""" Copyright 2013 Rackspace, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import mock import time import unittest import pecan import pecan.testing from teeth_agent import agent from teeth_agent import base PATH_PREFIX = '/v1' class TestTeethAPI(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestTeethAPI, self).setUp() self.mock_agent = mock.MagicMock() self.app = self._make_app(self.mock_agent) def tearDown(self): pecan.set_config({}, overwrite=True) def _make_app(self, enable_acl=False): self.config = { 'app': { 'root': 'teeth_agent.api.controllers.root.RootController', 'modules': ['teeth_agent.api'], 'static_root': '', 'debug': True, }, } return pecan.testing.load_test_app(config=self.config, agent=self.mock_agent) def _request_json(self, path, params, expect_errors=False, headers=None, method="post", extra_environ=None, status=None, path_prefix=PATH_PREFIX): """Sends simulated HTTP request to Pecan test app. :param path: url path of target service :param params: content for wsgi.input of request :param expect_errors: Boolean value; whether an error is expected based on request :param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request :param method: Request method type. Appropriate method function call should be used rather than passing attribute in. :param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along with the request :param status: expected status code of response :param path_prefix: prefix of the url path """ full_path = path_prefix + path print('%s: %s %s' % (method.upper(), full_path, params)) response = getattr(self.app, "%s_json" % method)( str(full_path), params=params, headers=headers, status=status, extra_environ=extra_environ, expect_errors=expect_errors ) print('GOT:%s' % response) return response def put_json(self, path, params, expect_errors=False, headers=None, extra_environ=None, status=None): """Sends simulated HTTP PUT request to Pecan test app. :param path: url path of target service :param params: content for wsgi.input of request :param expect_errors: Boolean value; whether an error is expected based on request :param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request :param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along with the request :param status: expected status code of response """ return self._request_json(path=path, params=params, expect_errors=expect_errors, headers=headers, extra_environ=extra_environ, status=status, method="put") def post_json(self, path, params, expect_errors=False, headers=None, extra_environ=None, status=None): """Sends simulated HTTP POST request to Pecan test app. :param path: url path of target service :param params: content for wsgi.input of request :param expect_errors: Boolean value; whether an error is expected based on request :param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request :param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along with the request :param status: expected status code of response """ return self._request_json(path=path, params=params, expect_errors=expect_errors, headers=headers, extra_environ=extra_environ, status=status, method="post") def get_json(self, path, expect_errors=False, headers=None, extra_environ=None, q=[], path_prefix=PATH_PREFIX, **params): """Sends simulated HTTP GET request to Pecan test app. :param path: url path of target service :param expect_errors: Boolean value;whether an error is expected based on request :param headers: a dictionary of headers to send along with the request :param extra_environ: a dictionary of environ variables to send along with the request :param q: list of queries consisting of: field, value, op, and type keys :param path_prefix: prefix of the url path :param params: content for wsgi.input of request """ full_path = path_prefix + path query_params = {'q.field': [], 'q.value': [], 'q.op': [], } for query in q: for name in ['field', 'op', 'value']: query_params['q.%s' % name].append(query.get(name, '')) all_params = {} all_params.update(params) if q: all_params.update(query_params) print('GET: %s %r' % (full_path, all_params)) response = self.app.get(full_path, params=all_params, headers=headers, extra_environ=extra_environ, expect_errors=expect_errors) print('GOT:%s' % response) return response def test_root(self): response = self.get_json('/', path_prefix='') data = response.json self.assertEqual(data['name'], 'OpenStack Ironic Python Agent API') def test_v1_root(self): response = self.get_json('/v1', path_prefix='') data = response.json self.assertTrue('status' in data.keys()) self.assertTrue('commands' in data.keys()) def test_get_agent_status(self): status = agent.TeethAgentStatus('TEST_MODE', time.time(), 'v72ac9') self.mock_agent.get_status.return_value = status response = self.get_json('/status') self.mock_agent.get_status.assert_called_once_with() self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) data = response.json self.assertEqual(data['mode'], status.mode) self.assertEqual(data['started_at'], status.started_at) self.assertEqual(data['version'], status.version) def test_execute_agent_command_success(self): command = { 'name': 'do_things', 'params': {'key': 'value'}, } result = base.SyncCommandResult(command['name'], command['params'], True, {'test': 'result'}) self.mock_agent.execute_command.return_value = result response = self.post_json('/commands', command) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(self.mock_agent.execute_command.call_count, 1) args, kwargs = self.mock_agent.execute_command.call_args self.assertEqual(args, ('do_things',)) self.assertEqual(kwargs, {'key': 'value'}) expected_result = result.serialize() data = response.json self.assertEqual(data, expected_result) def test_execute_agent_command_validation(self): invalid_command = {} response = self.post_json('/commands', invalid_command, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) data = response.json msg = 'Invalid input for field/attribute name.' self.assertTrue(msg in data['faultstring']) msg = 'Mandatory field missing' self.assertTrue(msg in data['faultstring']) def test_execute_agent_command_params_validation(self): invalid_command = {'name': 'do_things', 'params': []} response = self.post_json('/commands', invalid_command, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) data = response.json # this message is actually much longer, but I'm ok with this msg = 'Invalid input for field/attribute params.' self.assertTrue(msg in data['faultstring']) def test_list_command_results(self): cmd_result = base.SyncCommandResult(u'do_things', {u'key': u'value'}, True, {u'test': u'result'}) self.mock_agent.list_command_results.return_value = [ cmd_result, ] response = self.get_json('/commands') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.json, { u'commands': [ cmd_result.serialize(), ], }) def test_get_command_result(self): cmd_result = base.SyncCommandResult('do_things', {'key': 'value'}, True, {'test': 'result'}) serialized_cmd_result = cmd_result.serialize() self.mock_agent.get_command_result.return_value = cmd_result response = self.get_json('/commands/abc123') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) data = response.json self.assertEqual(data, serialized_cmd_result)