# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import re import shlex import shutil import stat import tempfile from ironic_lib import utils as ilib_utils from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from ironic_python_agent import errors from ironic_python_agent.extensions import base from ironic_python_agent.extensions import iscsi from ironic_python_agent import hardware from ironic_python_agent import raid_utils from ironic_python_agent import utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF BIND_MOUNTS = ('/dev', '/proc', '/run') BOOTLOADERS_EFI = ['bootx64.efi', 'grubaa64.efi', 'winload.efi'] def _rescan_device(device): """Force the device to be rescanned :param device: device upon which to rescan and update kernel partition records. """ try: utils.execute('partx', '-u', device, attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True) utils.execute('udevadm', 'settle') except processutils.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.warning("Couldn't re-read the partition table " "on device %s", device) def _get_partition(device, uuid): """Find the partition of a given device.""" LOG.debug("Find the partition %(uuid)s on device %(dev)s", {'dev': device, 'uuid': uuid}) try: _rescan_device(device) lsblk = utils.execute( 'lsblk', '-PbioKNAME,UUID,PARTUUID,TYPE,LABEL', device) report = lsblk[0] for line in report.split('\n'): part = {} # Split into KEY=VAL pairs vals = shlex.split(line) for key, val in (v.split('=', 1) for v in vals): part[key] = val.strip() # Ignore non partition if part.get('TYPE') not in ['md', 'part']: # NOTE(TheJulia): This technically creates an edge failure # case where a filesystem on a whole block device sans # partitioning would behave differently. continue if part.get('UUID') == uuid: LOG.debug("Partition %(uuid)s found on device " "%(dev)s", {'uuid': uuid, 'dev': device}) return '/dev/' + part.get('KNAME') if part.get('PARTUUID') == uuid: LOG.debug("Partition %(uuid)s found on device " "%(dev)s", {'uuid': uuid, 'dev': device}) return '/dev/' + part.get('KNAME') if part.get('LABEL') == uuid: LOG.debug("Partition %(uuid)s found on device " "%(dev)s", {'uuid': uuid, 'dev': device}) return '/dev/' + part.get('KNAME') else: # NOTE(TheJulia): We may want to consider moving towards using # findfs in the future, if we're comfortable with the execution # and interaction. There is value in either way though. # NOTE(rg): alternative: blkid -l -t UUID=/PARTUUID= try: findfs, stderr = utils.execute('findfs', 'UUID=%s' % uuid) return findfs.strip() except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.debug('First fallback detection attempt for locating ' 'partition via UUID %(uuid)s failed. ' 'Error: %(err)s', {'uuid': uuid, 'err': e}) try: findfs, stderr = utils.execute( 'findfs', 'PARTUUID=%s' % uuid) return findfs.strip() except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.debug('Secondary fallback detection attempt for ' 'locating partition via UUID %(uuid)s failed. ' 'Error: %(err)s', {'uuid': uuid, 'err': e}) # Last fallback: In case we cannot find the partition by UUID # and the deploy device is an md device, we check if the md # device has a partition (which we assume to contain the root fs). if hardware.is_md_device(device): md_partition = device + 'p1' if (os.path.exists(md_partition) and stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(md_partition).st_mode)): LOG.debug("Found md device with partition %s", md_partition) return md_partition else: LOG.debug('Could not find partition %(part)s on md ' 'device %(dev)s', {'part': md_partition, 'dev': device}) # Partition not found, time to escalate. error_msg = ("No partition with UUID %(uuid)s found on " "device %(dev)s" % {'uuid': uuid, 'dev': device}) LOG.error(error_msg) raise errors.DeviceNotFound(error_msg) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: error_msg = ('Finding the partition with UUID %(uuid)s on ' 'device %(dev)s failed with %(err)s' % {'uuid': uuid, 'dev': device, 'err': e}) LOG.error(error_msg) raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg) def _has_dracut(root): try: utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c ' '"which dracut"' % {'path': root}, shell=True) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError: return False return True def _has_boot_sector(device): """Checks the device for a boot sector indicator.""" stdout, stderr = utils.execute('file', '-s', device) if 'boot sector' not in stdout: return False # Now lets check the signature ddout, dderr = utils.execute( 'dd', 'if=%s' % device, 'bs=218', 'count=1', binary=True) stdout, stderr = utils.execute('file', '-', process_input=ddout) # The bytes recovered by dd show as a "dos executable" when # examined with file. In other words, the bootloader is present. return 'executable' in stdout def _find_bootable_device(partitions, dev): """Checks the base device and partition for bootloader contents.""" LOG.debug('Looking for a bootable device in %s', dev) for line in partitions.splitlines(): partition = line.split(':') try: if 'boot' in partition[6]: if _has_boot_sector(dev) or _has_boot_sector(partition[0]): return True except IndexError: continue return False def _is_bootloader_loaded(dev): """Checks the device to see if a MBR bootloader is present. :param str dev: Block device upon which to check if it appears to be bootable via MBR. :returns: True if a device appears to be bootable with a boot loader, otherwise False. """ boot = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_boot_info') if boot.current_boot_mode != 'bios': # We're in UEFI mode, this logic is invalid LOG.debug('Skipping boot sector check as the system is in UEFI ' 'boot mode.') return False LOG.debug('Starting check for pre-intalled BIOS boot-loader.') try: # Looking for things marked "bootable" in the partition table stdout, stderr = utils.execute('parted', dev, '-s', '-m', '--', 'print') except processutils.ProcessExecutionError: return False return _find_bootable_device(stdout, dev) def _get_efi_bootloaders(location): """Get all valid efi bootloaders in a given location :param location: the location where it should start looking for the efi files. :return: a list of valid efi bootloaders """ # Let's find all files with .efi or .EFI extension LOG.debug('Looking for all efi files on %s', location) valid_bootloaders = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(location): efi_files = [f for f in files if f.lower() in BOOTLOADERS_EFI] LOG.debug('efi files found in %(location)s : %(efi_files)s', {'location': location, 'efi_files': str(efi_files)}) for name in efi_files: efi_f = os.path.join(root, name) LOG.debug('Checking if %s is executable', efi_f) if os.access(efi_f, os.X_OK): v_bl = efi_f.split('/boot/efi')[-1].replace('/', '\\') LOG.debug('%s is a valid bootloader', v_bl) valid_bootloaders.append(v_bl) return valid_bootloaders def _run_efibootmgr(valid_efi_bootloaders, device, efi_partition): """Executes efibootmgr and removes duplicate entries. :param valid_efi_bootloaders: the list of valid efi bootloaders :param device: the device to be used :param efi_partition: the efi partition on the device """ # Before updating let's get information about the bootorder LOG.debug("Getting information about boot order") utils.execute('efibootmgr') # NOTE(iurygregory): regex used to identify the Warning in the stderr after # we add the new entry. Example: # "efibootmgr: ** Warning ** : Boot0004 has same label ironic" duplicated_label = re.compile(r'^.*:\s\*\*.*\*\*\s:\s.*' r'Boot([0-9a-f-A-F]+)\s.*$') label_id = 1 for v_efi_bl_path in valid_efi_bootloaders: # Update the nvram using efibootmgr # https://linux.die.net/man/8/efibootmgr label = 'ironic' + str(label_id) LOG.debug("Adding loader %(path)s on partition %(part)s of device " " %(dev)s", {'path': v_efi_bl_path, 'part': efi_partition, 'dev': device}) cmd = utils.execute('efibootmgr', '-c', '-d', device, '-p', efi_partition, '-w', '-L', label, '-l', v_efi_bl_path) for line in cmd[1].split('\n'): match = duplicated_label.match(line) if match: boot_num = match.group(1) LOG.debug("Found bootnum %s matching label", boot_num) utils.execute('efibootmgr', '-b', boot_num, '-B') label_id += 1 def _manage_uefi(device, efi_system_part_uuid=None): """Manage the device looking for valid efi bootloaders to update the nvram. This method checks for valid efi bootloaders in the device, if they exists it updates the nvram using the efibootmgr. :param device: the device to be checked. :param efi_system_part_uuid: efi partition uuid. :return: True - if it founds any efi bootloader and the nvram was updated using the efibootmgr. False - if no efi bootloader is found. """ efi_partition_mount_point = None efi_mounted = False try: # Force UEFI to rescan the device. Required if the deployment # was over iscsi. _rescan_device(device) local_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Trust the contents on the disk in the event of a whole disk image. efi_partition = utils.get_efi_part_on_device(device) if not efi_partition: # _get_partition returns <device>+<partition> and we only need the # partition number partition = _get_partition(device, uuid=efi_system_part_uuid) efi_partition = int(partition.replace(device, "")) if efi_partition: efi_partition_mount_point = os.path.join(local_path, "boot/efi") if not os.path.exists(efi_partition_mount_point): os.makedirs(efi_partition_mount_point) # The mount needs the device with the partition, in case the # device ends with a digit we add a `p` and the partition number we # found, otherwise we just join the device and the partition number if device[-1].isdigit(): efi_device_part = '{}p{}'.format(device, efi_partition) utils.execute('mount', efi_device_part, efi_partition_mount_point) else: efi_device_part = '{}{}'.format(device, efi_partition) utils.execute('mount', efi_device_part, efi_partition_mount_point) efi_mounted = True else: # If we can't find the partition we need to decide what should # happen return False valid_efi_bootloaders = _get_efi_bootloaders(efi_partition_mount_point) if valid_efi_bootloaders: _run_efibootmgr(valid_efi_bootloaders, device, efi_partition) return True else: return False except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: error_msg = ('Could not verify uefi on device %(dev)s' 'failed with %(err)s.' % {'dev': device, 'err': e}) LOG.error(error_msg) raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg) finally: umount_warn_msg = "Unable to umount %(local_path)s. Error: %(error)s" try: if efi_mounted: utils.execute('umount', efi_partition_mount_point, attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: error_msg = ('Umounting efi system partition failed. ' 'Attempted 3 times. Error: %s' % e) LOG.error(error_msg) raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg) else: # If umounting the binds succeed then we can try to delete it try: utils.execute('sync') except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning(umount_warn_msg, {'path': local_path, 'error': e}) else: # After everything is umounted we can then remove the # temporary directory shutil.rmtree(local_path) # TODO(rg): handle PreP boot parts relocation as well def _prepare_boot_partitions_for_softraid(device, holders, efi_part, target_boot_mode): """Prepare boot partitions when relevant. Create either efi partitions or bios boot partitions for softraid, according to both target boot mode and disk holders partition table types. :param device: the softraid device path :param holders: the softraid drive members :param efi_part: when relevant the efi partition coming from the image deployed on softraid device, can be/is often None :param target_boot_mode: target boot mode can be bios/uefi/None or anything else for unspecified :returns: the efi partition paths on softraid disk holders when target boot mode is uefi, empty list otherwise. """ efi_partitions = [] # Actually any fat partition could be a candidate. Let's assume the # partition also has the esp flag if target_boot_mode == 'uefi': if not efi_part: LOG.debug("No explicit EFI partition provided. Scanning for any " "EFI partition located on software RAID device %s to " "be relocated", device) # NOTE: for whole disk images, no efi part uuid will be provided. # Let's try to scan for esp on the root softraid device. If not # found, it's fine in most cases to just create an empty esp and # let grub handle the magic. efi_part = utils.get_efi_part_on_device(device) if efi_part: efi_part = '{}p{}'.format(device, efi_part) LOG.info("Creating EFI partitions on software RAID holder disks") # We know that we kept this space when configuring raid,see # hardware.GenericHardwareManager.create_configuration. # We could also directly get the EFI partition size. partsize_mib = raid_utils.ESP_SIZE_MIB partlabel_prefix = 'uefi-holder-' for number, holder in enumerate(holders): # NOTE: see utils.get_partition_table_type_from_specs # for uefi we know that we have setup a gpt partition table, # sgdisk can be used to edit table, more user friendly # for alignment and relative offsets partlabel = '{}{}'.format(partlabel_prefix, number) out, _u = utils.execute('sgdisk', '-F', holder) start_sector = '{}s'.format(out.splitlines()[-1].strip()) out, _u = utils.execute( 'sgdisk', '-n', '0:{}:+{}MiB'.format(start_sector, partsize_mib), '-t', '0:ef00', '-c', '0:{}'.format(partlabel), holder) # Refresh part table utils.execute("partprobe") utils.execute("blkid") target_part, _u = utils.execute( "blkid", "-l", "-t", "PARTLABEL={}".format(partlabel), holder) target_part = target_part.splitlines()[-1].split(':', 1)[0] LOG.debug("EFI partition %s created on holder disk %s", target_part, holder) if efi_part: LOG.debug("Relocating EFI %s to holder part %s", efi_part, target_part) # Blockdev copy utils.execute("cp", efi_part, target_part) else: # Creating a label is just to make life easier if number == 0: fslabel = 'efi-part' else: # bak, label is limited to 11 chars fslabel = 'efi-part-b' ilib_utils.mkfs(fs='vfat', path=target_part, label=fslabel) efi_partitions.append(target_part) # TBD: Would not hurt to destroy source efi part when defined, # for clarity. elif target_boot_mode == 'bios': partlabel_prefix = 'bios-boot-part-' for number, holder in enumerate(holders): label = utils.scan_partition_table_type(holder) if label == 'gpt': LOG.debug("Creating bios boot partition on disk holder %s", holder) out, _u = utils.execute('sgdisk', '-F', holder) start_sector = '{}s'.format(out.splitlines()[-1].strip()) partlabel = '{}{}'.format(partlabel_prefix, number) out, _u = utils.execute( 'sgdisk', '-n', '0:{}:+2MiB'.format(start_sector), '-t', '0:ef02', '-c', '0:{}'.format(partlabel), holder) # Q: MBR case, could we dd the boot code from the softraid # (446 first bytes) if we detect a bootloader with # _is_bootloader_loaded? # A: This won't work. Because it includes the address on the # disk, as in virtual disk, where to load the data from. # Since there is a structural difference, this means it will # fail. # Just an empty list if not uefi boot mode, nvm, not used anyway return efi_partitions def _umount_all_partitions(path, path_variable, umount_warn_msg): """Umount all partitions we may have mounted""" umount_binds_success = True LOG.debug("Unmounting all vfat partitions inside the image ...") try: utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c "umount -a -t vfat"' % {'path': path}, shell=True, env_variables={'PATH': path_variable}) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning("Unable to umount vfat partitions. Error: %(error)s", {'error': e}) for fs in BIND_MOUNTS + ('/sys',): try: utils.execute('umount', path + fs, attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: umount_binds_success = False LOG.warning(umount_warn_msg, {'path': path + fs, 'error': e}) return umount_binds_success def _install_grub2(device, root_uuid, efi_system_part_uuid=None, prep_boot_part_uuid=None, target_boot_mode='bios'): """Install GRUB2 bootloader on a given device.""" LOG.debug("Installing GRUB2 bootloader on device %s", device) efi_partitions = None efi_part = None efi_partition_mount_point = None efi_mounted = False holders = None # NOTE(TheJulia): Seems we need to get this before ever possibly # restart the device in the case of multi-device RAID as pyudev # doesn't exactly like the partition disappearing. root_partition = _get_partition(device, uuid=root_uuid) # If the root device is an md device (or partition), restart the device # (to help grub finding it) and identify the underlying holder disks # to install grub. if hardware.is_md_device(device): # If the root device is an md device (or partition), # restart the device to help grub find it later on. hardware.md_restart(device) # If an md device, we need to rescan the devices anyway to pickup # the md device partition. _rescan_device(device) elif (_is_bootloader_loaded(device) and not (efi_system_part_uuid or prep_boot_part_uuid)): # We always need to put the bootloader in place with software raid # so it is okay to elif into the skip doing a bootloader step. LOG.info("Skipping installation of bootloader on device %s " "as it is already marked bootable.", device) return try: # Add /bin to PATH variable as grub requires it to find efibootmgr # when running in uefi boot mode. # Add /usr/sbin to PATH variable to ensure it is there as we do # not use full path to grub binary anymore. path_variable = os.environ.get('PATH', '') path_variable = '%s:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin' % path_variable # Mount the partition and binds path = tempfile.mkdtemp() if efi_system_part_uuid: efi_part = _get_partition(device, uuid=efi_system_part_uuid) efi_partitions = [efi_part] if hardware.is_md_device(device): holders = hardware.get_holder_disks(device) efi_partitions = _prepare_boot_partitions_for_softraid( device, holders, efi_part, target_boot_mode ) if efi_partitions: efi_partition_mount_point = os.path.join(path, "boot/efi") # For power we want to install grub directly onto the PreP partition if prep_boot_part_uuid: device = _get_partition(device, uuid=prep_boot_part_uuid) # If the root device is an md device (or partition), # identify the underlying holder disks to install grub. if hardware.is_md_device(device): disks = holders else: disks = [device] utils.execute('mount', root_partition, path) for fs in BIND_MOUNTS: utils.execute('mount', '-o', 'bind', fs, path + fs) utils.execute('mount', '-t', 'sysfs', 'none', path + '/sys') binary_name = "grub" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'usr/sbin/grub2-install')): binary_name = "grub2" # Mount all vfat partitions listed in the fstab of the root partition. # This is to make sure grub2 finds all files it needs, as some of them # may not be inside the root partition but in the ESP (like grub2env). LOG.debug("Mounting all partitions inside the image ...") utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c "mount -a -t vfat"' % {'path': path}, shell=True, env_variables={'PATH': path_variable}) if efi_partitions: if not os.path.exists(efi_partition_mount_point): os.makedirs(efi_partition_mount_point) LOG.info("GRUB2 will be installed for UEFI on efi partitions %s", efi_partitions) for efi_partition in efi_partitions: utils.execute( 'mount', efi_partition, efi_partition_mount_point) efi_mounted = True # FIXME(rg): does not work in cross boot mode case (target # boot mode differs from ramdisk one) # Probe for the correct target (depends on the arch, example # --target=x86_64-efi) utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c ' '"%(bin)s-install"' % {'path': path, 'bin': binary_name}, shell=True, env_variables={ 'PATH': path_variable }) # Also run grub-install with --removable, this installs grub to # the EFI fallback path. Useful if the NVRAM wasn't written # correctly, was reset or if testing with virt as libvirt # resets the NVRAM on instance start. # This operation is essentially a copy operation. Use of the # --removable flag, per the grub-install source code changes # the default file to be copied, destination file name, and # prevents NVRAM from being updated. # We only run grub2_install for uefi if we can't verify the # uefi bits utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c ' '"%(bin)s-install --removable"' % {'path': path, 'bin': binary_name}, shell=True, env_variables={ 'PATH': path_variable }) utils.execute('umount', efi_partition_mount_point, attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True) efi_mounted = False # NOTE: probably never needed for grub-mkconfig, does not hurt in # case of doubt, cleaned in the finally clause anyway utils.execute('mount', efi_partitions[0], efi_partition_mount_point) efi_mounted = True else: # FIXME(rg): does not work if ramdisk boot mode is not the same # as the target (--target=i386-pc, arch dependent). # See previous FIXME # Install grub. Normally, grub goes to one disk only. In case of # md devices, grub goes to all underlying holder (RAID-1) disks. LOG.info("GRUB2 will be installed on disks %s", disks) for grub_disk in disks: LOG.debug("Installing GRUB2 on disk %s", grub_disk) utils.execute( 'chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c "%(bin)s-install %(dev)s"' % { 'path': path, 'bin': binary_name, 'dev': grub_disk }, shell=True, env_variables={ 'PATH': path_variable } ) LOG.debug("GRUB2 successfully installed on device %s", grub_disk) # If the image has dracut installed, set the rd.md.uuid kernel # parameter for discovered md devices. if hardware.is_md_device(device) and _has_dracut(path): rd_md_uuids = ["rd.md.uuid=%s" % x['UUID'] for x in hardware.md_get_raid_devices().values()] LOG.debug("Setting rd.md.uuid kernel parameters: %s", rd_md_uuids) with open('%s/etc/default/grub' % path, 'r') as g: contents = g.read() with open('%s/etc/default/grub' % path, 'w') as g: g.write( re.sub(r'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="(.*)"', r'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="\1 %s"' % " ".join(rd_md_uuids), contents)) utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c ' '"%(bin)s-mkconfig -o ' '/boot/%(bin)s/grub.cfg"' % {'path': path, 'bin': binary_name}, shell=True, env_variables={'PATH': path_variable, 'GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER': 'true'}, use_standard_locale=True) LOG.info("GRUB2 successfully installed on %s", device) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: error_msg = ('Installing GRUB2 boot loader to device %(dev)s ' 'failed with %(err)s.' % {'dev': device, 'err': e}) LOG.error(error_msg) raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg) finally: # Umount binds and partition umount_warn_msg = "Unable to umount %(path)s. Error: %(error)s" # If umount fails for efi partition, then we cannot be sure that all # the changes were written back to the filesystem. try: if efi_mounted: utils.execute('umount', efi_partition_mount_point, attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: error_msg = ('Umounting efi system partition failed. ' 'Attempted 3 times. Error: %s' % e) LOG.error(error_msg) raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg) # If umounting the binds succeed then we can try to delete it if _umount_all_partitions(path, path_variable, umount_warn_msg): try: utils.execute('umount', path, attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: LOG.warning(umount_warn_msg, {'path': path, 'error': e}) else: # After everything is umounted we can then remove the # temporary directory shutil.rmtree(path) class ImageExtension(base.BaseAgentExtension): @base.async_command('install_bootloader') def install_bootloader(self, root_uuid, efi_system_part_uuid=None, prep_boot_part_uuid=None, target_boot_mode='bios', ignore_bootloader_failure=None): """Install the GRUB2 bootloader on the image. :param root_uuid: The UUID of the root partition. :param efi_system_part_uuid: The UUID of the efi system partition. To be used only for uefi boot mode. For uefi boot mode, the boot loader will be installed here. :param prep_boot_part_uuid: The UUID of the PReP Boot partition. Used only for booting ppc64* partition images locally. In this scenario the bootloader will be installed here. :param target_boot_mode: bios, uefi. Only taken into account for softraid, when no efi partition is explicitely provided (happens for whole disk images) :raises: CommandExecutionError if the installation of the bootloader fails. :raises: DeviceNotFound if the root partition is not found. """ device = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_os_install_device') if self.agent.iscsi_started: iscsi.clean_up(device) # Always allow the API client to be the final word on if this is # overridden or not. if ignore_bootloader_failure is None: ignore_failure = CONF.ignore_bootloader_failure else: ignore_failure = ignore_bootloader_failure boot = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_boot_info') if boot.current_boot_mode != target_boot_mode: LOG.warning('Boot mode mismatch: target boot mode is %(target)s, ' 'current boot mode is %(current)s. Installing boot ' 'loader may fail or work incorrectly.', {'target': target_boot_mode, 'current': boot.current_boot_mode}) # FIXME(arne_wiebalck): make software RAID work with efibootmgr if (boot.current_boot_mode == 'uefi' and not hardware.is_md_device(device)): has_efibootmgr = True try: utils.execute('efibootmgr', '--version') except FileNotFoundError: LOG.warning("efibootmgr is not available in the ramdisk") has_efibootmgr = False if has_efibootmgr: try: if _manage_uefi( device, efi_system_part_uuid=efi_system_part_uuid): return except Exception as e: LOG.error('Error setting up bootloader. Error %s', e) if not ignore_failure: raise # We don't have a working root UUID detection for whole disk images. # Until we can do it, avoid a confusing traceback. if root_uuid == '0x00000000' or root_uuid is None: LOG.info('Not using grub2-install since root UUID is not provided.' ' Assuming a whole disk image') return # In case we can't use efibootmgr for uefi we will continue using grub2 LOG.debug('Using grub2-install to set up boot files') try: _install_grub2(device, root_uuid=root_uuid, efi_system_part_uuid=efi_system_part_uuid, prep_boot_part_uuid=prep_boot_part_uuid, target_boot_mode=target_boot_mode) except Exception as e: LOG.error('Error setting up bootloader. Error %s', e) if not ignore_failure: raise