# Copyright 2013 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import abc import functools import os import psutil import six import stevedore from ironic_python_agent import encoding from ironic_python_agent.openstack.common import log from ironic_python_agent import utils _global_manager = None class HardwareSupport(object): """These are just guidelines to suggest values that might be returned by calls to `evaluate_hardware_support`. No HardwareManager in mainline ironic-python-agent will ever offer a value greater than `MAINLINE`. Service Providers should feel free to return values greater than SERVICE_PROVIDER to distinguish between additional levels of support. """ NONE = 0 GENERIC = 1 MAINLINE = 2 SERVICE_PROVIDER = 3 class HardwareType(object): MAC_ADDRESS = 'mac_address' class BlockDevice(encoding.Serializable): serializable_fields = ('name', 'size') def __init__(self, name, size): self.name = name self.size = size class NetworkInterface(encoding.Serializable): serializable_fields = ('name', 'mac_address', 'switch_port_descr', 'switch_chassis_descr') def __init__(self, name, mac_addr): self.name = name self.mac_address = mac_addr # TODO(russellhaering): Pull these from LLDP self.switch_port_descr = None self.switch_chassis_descr = None class CPU(encoding.Serializable): serializable_fields = ('model_name', 'frequency', 'count') def __init__(self, model_name, frequency, count): self.model_name = model_name self.frequency = frequency self.count = count class Memory(encoding.Serializable): serializable_fields = ('total', ) def __init__(self, total): self.total = total @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class HardwareManager(object): @abc.abstractmethod def evaluate_hardware_support(cls): pass @abc.abstractmethod def list_network_interfaces(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_cpus(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def list_block_devices(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_memory(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_os_install_device(self): pass def list_hardware_info(self): hardware_info = {} hardware_info['interfaces'] = self.list_network_interfaces() hardware_info['cpu'] = self.get_cpus() hardware_info['disks'] = self.list_block_devices() hardware_info['memory'] = self.get_memory() return hardware_info class GenericHardwareManager(HardwareManager): def __init__(self): self.sys_path = '/sys' if os.path.isdir('/mnt/sys'): self.sys_path = '/mnt/sys' def evaluate_hardware_support(cls): return HardwareSupport.GENERIC def _get_interface_info(self, interface_name): addr_path = '{0}/class/net/{1}/address'.format(self.sys_path, interface_name) with open(addr_path) as addr_file: mac_addr = addr_file.read().strip() return NetworkInterface(interface_name, mac_addr) def _is_device(self, interface_name): device_path = '{0}/class/net/{1}/device'.format(self.sys_path, interface_name) return os.path.exists(device_path) def list_network_interfaces(self): iface_names = os.listdir('{0}/class/net'.format(self.sys_path)) return [self._get_interface_info(name) for name in iface_names if self._is_device(name)] def get_cpus(self): model = None freq = None with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as f: lines = f.read() for line in lines.split('\n'): if model and freq: break if not model and line.startswith('model name'): model = line.split(':')[1].strip() if not freq and line.startswith('cpu MHz'): freq = line.split(':')[1].strip() return CPU(model, freq, psutil.cpu_count()) def get_memory(self): # psutil returns a long, force it to an int return Memory(int(psutil.phymem_usage().total)) def list_block_devices(self): report = utils.execute('blockdev', '--report', check_exit_code=[0])[0] lines = report.split('\n') lines = [line.split() for line in lines if line != ''] startsec_idx = lines[0].index('StartSec') device_idx = lines[0].index('Device') size_idx = lines[0].index('Size') # If a device doesn't start at sector 0, assume it is a partition return [BlockDevice(line[device_idx], int(line[size_idx])) for line in lines[1:] if int(line[startsec_idx]) == 0] def get_os_install_device(self): # Find the first device larger than 4GB, assume it is the OS disk # TODO(russellhaering): This isn't a valid assumption in all cases, # is there a more reasonable default behavior? block_devices = self.list_block_devices() block_devices.sort(key=lambda device: device.size) for device in block_devices: if device.size >= (4 * pow(1024, 3)): return device.name def _compare_extensions(ext1, ext2): mgr1 = ext1.obj mgr2 = ext2.obj return mgr1.evaluate_hardware_support() - mgr2.evaluate_hardware_support() def get_manager(): global _global_manager if not _global_manager: LOG = log.getLogger() extension_manager = stevedore.ExtensionManager( namespace='ironic_python_agent.hardware_managers', invoke_on_load=True) # There will always be at least one extension available (the # GenericHardwareManager). if six.PY2: preferred_extension = sorted( extension_manager, _compare_extensions)[0] else: preferred_extension = sorted( extension_manager, key=functools.cmp_to_key(_compare_extensions))[0] preferred_manager = preferred_extension.obj if preferred_manager.evaluate_hardware_support() <= 0: raise RuntimeError('No suitable HardwareManager could be found') LOG.info('selected hardware manager {0}'.format( preferred_extension.entry_point_target)) _global_manager = preferred_manager return _global_manager