Even though it was working opening the file in 'read' mode, it really should be opened in 'write' mode, since we are redirecting the output to the file. Interestingly it does fail in 'read' mode if the command is: echo something But passes in 'write' mode. Change-Id: Ic67091881e0be377e527b78d270ab48962881ae0
436 lines
14 KiB
436 lines
14 KiB
# Copyright 2013 Rackspace, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import copy
import errno
import glob
import io
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time
from ironic_lib import utils as ironic_utils
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import base64
from oslo_utils import units
from six.moves.urllib import parse
from ironic_python_agent import errors
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Agent parameters can be passed by kernel command-line arguments and/or
# by virtual media. Virtual media parameters passed would be available
# when the agent is started, but might not be available for re-reading
# later on because:
# * Virtual media might be exposed from Swift and swift temp url might
# expire.
# * Ironic might have removed the floppy image from Swift after starting
# the deploy.
# Even if it's available, there is no need to re-read from the device and
# /proc/cmdline again, because it is never going to change. So we cache the
# agent parameters that was passed (by proc/cmdline and/or virtual media)
# when we read it for the first time, and then use this cache.
'ps': ['ps', 'au'],
'df': ['df', '-a'],
'iptables': ['iptables', '-L'],
'ip_addr': ['ip', 'addr'],
def execute(*cmd, **kwargs):
"""Convenience wrapper around ironic_lib's execute() method.
Executes and logs results from a system command.
return ironic_utils.execute(*cmd, **kwargs)
def try_execute(*cmd, **kwargs):
"""The same as execute but returns None on error.
Executes and logs results from a system command. See docs for
oslo_concurrency.processutils.execute for usage.
Instead of raising an exception on failure, this method simply
returns None in case of failure.
:param *cmd: positional arguments to pass to processutils.execute()
:param log_stdout: keyword-only argument: whether to log the output
:param **kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to processutils.execute()
:raises: UnknownArgumentError on receiving unknown arguments
:returns: tuple of (stdout, stderr) or None in some error cases
return execute(*cmd, **kwargs)
except (processutils.ProcessExecutionError, OSError) as e:
LOG.debug('Command failed: %s', e)
def _read_params_from_file(filepath):
"""Extract key=value pairs from a file.
:param filepath: path to a file containing key=value pairs separated by
whitespace or newlines.
:returns: a dictionary representing the content of the file
with open(filepath) as f:
cmdline = f.read()
options = cmdline.split()
params = {}
for option in options:
if '=' not in option:
k, v = option.split('=', 1)
params[k] = v
return params
def _get_vmedia_device():
"""Finds the device filename of the virtual media device using sysfs.
:returns: a string containing the filename of the virtual media device
sysfs_device_models = glob.glob("/sys/class/block/*/device/model")
vmedia_device_model = "virtual media"
for model_file in sysfs_device_models:
with open(model_file) as model_file_fobj:
if vmedia_device_model in model_file_fobj.read().lower():
vmedia_device = model_file.split('/')[4]
return vmedia_device
except Exception:
def _get_vmedia_params():
"""This method returns the parameters passed through virtual media floppy.
:returns: a partial dict of potential agent configuration parameters
:raises: VirtualMediaBootError when it cannot find the virtual media device
parameters_file = "parameters.txt"
vmedia_device_file_lower_case = "/dev/disk/by-label/ir-vfd-dev"
vmedia_device_file_upper_case = "/dev/disk/by-label/IR-VFD-DEV"
if os.path.exists(vmedia_device_file_lower_case):
vmedia_device_file = vmedia_device_file_lower_case
elif os.path.exists(vmedia_device_file_upper_case):
vmedia_device_file = vmedia_device_file_upper_case
# TODO(rameshg87): This block of code is there only for compatibility
# reasons (so that newer agent can work with older Ironic). Remove
# this after Liberty release.
vmedia_device = _get_vmedia_device()
if not vmedia_device:
msg = "Unable to find virtual media device"
raise errors.VirtualMediaBootError(msg)
vmedia_device_file = os.path.join("/dev", vmedia_device)
vmedia_mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp()
stdout, stderr = execute("mount", vmedia_device_file,
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
msg = ("Unable to mount virtual media device %(device)s: "
"%(error)s" % {'device': vmedia_device_file, 'error': e})
raise errors.VirtualMediaBootError(msg)
parameters_file_path = os.path.join(vmedia_mount_point,
params = _read_params_from_file(parameters_file_path)
stdout, stderr = execute("umount", vmedia_mount_point)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
except Exception as e:
return params
def _get_cached_params():
"""Helper method to get cached params to ease unit testing."""
def _set_cached_params(params):
"""Helper method to set cached params to ease unit testing."""
def get_agent_params():
"""Gets parameters passed to the agent via kernel cmdline or vmedia.
Parameters can be passed using either the kernel commandline or through
virtual media. If boot_method is vmedia, merge params provided via vmedia
with those read from the kernel command line.
Although it should never happen, if a variable is both set by vmedia and
kernel command line, the setting in vmedia will take precedence.
:returns: a dict of potential configuration parameters for the agent
# Check if we have the parameters cached
params = _get_cached_params()
if not params:
params = _read_params_from_file('/proc/cmdline')
# If the node booted over virtual media, the parameters are passed
# in a text file within the virtual media floppy.
if params.get('boot_method') == 'vmedia':
vmedia_params = _get_vmedia_params()
# Cache the parameters so that it can be used later on.
# Check to see if any deprecated parameters have been used
deprecated_params = {'lldp-timeout': 'ipa-lldp-timeout'}
for old_param, new_param in deprecated_params.items():
if params.get(old_param) is not None:
LOG.warning("The parameter '%s' has been deprecated. Please "
"use %s instead.", old_param, new_param)
return copy.deepcopy(params)
def normalize(string):
"""Return a normalized string.
Take a urlencoded value from Ironic and urldecode it.
:param string: a urlencoded string
:returns: a normalized version of passed in string
return parse.unquote(string).lower().strip()
class AccumulatedFailures(object):
"""Object to accumulate failures without raising exception."""
def __init__(self, exc_class=RuntimeError):
self._failures = []
self._exc_class = exc_class
def add(self, fail, *fmt):
"""Add failure with optional formatting.
:param fail: exception or error string
:param fmt: formatting arguments (only if fail is a string)
if fmt:
fail = fail % fmt
LOG.error('%s', fail)
def get_error(self):
"""Get error string or None."""
if not self._failures:
msg = ('The following errors were encountered:\n%s'
% '\n'.join('* %s' % item for item in self._failures))
return msg
def raise_if_needed(self):
"""Raise exception if error list is not empty.
:raises: RuntimeError
if self._failures:
raise self._exc_class(self.get_error())
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self._failures)
__bool__ = __nonzero__
def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
# This is for tests
if self:
return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
', '.join(self._failures))
return '<%s: success>' % self.__class__.__name__
def guess_root_disk(block_devices, min_size_required=4 * units.Gi):
"""Find suitable disk provided that root device hints are not given.
If no hints are passed find the first device larger than min_size_required,
assume it is the OS disk
# TODO(russellhaering): This isn't a valid assumption in
# all cases, is there a more reasonable default behavior?
block_devices.sort(key=lambda device: device.size)
if not block_devices or block_devices[-1].size < min_size_required:
raise errors.DeviceNotFound(
"No suitable device was found "
"for deployment - root device hints were not provided "
"and all found block devices are smaller than %iB."
% min_size_required)
for device in block_devices:
if device.size >= min_size_required:
return device
def is_journalctl_present():
"""Check if the journalctl command is present.
:returns: True if journalctl is present, False if not.
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
subprocess.check_call(['journalctl', '--version'], stdout=devnull,
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
return False
return True
def get_command_output(command):
"""Return the output of a given command.
:param command: The command to be executed.
:raises: CommandExecutionError if the execution of the command fails.
:returns: A BytesIO string with the output.
out, _ = execute(*command, binary=True, log_stdout=False)
except (processutils.ProcessExecutionError, OSError) as e:
error_msg = ('Failed to get the output of the command "%(command)s". '
'Error: %(error)s' % {'command': command, 'error': e})
raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg)
return io.BytesIO(out)
def get_journalctl_output(lines=None, units=None):
"""Query the contents of the systemd journal.
:param lines: Maximum number of lines to retrieve from the
logs. If None, return everything.
:param units: A list with the names of the units we should
retrieve the logs from. If None retrieve the logs
for everything.
:returns: A log string.
cmd = ['journalctl', '--full', '--no-pager', '-b']
if lines is not None:
cmd.extend(['-n', str(lines)])
if units is not None:
[cmd.extend(['-u', u]) for u in units]
return get_command_output(cmd)
def gzip_and_b64encode(io_dict=None, file_list=None):
"""Gzip and base64 encode files and BytesIO buffers.
:param io_dict: A dictionary containing whose the keys are the file
names and the value a BytesIO object.
:param file_list: A list of file path.
:returns: A gzipped and base64 encoded string.
io_dict = io_dict or {}
file_list = file_list or []
with io.BytesIO() as fp:
with tarfile.open(fileobj=fp, mode='w:gz') as tar:
for fname in io_dict:
ioobj = io_dict[fname]
tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name=fname)
tarinfo.size = ioobj.seek(0, 2)
tarinfo.mtime = time.time()
tar.addfile(tarinfo, ioobj)
for f in file_list:
return base64.encode_as_text(fp.getvalue())
def collect_system_logs(journald_max_lines=None):
"""Collect system logs.
Collect system logs, for distributions using systemd the logs will
come from journald. On other distributions the logs will come from
the /var/log directory and dmesg output.
:param journald_max_lines: Maximum number of lines to retrieve from
the journald. if None, return everything.
:returns: A tar, gzip base64 encoded string with the logs.
def try_get_command_output(io_dict, file_name, command):
io_dict[file_name] = get_command_output(command)
except errors.CommandExecutionError:
io_dict = {}
file_list = []
if is_journalctl_present():
io_dict['journal'] = get_journalctl_output(lines=journald_max_lines)
try_get_command_output(io_dict, 'dmesg', ['dmesg'])
for name, cmd in COLLECT_LOGS_COMMANDS.items():
try_get_command_output(io_dict, name, cmd)
return gzip_and_b64encode(io_dict=io_dict, file_list=file_list)
def get_ssl_client_options(conf):
"""Format SSL-related requests options.
:param conf: oslo_config CONF object
:returns: tuple of 'verify' and 'cert' values to pass to requests
if conf.insecure:
verify = False
verify = conf.cafile or True
if conf.certfile and conf.keyfile:
cert = (conf.certfile, conf.keyfile)
cert = None
return verify, cert