Pavlo Shchelokovskyy 3a4d319059 Probe for TC mirror during tinyipa build
this patch adds a script with known Tinycore Linux HTTP mirrors
and if TINYCORE_MIRROR_URL env var was not provided explicitly,
sets in to the first URL from the list that responds to HEAD request.

The HEAD request is performed without retries and with timeout of 10

The list of mirrors is taken from official TC wiki [0].
Currently not responding mirrors are moved to the bottom of the list,
ant those that currently respond with 404 are moved to the very bottom.
The main official repo is left at the first mirror to try.


Change-Id: I539db06baf1d27b428b75d412851367bfe8a2608
2016-12-14 11:50:18 +02:00

117 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File

set -ex
WORKDIR=$(readlink -f $0 | xargs dirname)
source ${WORKDIR}/
CHROOT_CMD="sudo chroot $BUILDDIR /usr/bin/env -i PATH=$CHROOT_PATH http_proxy=$http_proxy https_proxy=$https_proxy no_proxy=$no_proxy"
# NOTE(moshele): Git < 1.7.10 requires a separate checkout, see LP #1590912
function clone_and_checkout {
git clone $1 $2 --depth=1 --branch $3; cd $2; git checkout $3; cd -
echo "Building tinyipa:"
# Ensure we have an extended sudo to prevent the need to enter a password over
# and over again.
sudo -v
# If an old build directory exists remove it
if [ -d "$BUILDDIR" ]; then
sudo rm -rf "$BUILDDIR"
# Download and Cache Tiny Core Files
# Find a working TC mirror if none is explicitly provided
cd $WORKDIR/build_files
wget -N $TINYCORE_MIRROR_URL/7.x/x86_64/release/distribution_files/corepure64.gz
wget -N $TINYCORE_MIRROR_URL/7.x/x86_64/release/distribution_files/vmlinuz64
# Build Required Python Dependecies in a Build Directory
# Make directory for building in
mkdir "$BUILDDIR"
# Extract rootfs from .gz file
( cd "$BUILDDIR" && zcat $WORKDIR/build_files/corepure64.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d )
# Configure mirror
sudo sh -c "echo $TINYCORE_MIRROR_URL > $BUILDDIR/opt/tcemirror"
# Download get-pip into ramdisk
( cd "$BUILDDIR/tmp" && wget )
# Download TGT and Qemu-utils source
clone_and_checkout "" "${BUILDDIR}/tmp/tgt" "v1.0.62"
clone_and_checkout "" "${BUILDDIR}/tmp/qemu" "v2.5.0"
# Create directory for python local mirror
mkdir -p "$BUILDDIR/tmp/localpip"
# Download IPA and requirements
cd ../..
rm -rf *.egg-info
python sdist --dist-dir "$BUILDDIR/tmp/localpip" --quiet
cp requirements.txt $BUILDDIR/tmp/ipa-requirements.txt
imagebuild/common/ upper-constraints.txt
cp upper-constraints.txt $BUILDDIR/tmp/upper-constraints.txt
sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf $BUILDDIR/etc/resolv.conf
trap "sudo umount $BUILDDIR/proc; sudo umount $BUILDDIR/dev/pts" EXIT
sudo mount --bind /proc $BUILDDIR/proc
sudo mount --bind /dev/pts $BUILDDIR/dev/pts
$CHROOT_CMD mkdir /etc/sysconfig/tcedir
$CHROOT_CMD chmod a+rwx /etc/sysconfig/tcedir
$CHROOT_CMD touch /etc/sysconfig/tcuser
$CHROOT_CMD chmod a+rwx /etc/sysconfig/tcuser
mkdir $BUILDDIR/tmp/overides
cp $WORKDIR/build_files/fakeuname $BUILDDIR/tmp/overides/uname
while read line; do
sudo chroot --userspec=$TC:$STAFF $BUILDDIR /usr/bin/env -i PATH=$CHROOT_PATH http_proxy=$http_proxy https_proxy=$https_proxy no_proxy=$no_proxy tce-load -wci $line
done < $WORKDIR/build_files/buildreqs.lst
# Build python wheels
$CHROOT_CMD python /tmp/
$CHROOT_CMD pip install pbr
$CHROOT_CMD pip wheel -c /tmp/upper-constraints.txt --wheel-dir /tmp/wheels setuptools
$CHROOT_CMD pip wheel -c /tmp/upper-constraints.txt --wheel-dir /tmp/wheels pip
$CHROOT_CMD pip wheel -c /tmp/upper-constraints.txt --wheel-dir /tmp/wheels -r /tmp/ipa-requirements.txt
$CHROOT_CMD pip wheel -c /tmp/upper-constraints.txt --no-index --pre --wheel-dir /tmp/wheels --find-links=/tmp/localpip --find-links=/tmp/wheels ironic-python-agent
# Build tgt
rm -rf $WORKDIR/build_files/tgt.tcz
$CHROOT_CMD /bin/sh -c "cd /tmp/tgt && make && make install-programs install-conf install-scripts DESTDIR=/tmp/tgt-installed"
find $BUILDDIR/tmp/tgt-installed/ -type f -executable | xargs file | awk -F ':' '/ELF/ {print $1}' | sudo xargs strip
cd $WORKDIR/build_files && mksquashfs $BUILDDIR/tmp/tgt-installed tgt.tcz && md5sum tgt.tcz > tgt.tcz.md5.txt
# Build qemu-utils
rm -rf $WORKDIR/build_files/qemu-utils.tcz
$CHROOT_CMD /bin/sh -c "cd /tmp/qemu && ./configure --disable-system --disable-user --disable-linux-user --disable-bsd-user --disable-guest-agent --disable-blobs && make && make install DESTDIR=/tmp/qemu-utils"
find $BUILDDIR/tmp/qemu-utils/ -type f -executable | xargs file | awk -F ':' '/ELF/ {print $1}' | sudo xargs strip
cd $WORKDIR/build_files && mksquashfs $BUILDDIR/tmp/qemu-utils qemu-utils.tcz && md5sum qemu-utils.tcz > qemu-utils.tcz.md5.txt
# Create qemu-utils.tcz.dep
echo "glib2.tcz" > qemu-utils.tcz.dep