# Copyright 2013 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import hashlib import os import tempfile import time from urllib import parse as urlparse from ironic_lib import disk_utils from ironic_lib import exception from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log import requests from ironic_python_agent import errors from ironic_python_agent.extensions import base from ironic_python_agent import hardware from ironic_python_agent import utils CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) IMAGE_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 # 1MB def _image_location(image_info): """Get the location of the image in the local file system. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :returns: The full, absolute path to the image as a string. """ return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), image_info['id']) def _path_to_script(script): """Get the location of a script which ships with ironic-python-agent. :param script: The script name as a string. :returns: The relative path to the script. """ cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) return os.path.join(cwd, '..', script) def _download_with_proxy(image_info, url, image_id): """Opens a download stream for the given URL. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :param url: The URL string to request the image from. :param image_id: Image ID or URL for logging. :raises: ImageDownloadError if the download stream was not started properly. """ no_proxy = image_info.get('no_proxy') if no_proxy: os.environ['no_proxy'] = no_proxy proxies = image_info.get('proxies', {}) verify, cert = utils.get_ssl_client_options(CONF) resp = requests.get(url, stream=True, proxies=proxies, verify=verify, cert=cert) if resp.status_code != 200: msg = ('Received status code {} from {}, expected 200. Response ' 'body: {}').format(resp.status_code, url, resp.text) raise errors.ImageDownloadError(image_id, msg) return resp def _fetch_checksum(checksum, image_info): """Fetch checksum from remote location, if needed.""" if not (checksum.startswith('http://') or checksum.startswith('https://')): # Not a remote checksum, return as it is. return checksum LOG.debug('Downloading checksums file from %s', checksum) resp = _download_with_proxy(image_info, checksum, checksum).text lines = [line.strip() for line in resp.split('\n') if line.strip()] if not lines: raise errors.ImageDownloadError(checksum, "Empty checksum file") elif len(lines) == 1: # Special case - checksums file with only the checksum itself if ' ' not in lines[0]: return lines[0] # FIXME(dtantsur): can we assume the same name for all images? expected_fname = os.path.basename(urlparse.urlparse( image_info['urls'][0]).path) for line in lines: checksum, fname = line.strip().split(None, 1) # The star symbol designates binary mode, which is the same as text # mode on GNU systems. if fname.strip().lstrip('*') == expected_fname: return checksum.strip() raise errors.ImageDownloadError( checksum, "Checksum file does not contain name %s" % expected_fname) def _write_partition_image(image, image_info, device): """Call disk_util to create partition and write the partition image. :param image: Local path to image file to be written to the partition. If ``None``, the image is not populated. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :param device: The device name, as a string, on which to store the image. Example: '/dev/sda' :raises: InvalidCommandParamsError if the partition is too small for the provided image. :raises: ImageWriteError if writing the image to disk encounters any error. """ node_uuid = image_info.get('node_uuid') preserve_ep = image_info['preserve_ephemeral'] configdrive = image_info['configdrive'] boot_option = image_info.get('boot_option', 'netboot') boot_mode = image_info.get('deploy_boot_mode', 'bios') disk_label = image_info.get('disk_label', 'msdos') root_mb = image_info['root_mb'] cpu_arch = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_cpus').architecture if image is not None: image_mb = disk_utils.get_image_mb(image) if image_mb > int(root_mb): msg = ('Root partition is too small for requested image. Image ' 'virtual size: {} MB, Root size: {} MB').format(image_mb, root_mb) raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError(msg) try: return disk_utils.work_on_disk(device, root_mb, image_info['swap_mb'], image_info['ephemeral_mb'], image_info['ephemeral_format'], image, node_uuid, preserve_ephemeral=preserve_ep, configdrive=configdrive, boot_option=boot_option, boot_mode=boot_mode, disk_label=disk_label, cpu_arch=cpu_arch) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: raise errors.ImageWriteError(device, e.exit_code, e.stdout, e.stderr) def _write_whole_disk_image(image, image_info, device): """Writes a whole disk image to the specified device. :param image: Local path to image file to be written to the disk. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. This parameter is currently unused by the function. :param device: The device name, as a string, on which to store the image. Example: '/dev/sda' :raises: ImageWriteError if the command to write the image encounters an error. """ script = _path_to_script('shell/write_image.sh') command = ['/bin/bash', script, image, device] LOG.info('Writing image with command: {}'.format(' '.join(command))) try: stdout, stderr = utils.execute(*command, check_exit_code=[0]) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: raise errors.ImageWriteError(device, e.exit_code, e.stdout, e.stderr) def _write_image(image_info, device): """Writes an image to the specified device. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :param device: The disk name, as a string, on which to store the image. Example: '/dev/sda' :raises: ImageWriteError if the command to write the image encounters an error. """ starttime = time.time() image = _image_location(image_info) uuids = {} if image_info.get('image_type') == 'partition': uuids = _write_partition_image(image, image_info, device) else: _write_whole_disk_image(image, image_info, device) totaltime = time.time() - starttime LOG.info('Image {} written to device {} in {} seconds'.format( image, device, totaltime)) return uuids def _message_format(msg, image_info, device, partition_uuids): """Helper method to get and populate different messages.""" message = None result_msg = msg if image_info.get('image_type') == 'partition': root_uuid = partition_uuids.get('root uuid') efi_system_partition_uuid = ( partition_uuids.get('efi system partition uuid')) if (image_info.get('deploy_boot_mode') == 'uefi' and image_info.get('boot_option') == 'local'): result_msg = msg + 'root_uuid={} efi_system_partition_uuid={}' message = result_msg.format(image_info['id'], device, root_uuid, efi_system_partition_uuid) else: result_msg = msg + 'root_uuid={}' message = result_msg.format(image_info['id'], device, root_uuid) else: try: # NOTE(TheJulia): ironic-lib disk_utils.get_disk_identifier # can raise OSError if hexdump is not found. root_uuid = disk_utils.get_disk_identifier(device) result_msg = msg + 'root_uuid={}' message = result_msg.format(image_info['id'], device, root_uuid) except OSError as e: LOG.warning('Failed to call get_disk_identifier: ' 'Unable to obtain the root_uuid parameter: ' 'The hexdump tool may be missing in IPA: %s', e) message = result_msg.format(image_info['id'], device) return message class ImageDownload(object): """Helper class that opens a HTTP connection to download an image. This class opens a HTTP connection to download an image from a URL and create an iterator so the image can be downloaded in chunks. The MD5 hash of the image being downloaded is calculated on-the-fly. """ def __init__(self, image_info, time_obj=None): """Initialize an instance of the ImageDownload class. Trys each URL in image_info successively until a URL returns a successful request code. Once the object is initialized, the user may retrieve chunks of the image through the standard python iterator interface until either the image is fully downloaded, or an error is encountered. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :param time_obj: Optional time object to indicate when the image download began. Defaults to None. If None, then time.time() will be used to find the start time of the download. :raises: ImageDownloadError if starting the image download fails for any reason. """ self._time = time_obj or time.time() self._image_info = image_info self._request = None # Determine the hash algorithm and value will be used for calculation # and verification, fallback to md5 if algorithm is not set or not # supported. algo = image_info.get('os_hash_algo') if algo and algo in hashlib.algorithms_available: self._hash_algo = hashlib.new(algo) self._expected_hash_value = image_info.get('os_hash_value') elif image_info.get('checksum'): self._hash_algo = hashlib.md5() self._expected_hash_value = image_info['checksum'] else: message = ('Unable to verify image {} with available checksums. ' 'Please make sure the specified \'os_hash_algo\' ' '(currently {}) is supported by this ramdisk, or ' 'provide a md5 checksum via the \'checksum\' ' 'field'.format(image_info['id'], image_info.get('os_hash_algo'))) LOG.error(message) raise errors.RESTError(details=message) self._expected_hash_value = _fetch_checksum(self._expected_hash_value, image_info) details = [] for url in image_info['urls']: try: LOG.info("Attempting to download image from {}".format(url)) self._request = _download_with_proxy(image_info, url, image_info['id']) except errors.ImageDownloadError as e: failtime = time.time() - self._time log_msg = ('URL: {}; time: {} ' 'seconds. Error: {}').format( url, failtime, e.secondary_message) LOG.warning(log_msg) details.append(log_msg) continue else: break else: details = '\n '.join(details) raise errors.ImageDownloadError(image_info['id'], details) def __iter__(self): """Downloads and returns the next chunk of the image. :returns: A chunk of the image. Size of chunk is IMAGE_CHUNK_SIZE which is a constant in this module. """ for chunk in self._request.iter_content(IMAGE_CHUNK_SIZE): self._hash_algo.update(chunk) yield chunk def verify_image(self, image_location): """Verifies the checksum of the local images matches expectations. If this function does not raise ImageChecksumError then it is very likely that the local copy of the image was transmitted and stored correctly. :param image_location: The location of the local image. :raises: ImageChecksumError if the checksum of the local image does not match the checksum as reported by glance in image_info. """ checksum = self._hash_algo.hexdigest() LOG.debug('Verifying image at {} against {} checksum ' '{}'.format(image_location, self._hash_algo.name, checksum)) if checksum != self._expected_hash_value: LOG.error(errors.ImageChecksumError.details_str.format( image_location, self._image_info['id'], self._expected_hash_value, checksum)) raise errors.ImageChecksumError(image_location, self._image_info['id'], self._expected_hash_value, checksum) def _download_image(image_info): """Downloads the specified image to the local file system. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :raises: ImageDownloadError if the image download fails for any reason. :raises: ImageChecksumError if the downloaded image's checksum does not match the one reported in image_info. """ starttime = time.time() image_location = _image_location(image_info) image_download = ImageDownload(image_info, time_obj=starttime) with open(image_location, 'wb') as f: try: for chunk in image_download: f.write(chunk) except Exception as e: msg = 'Unable to write image to {}. Error: {}'.format( image_location, str(e)) raise errors.ImageDownloadError(image_info['id'], msg) totaltime = time.time() - starttime LOG.info("Image downloaded from {} in {} seconds".format(image_location, totaltime)) image_download.verify_image(image_location) def _validate_image_info(ext, image_info=None, **kwargs): """Validates the image_info dictionary has all required information. :param ext: Object 'self'. Unused by this function directly, but left for compatibility with async_command validation. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Unused, but here for compatibility with async_command validation. :raises: InvalidCommandParamsError if the data contained in image_info does not match type and key:value pair requirements and expectations. """ image_info = image_info or {} md5sum_avail = False os_hash_checksum_avail = False for field in ['id', 'urls']: if field not in image_info: msg = 'Image is missing \'{}\' field.'.format(field) raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError(msg) if type(image_info['urls']) != list or not image_info['urls']: raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( 'Image \'urls\' must be a list with at least one element.') if 'checksum' in image_info: if (not isinstance(image_info['checksum'], str) or not image_info['checksum']): raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( 'Image \'checksum\' must be a non-empty string.') md5sum_avail = True os_hash_algo = image_info.get('os_hash_algo') os_hash_value = image_info.get('os_hash_value') if os_hash_algo or os_hash_value: if (not isinstance(os_hash_algo, str) or not os_hash_algo): raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( 'Image \'os_hash_algo\' must be a non-empty string.') if (not isinstance(os_hash_value, str) or not os_hash_value): raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( 'Image \'os_hash_value\' must be a non-empty string.') os_hash_checksum_avail = True if not (md5sum_avail or os_hash_checksum_avail): raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( 'Image checksum is not available, either the \'checksum\' field ' 'or the \'os_hash_algo\' and \'os_hash_value\' fields pair must ' 'be set for image verification.') def _validate_partitioning(device): """Validate the final partition table. Check if after writing the image to disk we have a valid partition table by trying to read it. This will fail if the disk is junk. """ try: # Ensure we re-read the partition table before we try to list # partitions utils.execute('partprobe', device, run_as_root=True, attempts=CONF.disk_utils.partprobe_attempts) except (processutils.UnknownArgumentError, processutils.ProcessExecutionError, OSError) as e: LOG.warning("Unable to probe for partitions on device %(device)s " "after writing the image, the partitioning table may " "be broken. Error: %(error)s", {'device': device, 'error': e}) try: nparts = len(disk_utils.list_partitions(device)) except (processutils.UnknownArgumentError, processutils.ProcessExecutionError, OSError) as e: msg = ("Unable to find a valid partition table on the disk after " "writing the image. Error {}".format(e)) raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg) # Check if there is at least one partition in the partition table after # deploy if not nparts: msg = ("No partitions found on the device {} after writing " "the image.".format(device)) raise exception.InstanceDeployFailure(msg) class StandbyExtension(base.BaseAgentExtension): """Extension which adds stand-by related functionality to agent.""" def __init__(self, agent=None): """Constructs an instance of StandbyExtension. :param agent: An optional IronicPythonAgent object. Defaults to None. """ super(StandbyExtension, self).__init__(agent=agent) self.cached_image_id = None self.partition_uuids = None def _cache_and_write_image(self, image_info, device): """Cache an image and write it to a local device. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :param device: The disk name, as a string, on which to store the image. Example: '/dev/sda' :raises: ImageDownloadError if the image download fails for any reason. :raises: ImageChecksumError if the downloaded image's checksum does not match the one reported in image_info. :raises: ImageWriteError if writing the image fails. """ _download_image(image_info) self.partition_uuids = _write_image(image_info, device) self.cached_image_id = image_info['id'] def _stream_raw_image_onto_device(self, image_info, device): """Streams raw image data to specified local device. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :param device: The disk name, as a string, on which to store the image. Example: '/dev/sda' :raises: ImageDownloadError if the image download encounters an error. :raises: ImageChecksumError if the checksum of the local image does not match the checksum as reported by glance in image_info. """ starttime = time.time() image_download = ImageDownload(image_info, time_obj=starttime) with open(device, 'wb+') as f: try: for chunk in image_download: f.write(chunk) except Exception as e: msg = 'Unable to write image to device {}. Error: {}'.format( device, str(e)) raise errors.ImageDownloadError(image_info['id'], msg) totaltime = time.time() - starttime LOG.info("Image streamed onto device {} in {} " "seconds".format(device, totaltime)) # Verify if the checksum of the streamed image is correct image_download.verify_image(device) @base.async_command('cache_image', _validate_image_info) def cache_image(self, image_info=None, force=False): """Asynchronously caches specified image to the local OS device. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :param force: Optional. If True forces cache_image to download and cache image, even if the same image already exists on the local OS install device. Defaults to False. :raises: ImageDownloadError if the image download fails for any reason. :raises: ImageChecksumError if the downloaded image's checksum does not match the one reported in image_info. :raises: ImageWriteError if writing the image fails. """ LOG.debug('Caching image %s', image_info['id']) device = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_os_install_device') msg = 'image ({}) already present on device {} ' if self.cached_image_id != image_info['id'] or force: LOG.debug('Already had %s cached, overwriting', self.cached_image_id) self._cache_and_write_image(image_info, device) msg = 'image ({}) cached to device {} ' result_msg = _message_format(msg, image_info, device, self.partition_uuids) LOG.info(result_msg) return result_msg @base.async_command('prepare_image', _validate_image_info) def prepare_image(self, image_info=None, configdrive=None): """Asynchronously prepares specified image on local OS install device. In this case, 'prepare' means make local machine completely ready to reboot to the image specified by image_info. Downloads and writes an image to disk if necessary. Also writes a configdrive to disk if the configdrive parameter is specified. :param image_info: Image information dictionary. :param configdrive: A string containing the location of the config drive as a URL OR the contents (as gzip/base64) of the configdrive. Optional, defaults to None. :raises: ImageDownloadError if the image download encounters an error. :raises: ImageChecksumError if the checksum of the local image does not match the checksum as reported by glance in image_info. :raises: ImageWriteError if writing the image fails. :raises: InstanceDeployFailure if failed to create config drive. large to store on the given device. """ LOG.debug('Preparing image %s', image_info['id']) device = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_os_install_device') disk_format = image_info.get('disk_format') stream_raw_images = image_info.get('stream_raw_images', False) # don't write image again if already cached if self.cached_image_id != image_info['id']: if self.cached_image_id is not None: LOG.debug('Already had %s cached, overwriting', self.cached_image_id) if stream_raw_images and disk_format == 'raw': if image_info.get('image_type') == 'partition': self.partition_uuids = _write_partition_image(None, image_info, device) stream_to = self.partition_uuids['partitions']['root'] else: stream_to = device self._stream_raw_image_onto_device(image_info, stream_to) else: self._cache_and_write_image(image_info, device) _validate_partitioning(device) # the configdrive creation is taken care by ironic-lib's # work_on_disk(). if image_info.get('image_type') != 'partition': if configdrive is not None: # Will use dummy value of 'local' for 'node_uuid', # if it is not available. This is to handle scenario # wherein new IPA is being used with older version # of Ironic that did not pass 'node_uuid' in 'image_info' node_uuid = image_info.get('node_uuid', 'local') disk_utils.create_config_drive_partition(node_uuid, device, configdrive) msg = 'image ({}) written to device {} ' result_msg = _message_format(msg, image_info, device, self.partition_uuids) LOG.info(result_msg) return result_msg def _run_shutdown_command(self, command): """Run the shutdown or reboot command :param command: A string having the command to be run. :raises: InvalidCommandParamsError if the passed command is not equal to poweroff or reboot. :raises: SystemRebootError if the command errors out with an unsuccessful exit code. """ # TODO(TheJulia): When we have deploy/clean steps, we should remove # this upon shutdown. The clock sync deploy step can run before # completing other operations. self._sync_clock(ignore_errors=True) if command not in ('reboot', 'poweroff'): msg = (('Expected the command "poweroff" or "reboot" ' 'but received "%s".') % command) raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError(msg) try: self.sync() except errors.CommandExecutionError as e: LOG.warning('Failed to sync file system buffers: % s', e) try: _, stderr = utils.execute(command, use_standard_locale=True, check_exit_code=[0]) if 'ignoring request.' in stderr: LOG.debug('%s command failed with error %s, ' 'falling back to sysrq-trigger.', command, stderr) if command == 'poweroff': utils.execute("echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger", shell=True) elif command == 'reboot': utils.execute("echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger", shell=True) except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: raise errors.SystemRebootError(e.exit_code, e.stdout, e.stderr) @base.async_command('run_image') def run_image(self): """Runs image on agent's system via reboot.""" LOG.info('Rebooting system') self._run_shutdown_command('reboot') @base.async_command('power_off') def power_off(self): """Powers off the agent's system.""" LOG.info('Powering off system') self._run_shutdown_command('poweroff') @base.sync_command('sync') def sync(self): """Flush file system buffers forcing changed blocks to disk. :raises: CommandExecutionError if flushing file system buffers fails. """ LOG.debug('Flushing file system buffers') try: utils.execute('sync') except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: error_msg = 'Flushing file system buffers failed. Error: %s' % e LOG.error(error_msg) raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg) # TODO(TheJulia): Once we have deploy/clean steps, this should # become a step, which we ideally have enabled by default. def _sync_clock(self, ignore_errors=False): """Sync the clock to a configured NTP server. :param ignore_errors: Boolean option to indicate if the errors should be fatal. This option does not override the fail_if_clock_not_set configuration option. :raises: ClockSyncError if a failure is encountered and errors are not ignored. """ try: utils.sync_clock(ignore_errors=ignore_errors) # Sync the system hardware clock from the software clock, # as they are independent and the HW clock can still drift # with long running ramdisks. utils.execute('hwclock', '-v', '--systohc') except (processutils.ProcessExecutionError, errors.CommandExecutionError) as e: msg = 'Failed to sync hardware clock: %s' % e LOG.error(msg) if CONF.fail_if_clock_not_set or not ignore_errors: raise errors.ClockSyncError(msg)