# teeth-agent An agent for rebuilding and controlling Teeth chassis. ## Protocol JSON. Line Delimitated. Bi-directional. Most messages contain: * `version` Message Version - String * `id` Message ID - String Commands contain: * `method` Method - String * `params` Params - Hash of parameters to Method. Success Responses contain: * `id` Original Message ID from Command - String * `result` Result from Command - Hash Error Responses contain: * `id` Original Message ID from Command - String * `error` Result from Command - Hash, `.msg` contains human readable error. Other fields might come later. Fatal Error: * `fatal_error` - String - Fatal error message; Connection should be closed. ## Builders Teeth Agent master builder: https://jenkins.t.k1k.me/job/teeth-agent-master/ Teeth Agent PR builder: https://jenkins.t.k1k.me/job/teeth-agent-pr/ Builds are automatically triggered on pushes to master, or upon opening a PR. ### Commands #### All Protocol Implementations. * `ping`: (All) Params are echo'ed back as results. #### Agent specific Commands * `log`: (Agent->Server) Log a structured message from the Agent. * `status`: (Server->Agent) Uptime, version, and other fields reported. * `task_status`: (Agent->Server) Update status of a task. Task has an `.task_id` which was previously designated. Task has a `.state`, which is `running`, `error` or `complete`. `running` will additionally contain `.eta` and `.percent`, a measure of how much work estimated to remain in seconds and how much work is done. Once `error` or `complete` is sent, no more updates will be sent. `error` state includes an additional human readable `.msg` field. #### Decommission * `decom.disk_erase`: (Server->Agent) Erase all attached block devices securely. Takes a `task_id`. * `decom.firmware_secure`: (Server->Agent) Update Firmwares/BIOS versions and settings. Takes a `task_id`. * `decom.qc`: (Server->Agent) Run quality control checks on chassis model. Includes sending specifications of chassis (cpu types, disks, etc). Takes a `task_id`. #### Standbye * `standbye.cache_images`: (Server->Agent) Cache an set of image UUID on local storage. Ordered in priority, chassis may only cache a subset depending on local storage. Takes a `task_id`. * `standbye.prepare_image`: (Server->Agent) Prepare a image UUID to be ran. Takes a `task_id`. * `standbye.run_image`: (Server->Agent) Run an image UUID. Must include Config Drive Settings. Agent will write config drive, and setup grub. If the Agent can detect a viable kexec target it will kexec into it, otherwise reboot. Takes a `task_id`.