# Copyright 2022 Nvidia # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re import shutil import tempfile from urllib import error as urlError from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib import request from ironic_lib.common.i18n import _ from ironic_lib.exception import IronicException from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import fileutils from ironic_python_agent import utils FW_VERSION_REGEX = r'FW Version:\s*\t*(?P<fw_ver>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)' RUNNING_FW_VERSION_REGEX = \ r'FW Version\(Running\):\s*\t*(?P<fw_ver>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)' ARRAY_PARAM_REGEX = r'(?P<param_name>\w+)\[((?P<index>\d+)|' \ r'((?P<first_index>\d+)\.\.(?P<last_index>\d+)))\]' ARRAY_PARAM_VALUE_REGEX = r'Array\[(?P<first_index>\d+)' \ r'\.\.(?P<last_index>\d+)\]' PSID_REGEX = r'PSID:\s*\t*(?P<psid>\w+)' NETWORK_DEVICE_REGEX = r'02\d\d' LOG = log.getLogger() """ Example of Nvidia NIC Firmware images list: [ { "url": "file:///firmware_images/fw1.bin", "checksum": "a94e683ea16d9ae44768f0a65942234d", "checksumType": "md5", "componentFlavor": "MT_0000000540", "version": "24.34.1002" }, { "url": "", "checksum": "a94e683ea16d9ae44768f0a65942234c", "checksumType": "sha512", "componentFlavor": "MT_0000000652", "version": "24.34.1002" } ] Example of Nvidia NIC Firmware settings list: [ { "deviceID": "1017", "globalConfig": { "NUM_OF_VFS": 127, "SRIOV_EN": True }, "function0Config": { "PF_TOTAL_SF": 500 }, "function1Config": { "PF_TOTAL_SF": 600 } }, { "deviceID": "101B", "globalConfig": { "NUM_OF_VFS": 127, "SRIOV_EN": True }, "function0Config": { "PF_TOTAL_SF": 500 }, "function1Config": { "PF_TOTAL_SF": 600 } } ] """ def check_prereq(): """Check that all needed tools are available in the system. :returns: None :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ try: # check for mstflint utils.execute('mstflint', '-v') # check for mstconfig utils.execute('mstconfig', '-v') # check for mstfwreset utils.execute('mstfwreset', '-v') # check for lspci utils.execute('lspci', '--version') except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('Failed Prerequisite check. %s', e) raise e class InvalidFirmwareImageConfig(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Invalid firmware image config: %(error_msg)s') class InvalidFirmwareSettingsConfig(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Invalid firmware settings config: %(error_msg)s') class MismatchChecksumError(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Mismatch Checksum for the firmware image: %(error_msg)s') class MismatchComponentFlavor(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Mismatch Component Flavor: %(error_msg)s') class MismatchFWVersion(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Mismatch Firmware version: %(error_msg)s') class DuplicateComponentFlavor(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Duplicate Component Flavor for the firmware image: ' '%(error_msg)s') class DuplicateDeviceID(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Duplicate Device ID for firmware settings: ' '%(error_msg)s') class UnSupportedConfigByMstflintPackage(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Unsupported config by mstflint package: %(error_msg)s') class UnSupportedConfigByFW(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Unsupported config by Firmware: %(error_msg)s') class InvalidURLScheme(IronicException): _msg_fmt = _('Invalid URL Scheme: %(error_msg)s') class NvidiaNicFirmwareOps(object): """Perform various Firmware related operations on nic device""" def __init__(self, dev): self.dev = dev self.dev_info = {} def parse_mstflint_query_output(out): """Parse Mstflint query output For now just extract 'FW Version' and 'PSID' :param out: string, mstflint query output :returns: dict of query attributes """ query_info = {} for line in out.split('\n'): line = line.strip() fw_ver = re.match(FW_VERSION_REGEX, line) running_fw_ver = re.match(RUNNING_FW_VERSION_REGEX, line) psid = re.match(PSID_REGEX, line) if fw_ver is not None: query_info['fw_ver'] = fw_ver.group('fw_ver') if running_fw_ver is not None: query_info['running_fw_ver'] = running_fw_ver.group('fw_ver') if psid is not None: query_info['psid'] = psid.group('psid') return query_info def _query_device(self, force=False): """Get firmware information from nvidia nic device :param force: bool, force device query, even if query was executed in previous calls. :returns: dict of firmware image attributes :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ if not force and self.dev_info.get('device', '') == self.dev: return self.dev_info try: cmd = ('mstflint', '-d', self.dev, '-qq', 'query') out, _r = utils.execute(*cmd) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('Failed to query firmware of device %s: %s', self.dev, e) raise e self.dev_info = NvidiaNicFirmwareOps.parse_mstflint_query_output(out) self.dev_info['device'] = self.dev return self.dev_info def get_nic_psid(self): """Get the psid of nvidia nic device :returns: string, the psid of the nic device """ return self._query_device().get('psid') def is_image_changed(self): """Check if image changed and nic device requires firmware reset before applying any configurations on the device. Currently the reset happens if image was changed :returns: bool, True if image changed """ self._query_device(force=True) is_image_changed = 'running_fw_ver' in self.dev_info and \ self.dev_info['running_fw_ver'] != \ self.dev_info['fw_ver'] return is_image_changed def _need_update(self, fw_version): """Check if nic device requires firmware update :param fw_version: string, the firmware version of image :returns: bool, True if update is needed """ self._query_device(force=True) LOG.info('Device firmware version: %s , Image firmware version: %s', self.dev_info['fw_ver'], fw_version) return self.dev_info['fw_ver'] != fw_version def _burn_firmware(self, image_path): """Burn firmware on device :param image_path: string, firmware binary file path :returns: None :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ LOG.info('Updating firmware image (%s) for device: %s', image_path, self.dev) try: cmd = ('mstflint', '-d', self.dev, '-i', image_path, '-y', 'burn') utils.execute(*cmd) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('Failed to update firmware image for device %s, %s', self.dev, e) raise e LOG.info('Device %s: firmware image successfully updated.', self.dev) def reset_device(self, raise_exception=False): """Reset nvidia nic to load the new firmware image :returns: None :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ LOG.info('Device %s: Performing firmware reset.', self.dev) cmd = ('mstfwreset', '-d', self.dev, '-y', '--sync', '1', 'reset') try: utils.execute(*cmd) LOG.info('Device %s: Firmware successfully reset.', self.dev) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('Failed to reset device %s %s', self.dev, e) if raise_exception: raise e def fw_update_if_needed(self, version, image_path): """Update firmware if the current version not equal image version :param version: string, the firmware version of image :param image_path: string, the firmware image path :returns: None """ if self._need_update(version): if 'running_fw_ver' in self.dev_info: self.reset_device(raise_exception=True) self._burn_firmware(image_path) else: LOG.info('Firmware update is not required for Device.') class NvidiaNic(object): """A class of nvidia nic contains pci, device ID, device PSID and an instance of NvidiaNicFirmwareOps """ def __init__(self, dev_pci, dev_id, dev_psid, dev_ops): self.dev_pci = dev_pci self.dev_id = dev_id self.dev_psid = dev_psid self.dev_ops = dev_ops class NvidiaNics(object): """Discover and retrieve Nvidia Nics on the system. Can be used as an iterator once discover has been called. """ def __init__(self): self._devs = [] self._devs_psids = [] self._dev_ids = [] def discover(self): """Discover Nvidia Nics in the system. :returns: None :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ if len(self._devs) > 0: return self._devs devs = [] cmd = ('lspci', '-Dn', '-d', '15b3:') try: out, _r = utils.execute(*cmd) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('Exception occurred while discovering Nvidia Nics %s', e) raise e for line in out.strip().split('\n'): if not line: continue dev_class = line.split()[1].split(':')[0] if not re.match(NETWORK_DEVICE_REGEX, dev_class): continue dev_pci = line.split()[0] dev_id = line.split('15b3:')[1].split()[0] dev_ops = NvidiaNicFirmwareOps(dev_pci) dev_psid = dev_ops.get_nic_psid() self._dev_ids.append(dev_id) self._devs_psids.append(dev_psid) devs.append(NvidiaNic(dev_pci, dev_id, dev_psid, dev_ops)) self._devs = devs def get_psids_list(self): """Get a list of PSIDs of Nvidia Nics in the system. :returns: list of PSIDs of Nvidia Nics in the system """ return set(self._devs_psids) def get_ids_list(self): """Get a list of IDs of Nvidia Nics in the system. :returns: list of IDs of Nvidia Nics in the system """ return set(self._dev_ids) def __iter__(self): return self._devs.__iter__() class NvidiaNicFirmwareBinary(object): """A class of nvidia nic firmware binary which manages the binary firmware image, downloads it, validates it and provides its path on the system """ def __init__(self, url, checksum, checksum_type, component_flavor, version): self.url = url self.checksum = checksum self.checksum_type = checksum_type self.psid = component_flavor self.version = version self.image_info = {} self._process_url() self._validate_image_psid() self._validate_image_firmware_version() self._validate_image_checksum() def __del__(self): self._cleanup_file() def _cleanup_file(self): """Delete the temporary downloaded firmware image if exist in cleanup :returns: None """ if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.dest_file_path)): try: shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(self.dest_file_path)) except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to remove temporary directory for FW ' 'binary: %s', e) def _download_file_based_fw(self): """Download the firmware image file from the provided file url (move) :returns: None :raises: Exception """ src_file = self.parsed_url.path try: LOG.info('Moving file: %s to %s', self.url, self.dest_file_path) shutil.move(src_file, self.dest_file_path) except Exception as e: LOG.error('Failed to move file: %s, %s', src_file, e) raise e def _download_http_based_fw(self): """Download the firmware image file from the provided url :returns: None :raises: urlError.HTTPError """ try: LOG.info('Downloading file: %s to %s', self.url, self.dest_file_path) url_data = request.urlopen(self.url) except urlError.URLError as url_error: LOG.error('Failed to open URL data: %s', url_error) raise url_error except urlError.HTTPError as http_error: LOG.error('Failed to download data: %s', http_error) raise http_error with open(self.dest_file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(url_data.read()) def _process_url(self): """Process the firmware url and download the image to a temporary destination in the system. The supported firmware URL schemes are (file://, http://) :returns: None :raises: InvalidURLScheme, for unsupported firmware url """ parsed_url = urlparse(self.url) self.parsed_url = parsed_url file_name = os.path.basename(str(parsed_url.path)) self.dest_file_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix='nvidia_firmware'), file_name) url_scheme = parsed_url.scheme if url_scheme == 'file': self._download_file_based_fw() elif url_scheme == 'http': self._download_http_based_fw() else: err = 'Firmware URL scheme %s is not supported.' \ 'The supported firmware URL schemes are' \ '(http://, file://)' % url_scheme raise InvalidURLScheme(error_msg=_(err)) def _get_info(self): """Get firmware information from firmware binary image Caller should wrap this call under try catch to skip non compliant firmware binaries. :returns: dict of firmware image attributes :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ if self.image_info: return self.image_info try: cmd = ('mstflint', '-i', self.dest_file_path, 'query') out, _r = utils.execute(*cmd) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('Failed to query firmware image %s, %s', self.dest_file_path, e) raise e self.image_info = NvidiaNicFirmwareOps.parse_mstflint_query_output( out) return self.image_info def _validate_image_psid(self): """Validate that the provided PSID same as the PSID in provided firmware image :raises: MismatchComponentFlavor if they are not equal """ image_psid = self._get_info().get('psid') if image_psid != self.psid: err = 'The provided psid %s does not match the image psid %s' % \ (self.psid, image_psid) LOG.error(err) raise MismatchComponentFlavor(error_msg=_(err)) def _validate_image_firmware_version(self): """Validate that the provided firmware version same as the version in provided firmware image :raises: MismatchFWVersion if they are not equal """ image_version = self._get_info().get('fw_ver') if image_version != self.version: err = 'The provided firmware version %s does not match ' \ 'image firmware version %s' % (self.version, image_version) LOG.error(err) raise MismatchFWVersion(error_msg=_(err)) def _validate_image_checksum(self): """Validate the provided checksum with the calculated one of the provided firmware image :raises: MismatchChecksumError if they are not equal """ calculated_checksum = fileutils.compute_file_checksum( self.dest_file_path, algorithm=self.checksum_type) if self.checksum != calculated_checksum: err = 'Mismatch provided checksum %s for image %s' % ( self.checksum, self.url) LOG.error(err) raise MismatchChecksumError(error_msg=_(err)) class NvidiaFirmwareImages(object): """A class of nvidia firmware images which manages the user provided firmware images list """ def __init__(self, firmware_images): self.firmware_images = firmware_images self.filtered_images_psid_dict = {} def validate_images_schema(self): """Validate the provided firmware images list schema :raises: InvalidFirmwareImageConfig if any param is missing """ for image in self.firmware_images: if not (image.get('url') and image.get('checksum') and image.get('checksumType') and image.get('componentFlavor') and image.get('version')): err = 'Invalid parameters for image %s,' \ 'please provide the following parameters ' \ 'url, checksum, checksumType, componentFlavor, ' \ 'version' % image LOG.error(err) raise InvalidFirmwareImageConfig(error_msg=_(err)) def filter_images(self, psids_list): """Filter firmware images according to the system nics PSIDs, and create a map of PSIDs on the system and user provided images. Duplicate PSID is not allowed :param psids_list: list of psids of machines nics :returns: None :raises: DuplicateComponentFlavor """ for image in self.firmware_images: if image.get('componentFlavor') in psids_list: if self.filtered_images_psid_dict.get( image.get('componentFlavor')): err = 'Duplicate componentFlavor %s' % \ image['componentFlavor'] LOG.error(err) raise DuplicateComponentFlavor(error_msg=_(err)) else: self.filtered_images_psid_dict[ image.get('componentFlavor')] = image else: LOG.debug('Image with component Flavor %s does not match ' 'any nic in the system', image.get('componentFlavor')) def apply_net_firmware_update(self, nvidia_nics): """Apply nic firmware update for all nvidia nics on the system which have mappings to the user provided firmware images :param nvidia_nics: an object of NvidiaNics """ seen_nics = set() for nic in nvidia_nics: if self.filtered_images_psid_dict.get(nic.dev_psid): # pci_prefix is the pci address without the function number # we use it to check if we saw the nic before or not pci_prefix = nic.dev_pci[:-1] is_seen_nic = pci_prefix in seen_nics if not is_seen_nic: seen_nics.add(pci_prefix) fw_bin = NvidiaNicFirmwareBinary( self.filtered_images_psid_dict[nic.dev_psid]['url'], self.filtered_images_psid_dict[nic.dev_psid][ 'checksum'], self.filtered_images_psid_dict[nic.dev_psid][ 'checksumType'], self.filtered_images_psid_dict[nic.dev_psid][ 'componentFlavor'], self.filtered_images_psid_dict[nic.dev_psid][ 'version']) nic.dev_ops.fw_update_if_needed( self.filtered_images_psid_dict[nic.dev_psid][ 'version'], fw_bin.dest_file_path) class NvidiaNicConfig(object): """Get/Set Nvidia nics configurations""" def __init__(self, nvidia_dev, params): self.nvidia_dev = nvidia_dev self.params = params self._tool_confs = None self.device_conf_dict = {} def _mstconfig_parse_data(self, data): """Parsing the mstconfig out to json :param data: mstconfig query output :returns: dict of nic configuration """ data = list(filter(None, data.split('\n'))) data_dict = {} lines_counter = 0 for line in data: lines_counter += 1 if 'Configurations:' in line: break for i in range(lines_counter, len(data)): line_data = list(filter(None, data[i].strip().split())) data_dict[line_data[0]] = line_data[1] return data_dict def _get_device_conf_dict(self): """Get device Configurations :returns: dict {"PARAM_NAME": "Param value", ....} :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ LOG.info('Getting configurations for device: %s', self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci) if not self.device_conf_dict: try: cmd = ['mstconfig', '-d', self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci, 'q'] out, _r = utils.execute(*cmd) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('Failed to query firmware of device %s: %s', self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci, e) raise e self.device_conf_dict = self._mstconfig_parse_data(out) return self.device_conf_dict def _param_supp_by_config_tool(self, param_name): """Check if configuration tool supports the provided configuration parameter. :param param_name: string, configuration name :returns: bool :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ if self._tool_confs is None: try: self._tool_confs, _r = utils.execute( 'mstconfig', '-d', self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci, 'i') except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('Failed to query tool configuration of device' ' %s: %s', self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci, e) raise e # trim any array index if present indexed_param = re.match(ARRAY_PARAM_REGEX, param_name) if indexed_param: param_name = indexed_param.group('param_name') return param_name in self._tool_confs def _param_supp_by_fw(self, param_name): """Check if fw image supports the provided configuration parameter. :param param_name: string, configuration name :returns: bool :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ current_mlx_config = self._get_device_conf_dict() indexed_param = re.match(ARRAY_PARAM_REGEX, param_name) if indexed_param: param_name = indexed_param.group('param_name') if param_name not in current_mlx_config: return False indexed_value = re.match(ARRAY_PARAM_VALUE_REGEX, current_mlx_config[param_name]) if not (indexed_value): return False value_first_index = int(indexed_value.group('first_index')) value_last_index = int(indexed_value.group('last_index')) param_index = indexed_param.group('index') if param_index: if int(param_index) in range(value_first_index, value_last_index): return True else: param_first_index = int(indexed_param.group('first_index')) param_last_index = int(indexed_param.group('last_index')) if param_first_index in range( value_first_index, value_last_index) \ and param_last_index in range(value_first_index, value_last_index) \ and param_first_index < param_last_index: return True return False else: return param_name in current_mlx_config def validate_config(self): """Validate that the firmware settings is supported by mstflint package and with current firmware image :returns: None :raises: UnSupportedConfigByMstflintPackage :raises: UnSupportedConfigByFW """ LOG.info('Validating config for device %s', self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci) for key, value in self.params.items(): if not self._param_supp_by_config_tool(key): err = 'Configuraiton: %s is not supported by mstconfig, ' \ 'please update to the latest mstflint package.' % key LOG.error(err) raise UnSupportedConfigByMstflintPackage(error_msg=_(err)) if not self._param_supp_by_fw(key): err = 'Configuraiton %s for device %s is not supported with ' \ 'current fw' % (key, self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci) LOG.error(err) raise UnSupportedConfigByFW(error_msg=_(err)) def set_config(self): """Set device configurations :param conf_dict: a dict of: {'PARAM_NAME': 'Param value to set', ...} :returns: None :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError """ LOG.info('Setting config for device %s', self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci) current_mlx_config = self._get_device_conf_dict() params_to_set = [] for key, value in self.params.items(): if re.match(ARRAY_PARAM_REGEX, key): params_to_set.append('%s=%s' % (key, value)) else: try: # Handle integer values if int(value) != int(current_mlx_config.get(key)): # Aggregate all configurations required to be modified params_to_set.append('%s=%s' % (key, value)) else: LOG.info('value of %s for device %s is already ' 'configured as %s no need to update it', key, self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci, value) except ValueError: # Handle other values # E.G: # SRIOV_EN False(0) # LINK_TYPE_P1 ETH(2) if str(value).lower() not in \ str(current_mlx_config.get(key)).lower(): # Aggregate all configurations required to be modified params_to_set.append('%s=%s' % (key, value)) else: LOG.info('value of %s for device %s is already ' 'configured as %s, no need to update it', key, self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci, value) if len(params_to_set) > 0: try: cmd = ['mstconfig', '-d', self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci, '-y', 'set'] cmd.extend(params_to_set) LOG.info('Setting configurations for device: %s', ) utils.execute(*cmd) LOG.info('Set device configurations: Setting %s ' 'done successfully', ' '.join(params_to_set)) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.error('Failed to set configuration of device %s, ' ' %s: %s', self.nvidia_dev.dev_pci, params_to_set, e) raise e else: LOG.info('Set device configurations: No operation required') class NvidiaNicsConfig(object): """A class of nvidia nics config which manages the user provided nics firmware settings """ def __init__(self, nvidia_nics, settings): self.settings = settings self.nvidia_nics = nvidia_nics self.settings_map = {} self._nvidia_nics_to_be_reset_list = [] self._nvidia_nics_config_list = [] def create_settings_map(self): """Filter the user provided nics firmware settings according to the system nics IDs, and create a map of IDs on the system and user provided nics firmware settings. Duplicate IDs and settings without IDs are not allowed :returns: None :raises: DuplicateDeviceID :raises: InvalidFirmwareSettingsConfig """ ids_list = self.nvidia_nics.get_ids_list() for setting in self.settings: if (setting.get('deviceID') and setting.get('deviceID') in ids_list and not self.settings_map.get(setting.get('deviceID'))): self.settings_map[setting.get('deviceID')] = setting elif setting.get('deviceID') and setting.get('deviceID') in \ ids_list: err = 'duplicate settings for device ID %s ' % \ setting.get('deviceID') LOG.error(err) raise DuplicateDeviceID(error_msg=_(err)) elif setting.get('deviceID'): LOG.debug('There are no devices with ID %s on the system', setting.get('deviceID')) else: err = 'There is no deviceID provided for this settings' LOG.error(err) raise InvalidFirmwareSettingsConfig(error_msg=_(err)) def prepare_nvidia_nic_config(self): """Expand the settings map per devices PCI and create a list of all NvidiaNicConfig per PCI of nvidia nics on the system. Also create a list of all devices that require firmware reset :returns: None """ seen_nics = set() for nic in self.nvidia_nics: if self.settings_map.get(nic.dev_id): params = {} prefix = nic.dev_pci[:-1] is_seen_nic = prefix in seen_nics if not is_seen_nic: seen_nics.add(prefix) if self.settings_map[nic.dev_id].get('globalConfig'): params.update(self.settings_map[nic.dev_id].get( 'globalConfig')) if nic.dev_ops.is_image_changed(): self._nvidia_nics_to_be_reset_list.append(nic) is_first_device = nic.dev_pci[-1] == '0' if is_first_device and self.settings_map[nic.dev_id].get( 'function0Config'): params.update(self.settings_map[nic.dev_id].get( 'function0Config')) elif not is_first_device and self.settings_map[nic.dev_id].get( 'function1Config'): params.update(self.settings_map[nic.dev_id].get( 'function1Config')) if params: device_config = NvidiaNicConfig(nic, params) self._nvidia_nics_config_list.append(device_config) def reset_nvidia_nics(self): """Reset firmware image for all nics in _nvidia_nics_to_be_reset_list :returns: None """ for nvidia_nic in self._nvidia_nics_to_be_reset_list: nvidia_nic.dev_ops.reset_device() def validate_settings_config(self): """Validate firmware settings for all nics in _nvidia_nics_config_list :returns: None """ for nvidia_nic_config in self._nvidia_nics_config_list: nvidia_nic_config.validate_config() def set_settings_config(self): """Set firmware settings for all nics in _nvidia_nics_config_list :returns: None """ for nvidia_nic_config in self._nvidia_nics_config_list: nvidia_nic_config.set_config() def is_not_empty_reset_list(self): """Check if _nvidia_nics_to_be_reset_list is empty or not :returns: bool, True if the list is not empty """ return bool(len(self._nvidia_nics_to_be_reset_list)) def update_nvidia_nic_firmware_image(images): """Update nvidia nic firmware image from user provided list images :param images: list of images :raises: InvalidFirmwareImageConfig """ if not type(images) is list: err = 'The images must be a list of images, %s' % images raise InvalidFirmwareImageConfig(error_msg=_(err)) check_prereq() nvidia_fw_images = NvidiaFirmwareImages(images) nvidia_fw_images.validate_images_schema() nvidia_nics = NvidiaNics() nvidia_nics.discover() nvidia_fw_images.filter_images(nvidia_nics.get_psids_list()) nvidia_fw_images.apply_net_firmware_update(nvidia_nics) def update_nvidia_nic_firmware_settings(settings): """Update nvidia nic firmware settings from user provided list of settings :param settings: list of settings :raises: InvalidFirmwareSettingsConfig """ if not type(settings) is list: err = 'The settings must be list of settings, %s' % settings raise InvalidFirmwareSettingsConfig(error_msg=_(err)) check_prereq() nvidia_nics = NvidiaNics() nvidia_nics.discover() nvidia_nics_config = NvidiaNicsConfig(nvidia_nics, settings) nvidia_nics_config.create_settings_map() nvidia_nics_config.prepare_nvidia_nic_config() if nvidia_nics_config.is_not_empty_reset_list(): nvidia_nics_config.reset_nvidia_nics() nvidia_nics_config.validate_settings_config() nvidia_nics_config.set_settings_config()