""" Copyright 2013 Rackspace, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import random import threading import time import pkg_resources import six from stevedore import extension from wsgiref import simple_server from ironic_python_agent.api import app from ironic_python_agent import base from ironic_python_agent import encoding from ironic_python_agent import errors from ironic_python_agent import hardware from ironic_python_agent import ironic_api_client from ironic_python_agent.openstack.common import log from ironic_python_agent import utils def _time(): """Wraps time.time() for simpler testing.""" return time.time() class IronicPythonAgentStatus(encoding.Serializable): def __init__(self, started_at, version): self.started_at = started_at self.version = version def serialize(self): """Turn the status into a dict.""" return utils.get_ordereddict([ ('started_at', self.started_at), ('version', self.version), ]) class IronicPythonAgentHeartbeater(threading.Thread): # If we could wait at most N seconds between heartbeats (or in case of an # error) we will instead wait r x N seconds, where r is a random value # between these multipliers. min_jitter_multiplier = 0.3 max_jitter_multiplier = 0.6 # Exponential backoff values used in case of an error. In reality we will # only wait a portion of either of these delays based on the jitter # multipliers. initial_delay = 1.0 max_delay = 300.0 backoff_factor = 2.7 def __init__(self, agent): super(IronicPythonAgentHeartbeater, self).__init__() self.agent = agent self.hardware = hardware.get_manager() self.api = ironic_api_client.APIClient(agent.api_url) self.log = log.getLogger(__name__) self.stop_event = threading.Event() self.error_delay = self.initial_delay def run(self): # The first heartbeat happens now self.log.info('starting heartbeater') interval = 0 while not self.stop_event.wait(interval): self.do_heartbeat() interval_multiplier = random.uniform(self.min_jitter_multiplier, self.max_jitter_multiplier) interval = self.agent.heartbeat_timeout * interval_multiplier log_msg = 'sleeping before next heartbeat, interval: {0}' self.log.info(log_msg.format(interval)) def do_heartbeat(self): try: self.api.heartbeat( uuid=self.agent.get_node_uuid(), advertise_address=self.agent.advertise_address ) self.error_delay = self.initial_delay self.log.info('heartbeat successful') except Exception: self.log.exception('error sending heartbeat') self.error_delay = min(self.error_delay * self.backoff_factor, self.max_delay) def stop(self): self.log.info('stopping heartbeater') self.stop_event.set() return self.join() class IronicPythonAgent(object): def __init__(self, api_url, advertise_address, listen_address, lookup_timeout, lookup_interval): self.api_url = api_url self.api_client = ironic_api_client.APIClient(self.api_url) self.listen_address = listen_address self.advertise_address = advertise_address self.version = pkg_resources.get_distribution('ironic-python-agent')\ .version self.api = app.VersionSelectorApplication(self) self.command_results = utils.get_ordereddict() self.heartbeater = IronicPythonAgentHeartbeater(self) self.heartbeat_timeout = None self.hardware = hardware.get_manager() self.command_lock = threading.Lock() self.log = log.getLogger(__name__) self.started_at = None self.node = None self.ext_mgr = extension.ExtensionManager( namespace='ironic_python_agent.extensions', invoke_on_load=True, propagate_map_exceptions=True, ) # lookup timeout in seconds self.lookup_timeout = lookup_timeout self.lookup_interval = lookup_interval def get_status(self): """Retrieve a serializable status.""" return IronicPythonAgentStatus( started_at=self.started_at, version=self.version ) def get_agent_mac_addr(self): return self.hardware.get_primary_mac_address() def get_node_uuid(self): if 'uuid' not in self.node: errors.HeartbeatError('Tried to heartbeat without node UUID.') return self.node['uuid'] def list_command_results(self): return list(self.command_results.values()) def get_command_result(self, result_id): try: return self.command_results[result_id] except KeyError: raise errors.RequestedObjectNotFoundError('Command Result', result_id) def execute_command(self, command_name, **kwargs): """Execute an agent command.""" with self.command_lock: extension_part, command_part = utils.split_command(command_name) if len(self.command_results) > 0: last_command = list(self.command_results.values())[-1] if not last_command.is_done(): raise errors.CommandExecutionError('agent is busy') try: ext = self.ext_mgr[extension_part].obj result = ext.execute(command_part, **kwargs) except KeyError: # Extension Not found raise errors.RequestedObjectNotFoundError('Extension', extension_part) except errors.InvalidContentError as e: # Any command may raise a InvalidContentError which will be # returned to the caller directly. raise e except Exception as e: # Other errors are considered command execution errors, and are # recorded as an result = base.SyncCommandResult(command_name, kwargs, False, six.text_type(e)) self.command_results[result.id] = result return result def run(self): """Run the Ironic Python Agent.""" # Get the UUID so we can heartbeat to Ironic. Raises LookupNodeError # if there is an issue (uncaught, restart agent) self.started_at = _time() content = self.api_client.lookup_node( hardware_info=self.hardware.list_hardware_info(), timeout=self.lookup_timeout, starting_interval=self.lookup_interval) self.node = content['node'] self.heartbeat_timeout = content['heartbeat_timeout'] self.heartbeater.start() wsgi = simple_server.make_server( self.listen_address[0], self.listen_address[1], self.api, server_class=simple_server.WSGIServer) try: wsgi.serve_forever() except BaseException: self.log.exception('shutting down') self.heartbeater.stop() def build_agent(api_url, advertise_host, advertise_port, listen_host, listen_port, lookup_timeout, lookup_interval): return IronicPythonAgent(api_url, (advertise_host, advertise_port), (listen_host, listen_port), lookup_timeout, lookup_interval)