""" Copyright 2013 Rackspace, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import hashlib import os import requests import structlog import subprocess import time from teeth_agent import base from teeth_agent import configdrive from teeth_agent import errors from teeth_agent import hardware log = structlog.get_logger() def _configdrive_location(): return '/tmp/configdrive' def _image_location(image_info): return '/tmp/{}'.format(image_info['id']) def _path_to_script(script): cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) return os.path.join(cwd, script) def _write_image(image_info, configdrive_dir, device): starttime = time.time() image = _image_location(image_info) script = _path_to_script('shell/makefs.sh') command = ['/bin/bash', script, configdrive_dir, image, device] log.info('Writing image', command=' '.join(command)) exit_code = subprocess.call(command) if exit_code != 0: raise errors.ImageWriteError(exit_code, device) totaltime = int(time.time() - starttime) log.info('Image written', device=device, seconds=totaltime, image=image) def _request_url(image_info, url): resp = requests.get(url, stream=True) if resp.status_code != 200: raise errors.ImageDownloadError(image_info['id']) return resp def _download_image(image_info): starttime = time.time() resp = None for url in image_info['urls']: try: log.info("Attempting to download image", url=url) resp = _request_url(image_info, url) except errors.ImageDownloadError: failtime = time.time() - starttime log.warning("Image download failed", url=url, seconds=failtime) continue else: break if resp is None: raise errors.ImageDownloadError(image_info['id']) image_location = _image_location(image_info) with open(image_location, 'wb') as f: try: for chunk in resp.iter_content(1024 * 1024): f.write(chunk) except Exception: raise errors.ImageDownloadError(image_info['id']) totaltime = int(time.time() - starttime) log.info("Image downloaded", image=image_location, seconds=totaltime) if not _verify_image(image_info, image_location): raise errors.ImageChecksumError(image_info['id']) def _verify_image(image_info, image_location): hashes = image_info['hashes'] for k, v in hashes.iteritems(): algo = getattr(hashlib, k, None) if algo is None: continue log.debug('Verifying image', image=image_location, algo=k, passed_hash=v) hash_ = algo(open(image_location).read()).hexdigest() if hash_ == v: return True else: log.warning('Image verification failed', image=image_location, algo=k, imagehash=hash_, passed_hash=v) return False def _run_image(): script = _path_to_script('shell/reboot.sh') log.info("Rebooting system") command = ['/bin/bash', script] # this should never return if successful exit_code = subprocess.call(command) if exit_code != 0: raise errors.SystemRebootError(exit_code) class CacheImagesCommand(base.AsyncCommandResult): def execute(self): # TODO(russellhaering): Actually cache images pass class PrepareImageCommand(base.AsyncCommandResult): """Downloads and writes an image and configdrive to a device.""" def execute(self): image_info = self.command_params['image_info'] location = _configdrive_location() metadata = self.command_params['metadata'] files = self.command_params['files'] device = hardware.get_manager().get_os_install_device() _download_image(image_info) log.debug('Writing configdrive', location=location) configdrive.write_configdrive(location, metadata, files) _write_image(image_info, location, device) class RunImageCommand(base.AsyncCommandResult): def execute(self): _run_image() class StandbyMode(base.BaseAgentMode): def __init__(self): super(StandbyMode, self).__init__('STANDBY') self.command_map['cache_images'] = self.cache_images self.command_map['prepare_image'] = self.prepare_image self.command_map['run_image'] = self.run_image def _validate_image_info(self, image_info): for field in ['id', 'urls', 'hashes']: if field not in image_info: msg = 'Image is missing \'{}\' field.'.format(field) raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError(msg) if type(image_info['urls']) != list or not image_info['urls']: raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( 'Image \'urls\' must be a list with at least one element.') if type(image_info['hashes']) != dict or not image_info['hashes']: raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( 'Image \'hashes\' must be a dictionary with at least one ' 'element.') def cache_images(self, command_name, image_infos): if type(image_infos) != list: raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( '\'image_infos\' parameter must be a list.') for image_info in image_infos: self._validate_image_info(image_info) return CacheImagesCommand(command_name, image_infos).start() def prepare_image(self, command_name, **command_params): self._validate_image_info(command_params['image_info']) return PrepareImageCommand(command_name, command_params).start() def run_image(self, command_name, image_info): self._validate_image_info(image_info) return RunImageCommand(command_name, image_info).start()