Vu Cong Tuan f825d19996 Replace the usage of 'manager' with 'os_primary'
In tempest, alias 'manager' has been moved to 'os_primary'
in version Pike, and it will be removed in version Queens [1].

The other usages which also need to be replaced, are listed below:
* admin_manager > os_admin [2]
* os_adm > os_admin [3]
* os > os_primary [4]


Change-Id: I295bc37b903ada341320b73de6ebb4bf31aa955b
2017-06-21 18:32:15 +07:00

340 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright 2017 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import random
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from tempest.scenario import manager
from import base
from ironic_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario import baremetal_manager as bm
CONF = config.CONF
class BaremetalStandaloneManager(bm.BaremetalScenarioTest,
credentials = ['primary', 'admin']
# NOTE(vsaienko): Standalone tests are using v1/node/<node_ident>/vifs to
# attach VIF to a node.
min_microversion = '1.28'
def skip_checks(cls):
"""Defines conditions to skip these tests."""
super(BaremetalStandaloneManager, cls).skip_checks()
if CONF.service_available.nova:
raise cls.skipException('Nova is enabled. Stand-alone tests will '
'be skipped.')
def create_networks(cls):
"""Create a network with a subnet connected to a router.
Return existed network specified in compute/fixed_network_name
config option.
TODO(vsaienko): Add network/subnet/router when we setup
ironic-standalone with multitenancy.
:returns: network, subnet, router
network = None
subnet = None
router = None
if not CONF.compute.fixed_network_name:
m = ('Configuration option "[compute]/fixed_network_name" '
'must be set.')
raise lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration(m)
network = cls.os_admin.networks_client.list_networks(
return network, subnet, router
def get_available_nodes(cls):
"""Get all ironic nodes that can be deployed.
We can deploy on nodes when the following conditions are met:
* provision_state is 'available'
* maintenance is False
* No instance_uuid is associated to node.
:returns: a list of Ironic nodes.
fields = ['uuid', 'driver', 'instance_uuid', 'provision_state',
'name', 'maintenance']
_, body = cls.baremetal_client.list_nodes(provision_state='available',
return body['nodes']
def get_random_available_node(cls):
"""Randomly pick an available node for deployment."""
nodes = cls.get_available_nodes()
if nodes:
return random.choice(nodes)
def create_neutron_port(cls, *args, **kwargs):
"""Creates a neutron port.
For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
API reference:
:returns: server response body.
port = cls.ports_client.create_port(*args, **kwargs)['port']
return port
def _associate_instance_with_node(cls, node_id, instance_uuid):
"""Update instance_uuid for a given node.
:param node_id: Name or UUID of the node.
:param instance_uuid: UUID of the instance to associate.
:returns: server response body.
_, body = cls.baremetal_client.update_node(
node_id, instance_uuid=instance_uuid)
return body
def get_node_vifs(cls, node_id):
"""Return a list of VIFs for a given node.
:param node_id: Name or UUID of the node.
:returns: A list of VIFs associated with the node.
_, body = cls.baremetal_client.vif_list(node_id)
vifs = [v['id'] for v in body['vifs']]
return vifs
def add_floatingip_to_node(cls, node_id):
"""Add floating IP to node.
Create and associate floating IP with node VIF.
:param node_id: Name or UUID of the node.
:returns: IP address of associated floating IP.
vif = cls.get_node_vifs(node_id)[0]
body = cls.floating_ips_client.create_floatingip(
floating_ip = body['floatingip']
return floating_ip['floating_ip_address']
def cleanup_floating_ip(cls, ip_address):
"""Removes floating IP."""
body = cls.os_admin.floating_ips_client.list_floatingips()
floating_ip_id = [f['id'] for f in body['floatingips'] if
f['floating_ip_address'] == ip_address][0]
def detach_all_vifs_from_node(cls, node_id):
"""Detach all VIFs from a given node.
:param node_id: Name or UUID of the node.
vifs = cls.get_node_vifs(node_id)
for vif in vifs:
cls.baremetal_client.vif_detach(node_id, vif)
def vif_attach(cls, node_id, vif_id):
"""Attach VIF to a give node.
:param node_id: Name or UUID of the node.
:param vif_id: Identifier of the VIF to attach.
cls.baremetal_client.vif_attach(node_id, vif_id)
def get_and_reserve_node(cls, node=None):
"""Pick an available node for deployment and reserve it.
Only one instance_uuid may be associated, use this behaviour as
reservation node when tests are launched concurrently. If node is
not passed directly pick random available for deployment node.
:param node: Ironic node to associate instance_uuid with.
:returns: Ironic node.
instance_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
nodes = []
def _try_to_associate_instance():
n = node or cls.get_random_available_node()
cls._associate_instance_with_node(n['uuid'], instance_uuid)
except lib_exc.Conflict:
return False
return True
if (not test_utils.call_until_true(_try_to_associate_instance,
duration=CONF.baremetal.association_timeout, sleep_for=1)):
msg = ('Timed out waiting to associate instance to ironic node '
'uuid %s' % instance_uuid)
raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(msg)
return nodes[0]
def boot_node(cls, driver, image_ref, image_checksum=None):
"""Boot ironic node.
The following actions are executed:
* Randomly pick an available node for deployment and reserve it.
* Update node driver.
* Create/Pick networks to boot node in.
* Create Neutron port and attach it to node.
* Update node image_source/root_gb.
* Deploy node.
* Wait until node is deployed.
:param driver: Node driver to use.
:param image_ref: Reference to user image to boot node with.
:param image_checksum: md5sum of image specified in image_ref.
Needed only when direct HTTP link is provided.
:returns: Ironic node.
node = cls.get_and_reserve_node()
cls.update_node_driver(node['uuid'], driver)
network, subnet, router = cls.create_networks()
n_port = cls.create_neutron_port(network_id=network['id'])
cls.vif_attach(node_id=node['uuid'], vif_id=n_port['id'])
patch = [{'path': '/instance_info/image_source',
'op': 'add',
'value': image_ref}]
if image_checksum is not None:
patch.append({'path': '/instance_info/image_checksum',
'op': 'add',
'value': image_checksum})
patch.append({'path': '/instance_info/root_gb',
'op': 'add',
'value': CONF.baremetal.adjusted_root_disk_size_gb})
# TODO(vsaienko) add testing for custom configdrive
cls.update_node(node['uuid'], patch=patch)
cls.set_node_provision_state(node['uuid'], 'active')
cls.wait_power_state(node['uuid'], bm.BaremetalPowerStates.POWER_ON)
return node
def terminate_node(cls, node_id):
"""Terminate active ironic node.
The following actions are executed:
* Detach all VIFs from the given node.
* Unprovision node.
* Wait until node become available.
:param node_id: Name or UUID for the node.
cls.set_node_provision_state(node_id, 'deleted')
# NOTE(vsaienko) We expect here fast switching from deleted to
# available as automated cleaning is disabled so poll status each 1s.
class BaremetalStandaloneScenarioTest(BaremetalStandaloneManager):
# API microversion to use among all calls
api_microversion = '1.28'
# The node driver to use in the test
driver = None
# User image ref to boot node with.
image_ref = None
# Boolean value specify if image is wholedisk or not.
wholedisk_image = None
# Image checksum, required when image is stored on HTTP server.
image_checksum = None
mandatory_attr = ['driver', 'image_ref', 'wholedisk_image']
node = None
node_ip = None
def skip_checks(cls):
super(BaremetalStandaloneScenarioTest, cls).skip_checks()
if (cls.driver not in CONF.baremetal.enabled_drivers +
raise cls.skipException(
'The driver: %(driver)s used in test is not in the list of '
'enabled_drivers %(enabled_drivers)s or '
'enabled_hardware_types %(enabled_hw_types)s '
'in the tempest config.' % {
'driver': cls.driver,
'enabled_drivers': CONF.baremetal.enabled_drivers,
'enabled_hw_types': CONF.baremetal.enabled_hardware_types})
if not cls.wholedisk_image and CONF.baremetal.use_provision_network:
raise cls.skipException(
'Partitioned images are not supported with multitenancy.')
def resource_setup(cls):
super(BaremetalStandaloneScenarioTest, cls).resource_setup()
for v in cls.mandatory_attr:
if getattr(cls, v) is None:
raise lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration(
"Mandatory attribute %s not set." % v)
image_checksum = None
if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(cls.image_ref):
image_checksum = cls.image_checksum
cls.node = cls.boot_node(cls.driver, cls.image_ref,
cls.node_ip = cls.add_floatingip_to_node(cls.node['uuid'])
def resource_cleanup(cls):
vifs = cls.get_node_vifs(cls.node['uuid'])
# Remove ports before deleting node, to catch regression for cases
# when user did this prior unprovision node.
for vif in vifs:
super(BaremetalStandaloneManager, cls).resource_cleanup()