diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/agent.py b/ironic_python_agent/agent.py
index 81fca31fa..ff16dadef 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/agent.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/agent.py
@@ -371,6 +371,8 @@ class IronicPythonAgent(base.ExecuteCommandMixin):
         # Get the UUID so we can heartbeat to Ironic. Raises LookupNodeError
         # if there is an issue (uncaught, restart agent)
         self.started_at = _time()
+        # Attempt to sync the software clock
+        utils.sync_clock(ignore_errors=True)
         # Cached hw managers at runtime, not load time. See bug 1490008.
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/config.py b/ironic_python_agent/config.py
index 1b4bd4d1d..a3a43389f 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/config.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/config.py
@@ -219,6 +219,15 @@ cli_opts = [
                     'the bare metal introspection service when the '
                     '``ironic-collect-introspection-data`` program is '
                     'executing in daemon mode.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('ntp_server',
+               default=APARAMS.get('ipa-ntp-server', None),
+               help='Address of a single NTP server against which the '
+                    'agent should sync the hardware clock prior to '
+                    'rebooting to an instance.'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('fail_if_clock_not_set',
+                default=False,
+                help='If operations should fail if the clock time sync '
+                     'fails to complete successfully.'),
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/errors.py b/ironic_python_agent/errors.py
index 244b7bcb7..d263af5f4 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/errors.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/errors.py
@@ -331,3 +331,9 @@ class DeviceNotFound(NotFound):
 # RESTError.
 class InspectionError(Exception):
     """Failure during inspection."""
+class ClockSyncError(RESTError):
+    """Error raised when attempting to sync the system clock."""
+    message = 'Error syncing system clock'
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/extensions/standby.py b/ironic_python_agent/extensions/standby.py
index c2f8b5c0c..03fe35b26 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/extensions/standby.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/extensions/standby.py
@@ -627,6 +627,11 @@ class StandbyExtension(base.BaseAgentExtension):
         :raises: SystemRebootError if the command errors out with an
             unsuccessful exit code.
+        # TODO(TheJulia): When we have deploy/clean steps, we should remove
+        # this upon shutdown. The clock sync deploy step can run before
+        # completing other operations.
+        self._sync_clock(ignore_errors=True)
         if command not in ('reboot', 'poweroff'):
             msg = (('Expected the command "poweroff" or "reboot" '
                     'but received "%s".') % command)
@@ -673,3 +678,28 @@ class StandbyExtension(base.BaseAgentExtension):
             error_msg = 'Flushing file system buffers failed. Error: %s' % e
             raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg)
+    # TODO(TheJulia): Once we have deploy/clean steps, this should
+    # become a step, which we ideally have enabled by default.
+    def _sync_clock(self, ignore_errors=False):
+        """Sync the clock to a configured NTP server.
+        :param ignore_errors: Boolean option to indicate if the
+                              errors should be fatal. This option
+                              does not override the fail_if_clock_not_set
+                              configuration option.
+        :raises: ClockSyncError if a failure is encountered and
+                 errors are not ignored.
+        """
+        try:
+            utils.sync_clock(ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
+            # Sync the system hardware clock from the software clock,
+            # as they are independent and the HW clock can still drift
+            # with long running ramdisks.
+            utils.execute('hwclock', '-v', '--systohc')
+        except (processutils.ProcessExecutionError,
+                errors.CommandExecutionError) as e:
+            msg = 'Failed to sync hardware clock: %s' % e
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            if CONF.fail_if_clock_not_set or not ignore_errors:
+                raise errors.ClockSyncError(msg)
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/tests/unit/extensions/test_standby.py b/ironic_python_agent/tests/unit/extensions/test_standby.py
index 6b888f43a..0e65d9091 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/tests/unit/extensions/test_standby.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/tests/unit/extensions/test_standby.py
@@ -960,12 +960,13 @@ class TestStandbyExtension(base.IronicAgentTest):
     @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.utils.execute', autospec=True)
     def test_run_shutdown_command_valid_poweroff_sysrq(self, execute_mock):
-        execute_mock.side_effect = [('', ''), ('',
+        execute_mock.side_effect = [('', ''), ('', ''), ('',
                                     'Running in chroot, ignoring request.'),
                                     ('', '')]
-        calls = [mock.call('sync'),
+        calls = [mock.call('hwclock', '-v', '--systohc'),
+                 mock.call('sync'),
                  mock.call('poweroff', use_standard_locale=True,
                  mock.call("echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger", shell=True)]
@@ -973,7 +974,7 @@ class TestStandbyExtension(base.IronicAgentTest):
     @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.utils.execute', autospec=True)
     def test_run_shutdown_command_valid_reboot_sysrq(self, execute_mock):
-        execute_mock.side_effect = [('', ''), ('',
+        execute_mock.side_effect = [('', ''), ('', ''), ('',
                                     'Running in chroot, ignoring request.'),
                                     ('', '')]
@@ -1029,6 +1030,37 @@ class TestStandbyExtension(base.IronicAgentTest):
         self.assertEqual('FAILED', failed_result.command_status)
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.utils.determine_time_method',
+                autospec=True)
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.utils.execute', autospec=True)
+    def test_power_off_with_ntp_server(self, execute_mock, mock_timemethod):
+        self.config(fail_if_clock_not_set=False)
+        self.config(ntp_server='')
+        execute_mock.return_value = ('', '')
+        mock_timemethod.return_value = 'ntpdate'
+        success_result = self.agent_extension.power_off()
+        success_result.join()
+        calls = [mock.call('ntpdate', ''),
+                 mock.call('hwclock', '-v', '--systohc'),
+                 mock.call('sync'),
+                 mock.call('poweroff', use_standard_locale=True,
+                           check_exit_code=[0])]
+        execute_mock.assert_has_calls(calls)
+        self.assertEqual('SUCCEEDED', success_result.command_status)
+        self.config(fail_if_clock_not_set=True)
+        execute_mock.reset_mock()
+        execute_mock.return_value = ('', '')
+        execute_mock.side_effect = processutils.ProcessExecutionError
+        failed_result = self.agent_extension.power_off()
+        failed_result.join()
+        execute_mock.assert_any_call('ntpdate', '')
+        self.assertEqual('FAILED', failed_result.command_status)
     @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.utils.execute', autospec=True)
     def test_sync(self, execute_mock):
         result = self.agent_extension.sync()
@@ -1169,6 +1201,33 @@ class TestStandbyExtension(base.IronicAgentTest):
         self.assertEqual(expected_msg, result_msg)
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.utils.determine_time_method',
+                autospec=True)
+    @mock.patch('ironic_python_agent.utils.execute', autospec=True)
+    def test__sync_clock(self, execute_mock, mock_timemethod):
+        self.config(ntp_server='')
+        self.config(fail_if_clock_not_set=True)
+        execute_mock.return_value = ('', '')
+        mock_timemethod.return_value = 'chronyd'
+        self.agent_extension._sync_clock()
+        calls = [mock.call('chronyd', check_exit_code=[0, 1]),
+                 mock.call('chronyc', 'add', 'server', ''),
+                 mock.call('chronyc', 'makestep'),
+                 mock.call('hwclock', '-v', '--systohc')]
+        execute_mock.assert_has_calls(calls)
+        execute_mock.reset_mock()
+        execute_mock.side_effect = [
+            ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''),
+            processutils.ProcessExecutionError('boop')
+        ]
+        self.assertRaises(errors.ClockSyncError,
+                          self.agent_extension._sync_clock)
+        execute_mock.assert_any_call('hwclock', '-v', '--systohc')
 @mock.patch('hashlib.md5', autospec=True)
 @mock.patch('requests.get', autospec=True)
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/tests/unit/test_utils.py b/ironic_python_agent/tests/unit/test_utils.py
index 8eb505efc..eb6eacd3f 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/tests/unit/test_utils.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/tests/unit/test_utils.py
@@ -674,3 +674,108 @@ class TestRemoveKeys(testtools.TestCase):
                     'key': 'value',
                     'other': [{'configdrive': '<...>'}, 'string', 0]}
         self.assertEqual(expected, utils.remove_large_keys(value))
+@mock.patch.object(utils, 'execute', autospec=True)
+class TestClockSyncUtils(ironic_agent_base.IronicAgentTest):
+    def test_determine_time_method_none(self, mock_execute):
+        mock_execute.side_effect = OSError
+        self.assertIsNone(utils.determine_time_method())
+    def test_determine_time_method_ntpdate(self, mock_execute):
+        mock_execute.side_effect = [
+            OSError,  # No chronyd found
+            ('', ''),  # Returns nothing on ntpdate call
+        ]
+        calls = [mock.call('chronyd', '-h'),
+                 mock.call('ntpdate', '-v', check_exit_code=[0, 1])]
+        return_value = utils.determine_time_method()
+        self.assertEqual('ntpdate', return_value)
+        mock_execute.assert_has_calls(calls)
+    def test_determine_time_method_chronyd(self, mock_execute):
+        mock_execute.side_effect = [
+            ('', ''),  # Returns nothing on ntpdate call
+        ]
+        calls = [mock.call('chronyd', '-h')]
+        return_value = utils.determine_time_method()
+        self.assertEqual('chronyd', return_value)
+        mock_execute.assert_has_calls(calls)
+    @mock.patch.object(utils, 'determine_time_method', autospec=True)
+    def test_sync_clock_ntp(self, mock_time_method, mock_execute):
+        self.config(ntp_server='')
+        mock_time_method.return_value = 'ntpdate'
+        utils.sync_clock()
+        mock_execute.assert_has_calls([mock.call('ntpdate', '')])
+    @mock.patch.object(utils, 'determine_time_method', autospec=True)
+    def test_sync_clock_ntp_raises_exception(self, mock_time_method,
+                                             mock_execute):
+        self.config(ntp_server='')
+        self.config(fail_if_clock_not_set=True)
+        mock_time_method.return_value = 'ntpdate'
+        mock_execute.side_effect = processutils.ProcessExecutionError()
+        self.assertRaises(errors.CommandExecutionError, utils.sync_clock)
+    @mock.patch.object(utils, 'determine_time_method', autospec=True)
+    def test_sync_clock_chrony(self, mock_time_method, mock_execute):
+        self.config(ntp_server='')
+        mock_time_method.return_value = 'chronyd'
+        utils.sync_clock()
+        mock_execute.assert_has_calls([
+            mock.call('chronyd', check_exit_code=[0, 1]),
+            mock.call('chronyc', 'add', 'server', ''),
+            mock.call('chronyc', 'makestep'),
+        ])
+    @mock.patch.object(utils, 'determine_time_method', autospec=True)
+    def test_sync_clock_chrony_already_present(self, mock_time_method,
+                                               mock_execute):
+        self.config(ntp_server='')
+        mock_time_method.return_value = 'chronyd'
+        mock_execute.side_effect = [
+            ('', ''),
+            processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
+                stderr='Source already present'),
+            ('', ''),
+        ]
+        utils.sync_clock()
+        mock_execute.assert_has_calls([
+            mock.call('chronyd', check_exit_code=[0, 1]),
+            mock.call('chronyc', 'add', 'server', ''),
+            mock.call('chronyc', 'makestep'),
+        ])
+    @mock.patch.object(utils, 'determine_time_method', autospec=True)
+    def test_sync_clock_chrony_failure(self, mock_time_method, mock_execute):
+        self.config(ntp_server='')
+        self.config(fail_if_clock_not_set=True)
+        mock_time_method.return_value = 'chronyd'
+        mock_execute.side_effect = [
+            ('', ''),
+            processutils.ProcessExecutionError(stderr='time verboten'),
+        ]
+        self.assertRaisesRegex(errors.CommandExecutionError,
+                               'Error occured adding ntp',
+                               utils.sync_clock)
+        mock_execute.assert_has_calls([
+            mock.call('chronyd', check_exit_code=[0, 1]),
+            mock.call('chronyc', 'add', 'server', ''),
+        ])
+    @mock.patch.object(utils, 'determine_time_method', autospec=True)
+    def test_sync_clock_none(self, mock_time_method, mock_execute):
+        self.config(ntp_server='')
+        mock_time_method.return_value = None
+        utils.sync_clock(ignore_errors=True)
+        self.assertEqual(0, mock_execute.call_count)
+    @mock.patch.object(utils, 'determine_time_method', autospec=True)
+    def test_sync_clock_ntp_server_is_none(self, mock_time_method,
+                                           mock_execute):
+        self.config(ntp_server=None)
+        mock_time_method.return_value = None
+        utils.sync_clock()
+        self.assertEqual(0, mock_execute.call_count)
diff --git a/ironic_python_agent/utils.py b/ironic_python_agent/utils.py
index 5f1c0dc2f..ccbc42f77 100644
--- a/ironic_python_agent/utils.py
+++ b/ironic_python_agent/utils.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import time
 from ironic_lib import utils as ironic_utils
 from oslo_concurrency import processutils
+from oslo_config import cfg
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 from oslo_serialization import base64
 from oslo_utils import units
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ from ironic_python_agent import errors
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CONF = cfg.CONF
 # Agent parameters can be passed by kernel command-line arguments and/or
 # by virtual media. Virtual media parameters passed would be available
@@ -486,3 +488,91 @@ def remove_large_keys(var):
         return var.__class__(map(remove_large_keys, var))
         return var
+def determine_time_method():
+    """Helper method to determine what time utility is present.
+    :returns: "ntpdate" if ntpdate has been found, "chrony" if chrony
+              was located, and None if neither are located. If both tools
+              are present, "chrony" will supercede "ntpdate".
+    """
+    try:
+        execute('chronyd', '-h')
+        return 'chronyd'
+    except OSError:
+        LOG.debug('Command \'chronyd\' not found for time sync.')
+    try:
+        execute('ntpdate', '-v', check_exit_code=[0, 1])
+        return 'ntpdate'
+    except OSError:
+        LOG.debug('Command \'ntpdate\' not found for time sync.')
+    return None
+def sync_clock(ignore_errors=False):
+    """Syncs the software clock of the system.
+    This method syncs the system software clock if a NTP server
+    was defined in the "[DEFAULT]ntp_server" configuration
+    parameter. This method does NOT attempt to sync the hardware
+    clock.
+    It will try to use either ntpdate or chrony to sync the software
+    clock of the system. If neither is found, an exception is raised.
+    :param ignore_errors: Boolean value default False that allows for
+                          the method to be called and ultimately not
+                          raise an exception. This may be useful for
+                          opportunistically attempting to sync the
+                          system software clock.
+    :raises: CommandExecutionError if an error is encountered while
+             attempting to sync the software clock.
+    """
+    if not CONF.ntp_server:
+        return
+    method = determine_time_method()
+    if method == 'ntpdate':
+        try:
+            execute('ntpdate', CONF.ntp_server)
+            LOG.debug('Set software clock using ntpdate')
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
+            msg = ('Failed to sync with ntp server: '
+                   '%s: %s' % (CONF.ntp_server, e))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            if CONF.fail_if_clock_not_set or not ignore_errors:
+                raise errors.CommandExecutionError(msg)
+    elif method == 'chronyd':
+        try:
+            # 0 should be if chronyd started
+            # 1 if already running
+            execute('chronyd', check_exit_code=[0, 1])
+            # NOTE(TheJulia): Once started, chronyd forks and stays in the
+            # background as a server service, it will continue to keep the
+            # clock in sync.
+            try:
+                execute('chronyc', 'add', 'server', CONF.ntp_server)
+            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
+                if 'Source already present' not in str(e):
+                    msg = 'Error occured adding ntp server: %s' % e
+                    LOG.error(msg)
+                    raise errors.CommandExecutionError(msg)
+            # Force the clock to sync now.
+            execute('chronyc', 'makestep')
+            LOG.debug('Set software clock using chrony')
+        except (processutils.ProcessExecutionError,
+                errors.CommandExecutionError) as e:
+            msg = ('Failed to sync time using chrony to ntp server: '
+                   '%s: %s' % (CONF.ntp_server, e))
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            if CONF.fail_if_clock_not_set or not ignore_errors:
+                raise errors.CommandExecutionError(msg)
+    else:
+        msg = ('Unable to sync clock, available methods of '
+               '\'ntpdate\' or \'chrony\' not found.')
+        LOG.error(msg)
+        if CONF.fail_if_clock_not_set or not ignore_errors:
+            raise errors.CommandExecutionError(msg)
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/set-clock-prior-to-poweroff-af6ec210aad8b45a.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/set-clock-prior-to-poweroff-af6ec210aad8b45a.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae327d778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/set-clock-prior-to-poweroff-af6ec210aad8b45a.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  - |
+    Adds a feature where IPA will utilize a ``[DEFAULT]ntp_server`` or
+    ``ipa-ntp-server`` kernel command line argument to cause the agent
+    to attempt to sync the clock to the NTP source. The agent also attempts
+    to sync the software clock to the NTP time source, and assert an update
+    to the hardware clock prior to powering the machine off.