.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode =================== BMC event framework =================== https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2008366 The goal of this spec is to provide an API to manage subscriptions for BMC events. The user will be able to provide a URL where the BMC will post the events. Non-goals: * Unify event formats or payloads across drivers. * Provide a way to poll for events. * Proxy notifications (see [RFE 2008555](https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2008555)). * Store events in ironic at all. * Update an existing subscription in the BMC, at this time, as some vendors support partial updates where as other vendors essentially require a delete/re-creation to perform an update. This may be something that can be added later, but it seems not feasible at this time. * Choosing EventTypes when creating a subscription won't be supported, since option is deprecated since [EventDestination v1_5_0](https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/EventDestination.v1_5_0.json). * Support for creating subscriptions with HTTP Headers. Problem description =================== Some BMC's have support to subscribe to specific event notifications about the hardware (e.g., overheating, removal of the device). * As an ironic user, I want to configure the BMC to send event notifications about potential failures to a specific URI. Proposed change =============== Overview -------- This RFE proposes a new top level ReST API `subscriptions` that will allow listing, creating and deleting subscriptions for nodes. Subscriptions workflow ---------------------- #. Create a subscription ``POST /v1/nodes//management/`` ``subscriptions`` #. Delete a subscription ``DELETE /v1/nodes//management/`` ``subscriptions/`` #. List subscriptions ``GET /v1/nodes//management/subscriptions`` #. Show subscription ``GET /v1/nodes//management/subscriptions/`` ```` Alternatives ------------ The user can directly access the BMC and configure the subscriptions. Data model impact ----------------- None. State Machine Impact -------------------- None. REST API impact --------------- Update the REST API for the node object to allow create/delete/list event subscriptions. * ``GET /v1/nodes//management/subscriptions`` Retrieves a list of all subscriptions available. Returns a JSON object listing all available subscriptions or empty list. Error codes: * 404 - Node Not Found / microversion not high enough for API consumer. Example response object: .. code-block:: json { "subscriptions": [ { "id": "", "links": [ { "href": " subscriptions/", "rel": "self" }, { "href": " subscriptions/", "rel": "bookmark" } ] }, { "id": "", "links": [ { "href": " subscriptions/", "rel": "self" }, { "href": " subscriptions/", "rel": "bookmark" } ] }, ] } * ``GET /v1/nodes//management/subscriptions/subscription_bmc_id`` Retrieves a sbuscription. Returns a JSON object representing the choosen subscription (``subscription_bmc_id``). Error codes: * 404 Not Found if node or subscription is not found. .. code-block:: json { "id": "", "destination": "", "protocol": "", "context": "", "event_types": ["Alert"] } * ``POST /v1/nodes//management/subscriptions`` Requests the creation of a subscription. * Required: `destination`. HTTP codes: * 201 Created * 400 Bad Request .. code-block:: json { "destination": "http(s)://host/path", } * ``DELETE /v1/nodes//management/subscriptions/ `` Requests the deletion of a subscription HTPP codes: * 204 No Content * 404 Not Found .. note:: The PATCH verb is not being supported at this time in this feature. Client (CLI) impact ------------------- The following commands will be created: .. code-block:: bash baremetal node create subscription [node_uuid] [destination] baremetal node subscription delete [subscription_uuid] baremetal node subscription list [node] baremetal node subscription show [node] [subscription_uuid] "openstacksdk" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add support for the event subscriptions in openstacksdk. RPC API impact -------------- The following new RPC calls will be added: * Create subscription .. code-block:: python def create_subscription(self, context, node_id, destination, topic=None): * Delete subscription .. code-block:: python def delete_subscription(self, context, node_id, subscription_bmc_id, topic=None): * List subscriptions .. code-block:: python def get_all_subscriptions(self, context, node_id, topic=None): * Get a subscription .. code-block:: python def get_subscription(self, context, node_id, subscription_bmc_id, topic=None): Driver API impact ----------------- The `ManagementInterface` will be updated with the following functions: .. code-block:: python def create_subscription(self, task, destination): """Add the new subscription object to the BMC.""" def delete_subscription(self, task, subscription_bmc_id): """Remove the subscription from the BMC.""" def get_all_subscriptions(self, task): """List all subscriptions from the BMC""" def get_subscriptions(self, task, subscription_bmc_id): """Get a subscriptions from the BMC""" The above methods are implemented for Redfish hardware types. We will disallow changing the management interface of a node if there are any subscriptions. Nova driver impact ------------------ None. Ramdisk impact -------------- None. Security impact --------------- It is recomended to use https. Other end user impact --------------------- The user won't be able to choose the ``EventTypes`` for the subscription, since the option is deprecated in Redfish EventDestination v1_5_0. We will be using `Alert` by default for the ``EventTypes``. The user won't be able to choose the ``Protocol`` for the subscription, by default it will be `Redfish` following the schema for EventDestination. Scalability impact ------------------ None. Performance Impact ------------------ None. Other deployer impact --------------------- None. Developer impact ---------------- Other drivers may implement this feature if the BMC has support for event subscription. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: Redfish Implementation Details ------------------------------ The actual support for EventDestination in sushy is based on schema [2]_, since HW vendors are still working on adding support for newer versions where the propertie ``EventTypes`` is deprecated. Based on this the Ironic API will only accept the following redfish properties to create a subscription: * Destination - Required By default we are considering ``Protocol`` as `Redfish`, ``EventTypes`` as `["Alert"]` and ``Context`` as `""`. When vendors have the support for newer EventDestination new fields will be added to the Ironic API. Work Items ---------- * Add support for Events Subscriptions in sushy [1]_ [2]_. * Add event subscription support to ManagementInterface * Add event subscription support to redfish hardware type * Add RPC for event subscriptions * Add REST API for event subscriptions Dependencies ============ None. Testing ======= * Unit Tests * Tempest tests Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility ==================================== No upgrade impact. Documentation Impact ==================== * API reference will be added * Client documentation will be added. References ========== .. [1] https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/EventService.v1_0_8.json .. [2] https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/EventDestination.v1_0_0.json