.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ===================================== Expose conductor information from API ===================================== https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1724474 The spec proposes to expose conductor information from API, as well as the mapping between conductors and nodes. Problem description =================== In deployment with multiple ironic conductors incorporated, nodes are distributed across conductors by hashring, currently we have no mechanism to identify the specific conductor for a given node without database query. There are several cases we need to locate the host of the conductor for a node, for example: * A node failed to boot from PXE during node deploy, we need to check the PXE environment of the conductor host. * Ramdisk logs are stored in the conductor host if the backend is set to local, this requires identifying the exact conductor which serves a node. Meanwhile we are lacking support from API for information related with conductors, which might be useful for diagnostic. For example: * How many conductors in this cloud, whether they are alive. * The conductor group each conductor belongs to. * Nodes currently mapped to this conductor. This information also makes it possible to implement features like service monitoring, alarming from the outside of ironic. Proposed change =============== Adds an API endpoint ``/v1/conductors`` to retrieve a list of conductor information, including the hostname, conductor group, and alive flag. The alive flag is calculated in the same way as how ironic assumes a conductor is not alive, by checking ``update_at`` and ``heartbeat_timeout``. Adds API endpoint ``/v/conductors/{hostname}`` to retrieve detailed conductor information, including nodes affiliated with this conductor. The mapping is retrieved from hashring. Adds a field ``conductor`` to the Node API object, which indicates the hostname of the conductor currently the node is mapped to. Alternatives ------------ Admins can directly query the ironic database for a conductor list. To locate the last conductor that served a node, query nodes table for the ``conductor_affinity`` field, then query ``conductors`` table for the hostname of the conductor. The ``conductor_affinity`` is updated in several cases, mainly during node deployment time. There is no alternative to get the real time mapping from the hashring. Data model impact ----------------- None State Machine Impact -------------------- None REST API impact --------------- API microversion will be bumped. Add a new ``conductor`` API object, and three API endpoints: * GET /v1/conductors * Get the list of conductors known by ironic * Client with earlier microversion before this feature implemented will receive 404. For a normal request, 200 is returned. * Sample response data:: { "conductors": [ { "hostname": "Compute01", "conductor_group": "region1", "alive": true, "links": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "", "rel": "bookmark" } ] }, { "hostname": "Compute03", "conductor_group": "region1", "alive": true, "links": [...] } ] } * GET /v1/conductors/{hostname} * Get detailed information of a conductor by hostname * Client with earlier microversion before this feature implemented will receive 404. For a normal request, 200 is returned. * Sample response data:: { "hostname": "Compute01", "conductor_group": "region1", "alive": true "drivers": ["ipmi"], "last_seen": "2018-09-10 19:53:17" "links": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "", "rel": "bookmark" } ] } * GET /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/conductor * Get detailed information of a conductor for given node * Client with earlier microversion before this feature implemented will receive 404. For a normal request, 200 is returned. * The response data is same as /v1/conductors/{hostname} Change ``Node`` API object in the following way: * Add a read-only attribute ``conductor`` to indicate the hostname of associated conductor. * Retrieve and assign the conductor hostname in ``Node.convert_with_links``. The hostname of the conductor will be returned in these endpoints: * ``POST /v1/nodes`` * ``GET /v1/nodes`` (when ``detail`` is set to true) * ``GET /v1/nodes/detail`` * ``GET /v1/nodes/{node_ident}`` Sample response data for ``GET /v1/nodes/{node_ident}`` would be:: { "nodes": [ { "instance_uuid": null, "conductor": "Compute01", "uuid": "a308bca6-e6a3-4349-b8ea-695e17672898", "links": ..., "maintenance": false, "provision_state": "available", "power_state": "power off", "name": "node-0" } ] } Add support for querying nodes by conductor hostname for endpoints: * ``GET /v1/nodes`` * ``GET /v1/nodes/detail`` For example, ``GET /v1/nodes/?conductor=Compute01`` will return nodes mapped to the conductor whose hostname is Compute01. Client (CLI) impact ------------------- "ironic" CLI ~~~~~~~~~~~~ None "openstack baremetal" CLI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enhance ironic client with two new command: * ``openstack baremetal conductor list`` * ``openstack baremetal conductor show `` Expose the conductor field in command: * ``openstack baremetal node list --detail`` * ``openstack baremetal node show `` Support node querying by conductor hostname: * ``openstack baremetal node list --conductor `` RPC API impact -------------- None Driver API impact ----------------- None Nova driver impact ------------------ None Ramdisk impact -------------- None Security impact --------------- None Other end user impact --------------------- None Scalability impact ------------------ None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other deployer impact --------------------- None Developer impact ---------------- None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: kaifeng Work Items ---------- * Implement the API endpoints. * Add ``conductor`` field to node API object. * CLI enhancement for API changes. * Documentation and api reference. Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= The feature will be covered by unit tests. Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility ==================================== The feature will be guarded by microversion. Documentation Impact ==================== New APIs will be documented in the API reference. New commands will be documented in the ironicclient documentation. References ========== None