# Copyright 2013 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import errno import glob import io import os import shutil import subprocess import tarfile import tempfile import time from ironic_lib import utils as ironic_utils from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import base64 from oslo_utils import units from six.moves.urllib import parse from ironic_python_agent import errors LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Agent parameters can be passed by kernel command-line arguments and/or # by virtual media. Virtual media parameters passed would be available # when the agent is started, but might not be available for re-reading # later on because: # * Virtual media might be exposed from Swift and swift temp url might # expire. # * Ironic might have removed the floppy image from Swift after starting # the deploy. # # Even if it's available, there is no need to re-read from the device and # /proc/cmdline again, because it is never going to change. So we cache the # agent parameters that was passed (by proc/cmdline and/or virtual media) # when we read it for the first time, and then use this cache. AGENT_PARAMS_CACHED = dict() COLLECT_LOGS_COMMANDS = { 'ps': ['ps', 'au'], 'df': ['df', '-a'], 'iptables': ['iptables', '-L'], 'ip_addr': ['ip', 'addr'], } def execute(*cmd, **kwargs): """Convenience wrapper around ironic_lib's execute() method. Executes and logs results from a system command. """ return ironic_utils.execute(*cmd, **kwargs) def try_execute(*cmd, **kwargs): """The same as execute but returns None on error. Executes and logs results from a system command. See docs for oslo_concurrency.processutils.execute for usage. Instead of raising an exception on failure, this method simply returns None in case of failure. :param *cmd: positional arguments to pass to processutils.execute() :param log_stdout: keyword-only argument: whether to log the output :param **kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to processutils.execute() :raises: UnknownArgumentError on receiving unknown arguments :returns: tuple of (stdout, stderr) or None in some error cases """ try: return execute(*cmd, **kwargs) except (processutils.ProcessExecutionError, OSError) as e: LOG.debug('Command failed: %s', e) def _read_params_from_file(filepath): """Extract key=value pairs from a file. :param filepath: path to a file containing key=value pairs separated by whitespace or newlines. :returns: a dictionary representing the content of the file """ with open(filepath) as f: cmdline = f.read() options = cmdline.split() params = {} for option in options: if '=' not in option: continue k, v = option.split('=', 1) params[k] = v return params def _get_vmedia_device(): """Finds the device filename of the virtual media device using sysfs. :returns: a string containing the filename of the virtual media device """ sysfs_device_models = glob.glob("/sys/class/block/*/device/model") vmedia_device_model = "virtual media" for model_file in sysfs_device_models: try: with open(model_file) as model_file_fobj: if vmedia_device_model in model_file_fobj.read().lower(): vmedia_device = model_file.split('/')[4] return vmedia_device except Exception: pass def _get_vmedia_params(): """This method returns the parameters passed through virtual media floppy. :returns: a partial dict of potential agent configuration parameters :raises: VirtualMediaBootError when it cannot find the virtual media device """ parameters_file = "parameters.txt" vmedia_device_file_lower_case = "/dev/disk/by-label/ir-vfd-dev" vmedia_device_file_upper_case = "/dev/disk/by-label/IR-VFD-DEV" if os.path.exists(vmedia_device_file_lower_case): vmedia_device_file = vmedia_device_file_lower_case elif os.path.exists(vmedia_device_file_upper_case): vmedia_device_file = vmedia_device_file_upper_case else: # TODO(rameshg87): This block of code is there only for compatibility # reasons (so that newer agent can work with older Ironic). Remove # this after Liberty release. vmedia_device = _get_vmedia_device() if not vmedia_device: msg = "Unable to find virtual media device" raise errors.VirtualMediaBootError(msg) vmedia_device_file = os.path.join("/dev", vmedia_device) vmedia_mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: try: stdout, stderr = execute("mount", vmedia_device_file, vmedia_mount_point) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: msg = ("Unable to mount virtual media device %(device)s: " "%(error)s" % {'device': vmedia_device_file, 'error': e}) raise errors.VirtualMediaBootError(msg) parameters_file_path = os.path.join(vmedia_mount_point, parameters_file) params = _read_params_from_file(parameters_file_path) try: stdout, stderr = execute("umount", vmedia_mount_point) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: pass finally: try: shutil.rmtree(vmedia_mount_point) except Exception as e: pass return params def _get_cached_params(): """Helper method to get cached params to ease unit testing.""" return AGENT_PARAMS_CACHED def _set_cached_params(params): """Helper method to set cached params to ease unit testing.""" global AGENT_PARAMS_CACHED AGENT_PARAMS_CACHED = params def get_agent_params(): """Gets parameters passed to the agent via kernel cmdline or vmedia. Parameters can be passed using either the kernel commandline or through virtual media. If boot_method is vmedia, merge params provided via vmedia with those read from the kernel command line. Although it should never happen, if a variable is both set by vmedia and kernel command line, the setting in vmedia will take precedence. :returns: a dict of potential configuration parameters for the agent """ # Check if we have the parameters cached params = _get_cached_params() if not params: params = _read_params_from_file('/proc/cmdline') # If the node booted over virtual media, the parameters are passed # in a text file within the virtual media floppy. if params.get('boot_method') == 'vmedia': vmedia_params = _get_vmedia_params() params.update(vmedia_params) # Cache the parameters so that it can be used later on. _set_cached_params(params) # Check to see if any deprecated parameters have been used deprecated_params = {'lldp-timeout': 'ipa-lldp-timeout'} for old_param, new_param in deprecated_params.items(): if params.get(old_param) is not None: LOG.warning("The parameter '%s' has been deprecated. Please " "use %s instead.", old_param, new_param) return copy.deepcopy(params) def normalize(string): """Return a normalized string. Take a urlencoded value from Ironic and urldecode it. :param string: a urlencoded string :returns: a normalized version of passed in string """ return parse.unquote(string).lower().strip() class AccumulatedFailures(object): """Object to accumulate failures without raising exception.""" def __init__(self, exc_class=RuntimeError): self._failures = [] self._exc_class = exc_class def add(self, fail, *fmt): """Add failure with optional formatting. :param fail: exception or error string :param fmt: formatting arguments (only if fail is a string) """ if fmt: fail = fail % fmt LOG.error('%s', fail) self._failures.append(fail) def get_error(self): """Get error string or None.""" if not self._failures: return msg = ('The following errors were encountered:\n%s' % '\n'.join('* %s' % item for item in self._failures)) return msg def raise_if_needed(self): """Raise exception if error list is not empty. :raises: RuntimeError """ if self._failures: raise self._exc_class(self.get_error()) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self._failures) __bool__ = __nonzero__ def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover # This is for tests if self: return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(self._failures)) else: return '<%s: success>' % self.__class__.__name__ def guess_root_disk(block_devices, min_size_required=4 * units.Gi): """Find suitable disk provided that root device hints are not given. If no hints are passed find the first device larger than min_size_required, assume it is the OS disk """ # TODO(russellhaering): This isn't a valid assumption in # all cases, is there a more reasonable default behavior? block_devices.sort(key=lambda device: device.size) if not block_devices or block_devices[-1].size < min_size_required: raise errors.DeviceNotFound( "No suitable device was found " "for deployment - root device hints were not provided " "and all found block devices are smaller than %iB." % min_size_required) for device in block_devices: if device.size >= min_size_required: return device def is_journalctl_present(): """Check if the journalctl command is present. :returns: True if journalctl is present, False if not. """ try: devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') subprocess.check_call(['journalctl', '--version'], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return False return True def get_command_output(command): """Return the output of a given command. :param command: The command to be executed. :raises: CommandExecutionError if the execution of the command fails. :returns: A BytesIO string with the output. """ try: out, _ = execute(*command, binary=True, log_stdout=False) except (processutils.ProcessExecutionError, OSError) as e: error_msg = ('Failed to get the output of the command "%(command)s". ' 'Error: %(error)s' % {'command': command, 'error': e}) LOG.error(error_msg) raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg) return io.BytesIO(out) def get_journalctl_output(lines=None, units=None): """Query the contents of the systemd journal. :param lines: Maximum number of lines to retrieve from the logs. If None, return everything. :param units: A list with the names of the units we should retrieve the logs from. If None retrieve the logs for everything. :returns: A log string. """ cmd = ['journalctl', '--full', '--no-pager', '-b'] if lines is not None: cmd.extend(['-n', str(lines)]) if units is not None: [cmd.extend(['-u', u]) for u in units] return get_command_output(cmd) def gzip_and_b64encode(io_dict=None, file_list=None): """Gzip and base64 encode files and BytesIO buffers. :param io_dict: A dictionary containing whose the keys are the file names and the value a BytesIO object. :param file_list: A list of file path. :returns: A gzipped and base64 encoded string. """ io_dict = io_dict or {} file_list = file_list or [] with io.BytesIO() as fp: with tarfile.open(fileobj=fp, mode='w:gz') as tar: for fname in io_dict: ioobj = io_dict[fname] tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name=fname) tarinfo.size = ioobj.seek(0, 2) tarinfo.mtime = time.time() ioobj.seek(0) tar.addfile(tarinfo, ioobj) for f in file_list: tar.add(f) fp.seek(0) return base64.encode_as_text(fp.getvalue()) def collect_system_logs(journald_max_lines=None): """Collect system logs. Collect system logs, for distributions using systemd the logs will come from journald. On other distributions the logs will come from the /var/log directory and dmesg output. :param journald_max_lines: Maximum number of lines to retrieve from the journald. if None, return everything. :returns: A tar, gzip base64 encoded string with the logs. """ def try_get_command_output(io_dict, file_name, command): try: io_dict[file_name] = get_command_output(command) except errors.CommandExecutionError: pass io_dict = {} file_list = [] if is_journalctl_present(): io_dict['journal'] = get_journalctl_output(lines=journald_max_lines) else: try_get_command_output(io_dict, 'dmesg', ['dmesg']) file_list.append('/var/log') for name, cmd in COLLECT_LOGS_COMMANDS.items(): try_get_command_output(io_dict, name, cmd) return gzip_and_b64encode(io_dict=io_dict, file_list=file_list) def get_ssl_client_options(conf): """Format SSL-related requests options. :param conf: oslo_config CONF object :returns: tuple of 'verify' and 'cert' values to pass to requests """ if conf.insecure: verify = False else: verify = conf.cafile or True if conf.certfile and conf.keyfile: cert = (conf.certfile, conf.keyfile) else: cert = None return verify, cert