async_results = self.agent_extension.get_clean_steps(node=self.node,
+                                                             ports=self.ports)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_return, async_results.join().command_result)
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.hardware.dispatch_to_managers')
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.extensions.clean._check_clean_version')
+    def test_execute_clean_step(self, mock_version, mock_dispatch):
+        result = 'cleaned'
+        mock_dispatch.return_value = result
+        expected_result = {
+            'clean_step': self.step['GenericHardwareManager'][0],
+            'clean_result': result
+        }
+        async_result = self.agent_extension.execute_clean_step(
+            step=self.step['GenericHardwareManager'][0],
+            node=self.node, ports=self.ports,
+            clean_version=self.version)
+        async_result.join()
+        mock_version.assert_called_once_with(self.version)
+        mock_dispatch.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.step['GenericHardwareManager'][0]['step'],
+            self.node, self.ports)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_result, async_result.command_result)
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.extensions.clean._check_clean_version')
+    def test_execute_clean_step_no_step(self, mock_version):
+        async_result = self.agent_extension.execute_clean_step(
+            step={}, node=self.node, ports=self.ports,
+            clean_version=self.version)
+        async_result.join()
+        self.assertEqual('FAILED', async_result.command_status)
+        mock_version.assert_called_once_with(self.version)
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.hardware.dispatch_to_managers')
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.extensions.clean._check_clean_version')
+    def test_execute_clean_step_fail(self, mock_version, mock_dispatch):
+        mock_dispatch.side_effect = RuntimeError
+        async_result = self.agent_extension.execute_clean_step(
+            step=self.step['GenericHardwareManager'][0], node=self.node,
+            ports=self.ports, clean_version=self.version)
+        async_result.join()
+        self.assertEqual('FAILED', async_result.command_status)
+        mock_version.assert_called_once_with(self.version)
+        mock_dispatch.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.step['GenericHardwareManager'][0]['step'],
+            self.node, self.ports)
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.hardware.dispatch_to_managers')
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.extensions.clean._check_clean_version')
+    def test_execute_clean_step_version_mismatch(self, mock_version,
+                                                 mock_dispatch):
+        mock_version.side_effect = errors.CleanVersionMismatch(
+            {'GenericHardwareManager': 1}, {'GenericHardwareManager': 2})
+        async_result = self.agent_extension.execute_clean_step(
+            step=self.step['GenericHardwareManager'][0], node=self.node,
+            ports=self.ports, clean_version=self.version)
+        async_result.join()
+        self.assertEqual('CLEAN_VERSION_MISMATCH', async_result.command_status)
+        mock_version.assert_called_once_with(self.version)
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.hardware.dispatch_to_all_managers')
+    def _get_current_clean_version(self, mock_dispatch):
+        mock_dispatch.return_value = {'SpecificHardwareManager':
+                                      {'name': 'specific', 'version': '1'},
+                                      'GenericHardwareManager':
+                                      {'name': 'generic', 'version': '1'}}
+        self.assertEqual(self.version, clean._get_current_clean_version())
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.hardware.dispatch_to_all_managers')
+    def test__check_clean_version_fail(self, mock_dispatch):
+        mock_dispatch.return_value = {'SpecificHardwareManager':
+                                      {'name': 'specific', 'version': '1'}}
+        self.assertRaises(errors.CleanVersionMismatch,
+                          clean._check_clean_version,
+                          {'not_specific': '1'})
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/tests/extensions/decom.py b/ironic_python_agent/tests/extensions/decom.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 751c58044..000000000
--- a/ironic_python_agent/tests/extensions/decom.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 Rackspace, Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import mock
-from oslotest import base as test_base
-from ironic_python_agent.extensions import decom
-class TestDecomExtension(test_base.BaseTestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestDecomExtension, self).setUp()
-        self.agent_extension = decom.DecomExtension()
-    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.hardware.dispatch_to_managers',
-                autospec=True)
-    def test_erase_devices(self, mocked_dispatch):
-        result = self.agent_extension.erase_hardware()
-        result.join()
-        mocked_dispatch.assert_called_once_with('erase_devices')
-        self.assertTrue('result' in result.command_result.keys())
-        cmd_result_text = 'erase_hardware: finished'
-        self.assertEqual(cmd_result_text, result.command_result['result'])
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 0384fe763..80171b0e3 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ console_scripts =
 ironic_python_agent.extensions =
     standby = ironic_python_agent.extensions.standby:StandbyExtension
-    decom = ironic_python_agent.extensions.decom:DecomExtension
+    clean = ironic_python_agent.extensions.clean:CleanExtension
     flow = ironic_python_agent.extensions.flow:FlowExtension
     iscsi = ironic_python_agent.extensions.iscsi:ISCSIExtension
     image = ironic_python_agent.extensions.image:ImageExtension