Automate testing of template titles

Instead of hard-coding the list of section titles in the unit test,
just auto-generate it by reading the template.

Change-Id: Ifa7bb3a207f2160c2e95b74dab7e2692aeea6ed1
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Devananda van der Veen 2014-10-03 10:17:45 -07:00
parent 5d495fead9
commit 75180f2772
1 changed files with 36 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ import docutils.core
import testtools
RELEASE = 'kilo'
class TestTitles(testtools.TestCase):
def _get_title(self, section_tree):
section = {
@ -38,45 +41,27 @@ class TestTitles(testtools.TestCase):
titles[section['name']] = section['subtitles']
return titles
def _check_titles(self, titles):
self.assertEqual(8, len(titles))
problem = 'Problem description'
self.assertIn(problem, titles)
def _check_titles(self, filename, expect, actual):
missing_sections = [x for x in expect.keys() if x not in actual.keys()]
extra_sections = [x for x in actual.keys() if x not in expect.keys()]
proposed = 'Proposed change'
self.assertIn(proposed, titles)
self.assertIn('Alternatives', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('Data model impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('REST API impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('RPC API impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('Driver API impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('Nova driver impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('Security impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('Other end user impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('Scalability impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('Performance Impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('Other deployer impact', titles[proposed])
self.assertIn('Developer impact', titles[proposed])
msgs = []
if len(missing_sections) > 0:
msgs.append("Missing sections: %s" % missing_sections)
if len(extra_sections) > 0:
msgs.append("Extra sections: %s" % extra_sections)
impl = 'Implementation'
self.assertIn(impl, titles)
self.assertIn('Assignee(s)', titles[impl])
self.assertIn('Work Items', titles[impl])
for section in expect.keys():
missing_subsections = [x for x in expect[section]
if x not in actual[section]]
# extra subsections are allowed
if len(missing_subsections) > 0:
msgs.append("Section '%s' is missing subsections: %s"
% (section, missing_subsections))
deps = 'Dependencies'
self.assertIn(deps, titles)
testing = 'Testing'
self.assertIn(testing, titles)
compat = 'Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility'
self.assertIn(compat, titles)
docs = 'Documentation Impact'
self.assertIn(docs, titles)
refs = 'References'
self.assertIn(refs, titles)
if len(msgs) > 0:"While checking '%s':\n %s"
% (filename, "\n ".join(msgs)))
def _check_lines_wrapping(self, tpl, raw):
for i, line in enumerate(raw.split("\n")):
@ -94,8 +79,20 @@ class TestTitles(testtools.TestCase):
"Found %s literal carriage returns in file %s" %
(len(matches), tpl))
def _check_trailing_spaces(self, tpl, raw):
for i, line in enumerate(raw.split("\n")):
trailing_spaces = re.findall(" +$", line)
"Found trailing spaces on line %s of %s" % (i+1, tpl))
def test_template(self):
files = ['specs/template.rst'] + glob.glob('specs/kilo/*')
with open("specs/template.rst") as f:
template =
spec = docutils.core.publish_doctree(template)
template_titles = self._get_titles(spec)
files = glob.glob('specs/%s/*' % RELEASE)
for filename in files:
"spec's file must uses 'rst' extension.")
@ -104,6 +101,7 @@ class TestTitles(testtools.TestCase):
spec = docutils.core.publish_doctree(data)
titles = self._get_titles(spec)
self._check_titles(filename, template_titles, titles)
self._check_lines_wrapping(filename, data)
self._check_no_cr(filename, data)
self._check_trailing_spaces(filename, data)