# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import re import shlex from ironic_lib import disk_utils from ironic_lib import utils as il_utils from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_log import log as logging from ironic_python_agent import errors from ironic_python_agent import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # NOTE(dtantsur): 550 MiB is used by DIB and seems a common guidance: # https://www.rodsbooks.com/efi-bootloaders/principles.html ESP_SIZE_MIB = 550 # NOTE(rpittau) The partition number used to create a raid device. # Could be changed to variable if we ever decide, for example to create # some additional partitions (e.g. boot partitions), so md0 is on the # partition 1, md1 on the partition 2, and so on. RAID_PARTITION = 1 def get_block_devices_for_raid(block_devices, logical_disks): """Get block devices that are involved in the RAID configuration. This call does two things: * Collect all block devices that are involved in RAID. * Update each logical disks with suitable block devices. """ serialized_devs = [dev.serialize() for dev in block_devices] # NOTE(dtantsur): we're going to modify the structure, so make a copy logical_disks = copy.deepcopy(logical_disks) # NOTE(dtantsur): using a list here is less efficient than a set, but # allows keeping the original ordering. result = [] for logical_disk in logical_disks: if logical_disk.get('physical_disks'): matching = [] for phys_disk in logical_disk['physical_disks']: candidates = [ dev['name'] for dev in il_utils.find_devices_by_hints( serialized_devs, phys_disk) ] if not candidates: raise errors.SoftwareRAIDError( "No candidates for physical disk %(hints)s " "from the list %(devices)s" % {'hints': phys_disk, 'devices': serialized_devs}) try: matching.append(next(x for x in candidates if x not in matching)) except StopIteration: raise errors.SoftwareRAIDError( "No candidates left for physical disk %(hints)s " "from the list %(candidates)s after picking " "%(matching)s for previous volumes" % {'hints': phys_disk, 'matching': matching, 'candidates': candidates}) else: # This RAID device spans all disks. matching = [dev.name for dev in block_devices] # Update the result keeping the ordering and avoiding duplicates. result.extend(disk for disk in matching if disk not in result) logical_disk['block_devices'] = matching return result, logical_disks def calculate_raid_start(target_boot_mode, partition_table_type, dev_name): """Define the start sector for the raid partition. :param target_boot_mode: the node boot mode. :param partition_table_type: the node partition label, gpt or msdos. :param dev_name: block device in the raid configuration. :return: The start sector for the raid partition. """ # TODO(rg): TBD, several options regarding boot part slots here: # 1. Create boot partitions in prevision # 2. Just leave space # 3. Do nothing: rely on the caller to specify target_raid_config # correctly according to what they intend to do (e.g. not set MAX # if they know they will need some space for bios boot or efi # parts). Best option imo, if we accept that the target volume # granularity is GiB, so you lose up to 1GiB just for a bios boot # partition... if target_boot_mode == 'uefi': # Leave 551MiB - start_sector s for the esp (approx 550 MiB) # TODO(dtantsur): 550 MiB is a waste in most cases, make it # configurable? raid_start = '%sMiB' % (ESP_SIZE_MIB + 1) else: if partition_table_type == 'gpt': # Leave 8MiB - start_sector s (approx 7MiB) # for the bios boot partition or the ppc prepboot part # This should avoid grub errors saying that it cannot # install boot stage 1.5/2 (since the mbr gap does not # exist on disk holders with gpt tables) raid_start = '8MiB' else: # sgdisk works fine for display data on mbr tables too out, _u = utils.execute('sgdisk', '-F', dev_name) raid_start = "{}s".format(out.splitlines()[-1]) return raid_start def calc_raid_partition_sectors(psize, start): """Calculates end sector and converts start and end sectors including the unit of measure, compatible with parted. :param psize: size of the raid partition :param start: start sector of the raid partition in integer format :return: start and end sector in parted compatible format, end sector as integer """ if isinstance(start, int): start_str = '%dGiB' % start else: start_str = start if psize == -1: end_str = '-1' end = '-1' else: if isinstance(start, int): end = start + psize else: # First partition case, start is sth like 2048s end = psize end_str = '%dGiB' % end return start_str, end_str, end def create_raid_partition_tables(block_devices, partition_table_type, target_boot_mode): """Creates partition tables in all disks in a RAID configuration and reports the starting sector for each partition on each disk. :param block_devices: disks where we want to create the partition tables. :param partition_table_type: type of partition table to create, for example gpt or msdos. :param target_boot_mode: the node selected boot mode, for example uefi or bios. :return: a dictionary of devices and the start of the corresponding partition. """ parted_start_dict = {} for dev_name in block_devices: utils.create_partition_table(dev_name, partition_table_type) parted_start_dict[dev_name] = calculate_raid_start( target_boot_mode, partition_table_type, dev_name) return parted_start_dict def _get_actual_component_devices(raid_device): """Get the component devices of a Software RAID device. Examine an md device and return its constituent devices. :param raid_device: A Software RAID block device name. :returns: A list of the component devices. """ if not raid_device: return [] try: out, _ = utils.execute('mdadm', '--detail', raid_device, use_standard_locale=True) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning('Could not get component devices of %(dev)s: %(err)s', {'dev': raid_device, 'err': e}) return [] component_devices = [] lines = out.splitlines() # the first line contains the md device itself for line in lines[1:]: device = re.findall(r'/dev/\w+', line) component_devices += device return component_devices def create_raid_device(index, logical_disk): """Create a raid device. :param index: the index of the resulting md device. :param logical_disk: the logical disk containing the devices used to crete the raid. :raise: errors.SoftwareRAIDError if not able to create the raid device or fails to re-add a device to a raid. """ md_device = '/dev/md%d' % index component_devices = [] for device in logical_disk['block_devices']: # The partition delimiter for all common harddrives (sd[a-z]+) part_delimiter = '' if 'nvme' in device: part_delimiter = 'p' component_devices.append( device + part_delimiter + str(index + RAID_PARTITION)) raid_level = logical_disk['raid_level'] # The schema check allows '1+0', but mdadm knows it as '10'. if raid_level == '1+0': raid_level = '10' volume_name = logical_disk.get('volume_name') try: if volume_name is None: volume_name = md_device LOG.debug("Creating md device %(dev)s with name %(name)s" "on %(comp)s", {'dev': md_device, 'name': volume_name, 'comp': component_devices}) utils.execute('mdadm', '--create', md_device, '--force', '--run', '--metadata=1', '--level', raid_level, '--name', volume_name, '--raid-devices', len(component_devices), *component_devices) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: msg = "Failed to create md device {} on {}: {}".format( md_device, ' '.join(component_devices), e) raise errors.SoftwareRAIDError(msg) # check for missing devices and re-add them actual_components = _get_actual_component_devices(md_device) missing = set(component_devices) - set(actual_components) for dev in missing: try: LOG.warning('Found %(device)s to be missing from %(md)s ' '... re-adding!', {'device': dev, 'md': md_device}) utils.execute('mdadm', '--add', md_device, dev, attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: msg = "Failed re-add {} to {}: {}".format( dev, md_device, e) raise errors.SoftwareRAIDError(msg) def get_next_free_raid_device(): """Get a device name that is still free.""" from ironic_python_agent import hardware names = {dev.name for dev in hardware.dispatch_to_managers('list_block_devices')} for idx in range(128): name = f'/dev/md{idx}' if name not in names: return name raise errors.SoftwareRAIDError("No free md (RAID) devices are left") def get_volume_name_of_raid_device(raid_device): """Get the volume name of a RAID device :param raid_device: A Software RAID block device name. :returns: volume name of the device, or None """ if not raid_device: return None try: out, _ = utils.execute('mdadm', '--detail', raid_device, use_standard_locale=True) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning('Could not retrieve the volume name of %(dev)s: %(err)s', {'dev': raid_device, 'err': e}) return None lines = out.splitlines() for line in lines: if re.search(r'Name', line) is not None: split_array = line.split(':') # expecting format: # Name : <host>:name (optional comment) if len(split_array) == 3: candidate = split_array[2] else: return None # if name is followed by some other text # such as (local to host <domain>) remove # everything after " " if " " in candidate: candidate = candidate.split(" ")[0] volume_name = candidate return volume_name return None # TODO(rg): handle PreP boot parts relocation as well def prepare_boot_partitions_for_softraid(device, holders, efi_part, target_boot_mode): """Prepare boot partitions when relevant. Create either a RAIDed EFI partition or bios boot partitions for software RAID, according to both target boot mode and disk holders partition table types. :param device: the softraid device path :param holders: the softraid drive members :param efi_part: when relevant the efi partition coming from the image deployed on softraid device, can be/is often None :param target_boot_mode: target boot mode can be bios/uefi/None or anything else for unspecified :returns: the path to the ESP md device when target boot mode is uefi, nothing otherwise. """ # Actually any fat partition could be a candidate. Let's assume the # partition also has the esp flag if target_boot_mode == 'uefi': if not efi_part: LOG.debug("No explicit EFI partition provided. Scanning for any " "EFI partition located on software RAID device %s to " "be relocated", device) # NOTE: for whole disk images, no efi part uuid will be provided. # Let's try to scan for esp on the root softraid device. If not # found, it's fine in most cases to just create an empty esp and # let grub handle the magic. efi_part = disk_utils.find_efi_partition(device) if efi_part: efi_part = '{}p{}'.format(device, efi_part['number']) # check if we have a RAIDed ESP already md_device = find_esp_raid() if md_device: LOG.info("Found RAIDed ESP %s, skip creation", md_device) else: LOG.info("Creating EFI partitions on software RAID holder disks") # We know that we kept this space when configuring raid,see # hardware.GenericHardwareManager.create_configuration. # We could also directly get the EFI partition size. partsize_mib = ESP_SIZE_MIB partlabel_prefix = 'uefi-holder-' efi_partitions = [] for number, holder in enumerate(holders): # NOTE: see utils.get_partition_table_type_from_specs # for uefi we know that we have setup a gpt partition table, # sgdisk can be used to edit table, more user friendly # for alignment and relative offsets partlabel = '{}{}'.format(partlabel_prefix, number) out, _u = utils.execute('sgdisk', '-F', holder) start_sector = '{}s'.format(out.splitlines()[-1].strip()) out, _u = utils.execute( 'sgdisk', '-n', '0:{}:+{}MiB'.format(start_sector, partsize_mib), '-t', '0:ef00', '-c', '0:{}'.format(partlabel), holder) # Refresh part table utils.execute("partprobe") utils.execute("blkid") target_part, _u = utils.execute( "blkid", "-l", "-t", "PARTLABEL={}".format(partlabel), holder) target_part = target_part.splitlines()[-1].split(':', 1)[0] efi_partitions.append(target_part) LOG.debug("EFI partition %s created on holder disk %s", target_part, holder) # RAID the ESPs, metadata=1.0 is mandatory to be able to boot md_device = get_next_free_raid_device() LOG.debug("Creating md device %(md_device)s for the ESPs " "on %(efi_partitions)s", {'md_device': md_device, 'efi_partitions': efi_partitions}) utils.execute('mdadm', '--create', md_device, '--force', '--run', '--metadata=1.0', '--level', '1', '--name', 'esp', '--raid-devices', len(efi_partitions), *efi_partitions) disk_utils.trigger_device_rescan(md_device) if efi_part: # Blockdev copy the source ESP and erase it LOG.debug("Relocating EFI %s to %s", efi_part, md_device) utils.execute('cp', efi_part, md_device) LOG.debug("Erasing EFI partition %s", efi_part) utils.execute('wipefs', '-a', efi_part) else: fslabel = 'efi-part' il_utils.mkfs(fs='vfat', path=md_device, label=fslabel) return md_device elif target_boot_mode == 'bios': partlabel_prefix = 'bios-boot-part-' for number, holder in enumerate(holders): label = disk_utils.get_partition_table_type(holder) if label == 'gpt': LOG.debug("Creating bios boot partition on disk holder %s", holder) out, _u = utils.execute('sgdisk', '-F', holder) start_sector = '{}s'.format(out.splitlines()[-1].strip()) partlabel = '{}{}'.format(partlabel_prefix, number) out, _u = utils.execute( 'sgdisk', '-n', '0:{}:+2MiB'.format(start_sector), '-t', '0:ef02', '-c', '0:{}'.format(partlabel), holder) # Q: MBR case, could we dd the boot code from the softraid # (446 first bytes) if we detect a bootloader with # _is_bootloader_loaded? # A: This won't work. Because it includes the address on the # disk, as in virtual disk, where to load the data from. # Since there is a structural difference, this means it will # fail. def find_esp_raid(): """Find the ESP md device in case of a rebuild.""" # find devices of type 'RAID1' and fstype 'VFAT' lsblk = utils.execute('lsblk', '-PbioNAME,TYPE,FSTYPE') report = lsblk[0] for line in report.split('\n'): dev = {} vals = shlex.split(line) for key, val in (v.split('=', 1) for v in vals): dev[key] = val.strip() if dev.get('TYPE') == 'raid1' and dev.get('FSTYPE') == 'vfat': return '/dev/' + dev.get('NAME')