Lets not do silly things and if the disk looks bootable, and we're not trying to do UEFI, then let us assume the proper thing will occur upon power-up. Looks at the boot sector data and if an executable is found in the first 218 bytes, then it bypasses loading a boot loader. Also adds a dependency on the "file" linux distribution package. Change-Id: I11bc26670a08ee13174a43d7cd0f1ab9c1bd35cf Story: 2006474 Task: 36410
30 lines
820 B
30 lines
820 B
# these are needed to compile Python dependencies from sources
python-dev [platform:dpkg test]
python3-all-dev [platform:dpkg !platform:ubuntu-precise test]
python-devel [platform:rpm test]
python3-devel [platform:rpm test]
build-essential [platform:dpkg test]
libssl-dev [platform:dpkg test]
# these are needed for functional tests
mdadm [test]
# this is needed for compiling translations
gettext [test]
# these are needed to build a deploy ramdisk
gnupg [imagebuild]
squashfs-tools [platform:dpkg platform:redhat imagebuild]
squashfs [platform:suse imagebuild]
libguestfs0 [platform:dpkg imagebuild]
libguestfs [platform:rpm imagebuild]
python-guestfs [platform:dpkg imagebuild]
# for TinyIPA build
wget [imagebuild]
python-pip [imagebuild]
unzip [imagebuild]
sudo [imagebuild]
gawk [imagebuild]
file [imagebuild]