/* * © Copyright 2015,2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP * © Copyright 2016 Cray Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; /** * @description Service that provides a mock for the Ironic backend. */ angular .module('horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic') .factory('horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.backend-mock.service', ironicBackendMockService); ironicBackendMockService.$inject = [ '$httpBackend', 'horizon.framework.util.uuid.service', 'horizon.dashboard.admin.ironic.validMacAddressPattern' ]; function ironicBackendMockService($httpBackend, uuidService, validMacAddressPattern) { // Default node object. var defaultNode = { chassis_uuid: null, clean_step: {}, console_enabled: false, driver: undefined, driver_info: {}, driver_internal_info: {}, extra: {}, inspection_finished_at: null, inspection_started_at: null, instance_info: {}, instance_uuid: null, last_error: null, maintenance: false, maintenance_reason: null, name: null, boot_interface: null, console_interface: null, deploy_interface: null, inspect_interface: null, network_interface: "flat", power_interface: null, raid_interface: null, storage_interface: null, vendor_interface: null, power_state: null, properties: {}, provision_state: "enroll", provision_updated_at: null, raid_config: {}, reservation: null, resource_class: null, target_power_state: null, target_provision_state: null, target_raid_config: {}, updated_at: null, uuid: undefined }; // Default port object. var defaultPort = { address: undefined, created_at: null, extra: {}, internal_info: {}, local_link_connection: {}, node_uuid: undefined, portgroup_uuid: null, pxe_enabled: true, updated_at: null, uuid: undefined }; // Default portgroup object. var defaultPortgroup = { address: null, created_at: null, extra: {}, internal_info: {}, mode: "active-backup", name: null, node_uuid: undefined, ports: [], properties: {}, standalone_ports_supported: true, updated_at: null, uuid: undefined }; // Value of the next available system port var nextAvailableSystemPort = 1024; // Additional service parameters var params = { // Console info consoleType: "shellinabox", consoleUrl: "http://localhost:", defaultDriver: "agent_ipmitool", supportedBootDevices: ["pxe", "bios", "safe"] }; // List of supported drivers var drivers = [{name: params.defaultDriver}]; // List of images var images = []; //list of interfaces returned by ironic node_validate API var defaultNodeInterfaces = [ { interface: 'network', result: 'True', reason: ' ' } ]; var service = { params: params, init: init, flush: flush, postTest: postTest, getNode: getNode, getNodeBootDevice: getNodeBootDevice, getNodeSupportedBootDevices: getNodeSupportedBootDevices, nodeGetConsoleUrl: nodeGetConsoleUrl, getDrivers: getDrivers, getImages: getImages, getPort: getPort, getPortgroup: getPortgroup, defaultNodeInterfaces: defaultNodeInterfaces, defaultNode: defaultNode }; var responseCode = { SUCCESS: 200, EMPTY_RESPONSE: 204, BAD_QUERY: 400, RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND: 404, RESOURCE_CONFLICT: 409 }; // Dictionary of active nodes indexed by node-id (uuid and name) var nodes = {}; // Dictionary of active ports indexed by port-uuid var ports = {}; // Dictionary of active portgroups indexed by portgroup-uuid var portgroups = {}; return service; /** * @description Get and reserve the next available system port. * * @return {int} Port number. */ function getNextAvailableSystemPort() { return nextAvailableSystemPort++; } /** * @description Create a backend managed node. * * @param {object} params - Dictionary of parameters that define * the node to be created. * @return {object|null} Node object, or null if the node could * not be created. */ function createNode(params) { var node = null; if (angular.isDefined(params.driver)) { node = angular.copy(defaultNode); angular.forEach(params, function(value, key) { node[key] = value; }); if (angular.isUndefined(node.uuid)) { node.uuid = uuidService.generate(); } var backendNode = { base: node, consolePort: getNextAvailableSystemPort(), ports: {}, // Indexed by port-uuid portgroups: {}, // Indexed by portgroup-uuid supportedBootDevices: service.params.supportedBootDevices, bootDevice: { boot_device: service.params.supportedBootDevices[0], persistent: true } }; nodes[node.uuid] = backendNode; if (node.name !== null) { nodes[node.name] = backendNode; } } return node; } /** * @description Get a specified node. * * @param {string} nodeId - Uuid or name of the requested node. * @return {object|null} Base node object, or null if the node * does not exist. */ function getNode(nodeId) { return angular.isDefined(nodes[nodeId]) ? nodes[nodeId].base : null; } /** * @description Get the boot device of a specified node. * * @param {string} nodeId - Uuid or name of the requested node. * @return {object} Boot device. */ function getNodeBootDevice(nodeId) { return angular.isDefined(nodes[nodeId]) ? nodes[nodeId].bootDevice : undefined; } /** * @description Get the list of supported boot devices of * a specified node. * * @param {string} nodeId - Uuid or name of the requested node. * @return {string []} List of supported boot devices. */ function getNodeSupportedBootDevices(nodeId) { return angular.isDefined(nodes[nodeId]) ? nodes[nodeId].supportedBootDevices : undefined; } /* * @description Get the console-url for a specified node. * * @param {string} nodeId - Uuid or name of the node. * @return {string|null} Console url if the console is enabled, * null otherwise. */ function nodeGetConsoleUrl(nodeId) { return nodes[nodeId].base.console_enabled ? service.params.consoleUrl + nodes[nodeId].consolePort : null; } /** * @description Test whether a mac address is being used by an * existing port. * * @param {string} address - Mac address. * @return {boolean} True if the mac address is being used by * another port, otherwise false. */ function macAddressInUse(address) { for (var uuid in ports) { if (ports.hasOwnProperty(uuid) && angular.isDefined(ports[uuid].address)) { if (ports[uuid].address === address) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * @description Create a backend managed port. * * @param {object} params - Dictionary of parameters that define * the port to be created. * @return {object|null} Port object, or null if the port could * not be created. */ function createPort(params) { var port = null; var status = responseCode.BAD_QUERY; if (angular.isDefined(params.address) && angular.isDefined(params.node_uuid) && params.address.match(validMacAddressPattern) && angular.isDefined(nodes[params.node_uuid])) { if (macAddressInUse(params.address)) { status = responseCode.RESOURCE_CONFLICT; } else { port = angular.copy(defaultPort); angular.forEach(params, function(value, key) { port[key] = value; }); if (angular.isUndefined(port.uuid)) { port.uuid = uuidService.generate(); } ports[port.uuid] = port; nodes[port.node_uuid].ports[port.uuid] = port; status = responseCode.SUCCESS; } } return [status, port]; } /** * @description Create a portgroup. * This function is not yet fully implemented. * * @param {object} params - Dictionary of parameters that define * the portgroup to be created. * @return {object|null} Portgroup object, or null if the port could * not be created. */ function createPortgroup(params) { var portgroup = null; var status = responseCode.BAD_QUERY; if (angular.isDefined(nodes[params.node_uuid])) { if (angular.isDefined(params.name) && params.name !== null && angular.isDefined(portgroups[params.name])) { status = responseCode.RESOURCE_CONFLICT; } else { portgroup = angular.copy(defaultPortgroup); angular.forEach(params, function(value, key) { portgroup[key] = value; }); if (angular.isUndefined(portgroup.uuid)) { portgroup.uuid = uuidService.generate(); } portgroups[portgroup.uuid] = portgroup; if (portgroup.name !== null) { portgroups[portgroup.name] = portgroup; } nodes[portgroup.node_uuid].portgroups[portgroup.uuid] = portgroup; } status = responseCode.SUCCESS; } return [status, portgroup]; } /** * description Get a specified port. * * @param {string} portUuid - Uuid of the requested port. * @return {object|null} Port object, or null if the port * does not exist. */ function getPort(portUuid) { return angular.isDefined(ports[portUuid]) ? ports[portUuid] : null; } /** * description Get a specified portgroup. * * @param {string} portgroupId - Uuid or name of the requested portgroup. * @return {object|null} Portgroup object, or null if the portgroup * does not exist. */ function getPortgroup(portgroupId) { return angular.isDefined(portgroups[portgroupId]) ? portgroups[portgroupId] : null; } /** * @description Initialize the Backend-Mock service. * Create the handlers that intercept http requests. * * @return {void} */ function init() { // Create node $httpBackend.whenPOST(/\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/$/) .respond(function(method, url, data) { var node = createNode(JSON.parse(data).node); return [node ? responseCode.SUCCESS : responseCode.BAD_QUERY, node]; }); // Delete node $httpBackend.whenDELETE(/\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/$/) .respond(function(method, url, data) { var nodeId = JSON.parse(data).node; var status = responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; if (angular.isDefined(nodes[nodeId])) { var node = nodes[nodeId].base; if (node.name !== null) { delete nodes[node.name]; delete nodes[node.uuid]; } else { delete nodes[nodeId]; } status = responseCode.EMPTY_RESPONSE; } return [status, ""]; }); function _addItem(obj, path, value) { var pathNames = path.substring(1).split("/"); var leaf = pathNames.pop(); var part = obj; for (var i = 0; i < pathNames.length; i++) { var name = pathNames[i]; if (angular.isUndefined(part[name])) { part[name] = {}; } part = part[name]; } part[leaf] = value; } function _removeItem(obj, path) { var pathNames = path.substring(1).split("/"); var leaf = pathNames.pop(); var part = obj; for (var i = 0; i < pathNames.length; i++) { part = part[pathNames[i]]; } delete part[leaf]; } function _replaceItem(obj, path, value, collection) { // Special handling for changing the name of an object // that is stored in a name-indexed collection. if (path === "/name" && obj.name !== null) { if (angular.isDefined(collection)) { delete collection[obj.name]; if (value !== null) { collection[value] = obj; } } } var pathNames = path.substring(1).split("/"); var leaf = pathNames.pop(); var part = obj; for (var i = 0; i < pathNames.length; i++) { part = part[pathNames[i]]; } part[leaf] = value; } /** * @description Apply a patch to a specified object. * * @param {object} obj - Object to be patched, e.g. node, port, ... * @param {object} patch - Patch object. * @param {object} collection - Optional. Collection to which the * object belongs. Only required if the collection indexes the * object by name. * @return {void} */ function patchObject(obj, patch, collection) { angular.forEach(patch, function(operation) { switch (operation.op) { case "add": _addItem(obj, operation.path, operation.value); break; case "remove": _removeItem(obj, operation.path); break; case "replace": _replaceItem(obj, operation.path, operation.value, collection); break; default: } }); } // Update node $httpBackend.whenPATCH(/\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/([^\/]+)$/, undefined, undefined, ['nodeId']) .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) { var status = responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; var node = service.getNode(params.nodeId); if (angular.isDefined(node)) { patchObject(node, JSON.parse(data).patch, nodes); status = responseCode.SUCCESS; } return [status, node]; }); // Get node $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/([^\/]+)$/, undefined, ['nodeId']) .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) { if (angular.isDefined(nodes[params.nodeId])) { return [responseCode.SUCCESS, nodes[params.nodeId].base]; } else { return [responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, null]; } }); // Get console $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/(.+)\/states\/console/, undefined, ['nodeId']) .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) { var node = nodes[params.nodeId]; var consoleEnabled = node.base.console_enabled; var consoleInfo = consoleEnabled ? {console_type: service.params.consoleType, url: service.params.consoleUrl + node.consolePort} : null; var info = { console_enabled: consoleEnabled, console_info: consoleInfo}; return [responseCode.SUCCESS, info]; }); // Set console $httpBackend.whenPUT(/\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/(.+)\/states\/console/, undefined, undefined, ['nodeId']) .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) { data = JSON.parse(data); nodes[params.nodeId].base.console_enabled = data.enabled; return [responseCode.SUCCESS, {}]; }); // Get boot device $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/([^\/]+)\/boot_device$/, undefined, ['nodeId']) .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) { if (angular.isDefined(nodes[params.nodeId])) { return [responseCode.SUCCESS, nodes[params.nodeId].bootDevice]; } else { return [responseCode.BAD_QUERY, null]; } }); // Get supported boot devices $httpBackend.whenGET( /\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/([^\/]+)\/boot_device\/supported$/, undefined, ['nodeId']) .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) { if (angular.isDefined(nodes[params.nodeId])) { return [responseCode.SUCCESS, nodes[params.nodeId].supportedBootDevices]; } else { return [responseCode.BAD_QUERY, null]; } }); // Set boot device $httpBackend.whenPUT(/\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/(.+)\/boot_device/, undefined, undefined, ['nodeId']) .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) { data = JSON.parse(data); var status = responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; if (angular.isDefined(nodes[params.nodeId])) { var node = nodes[params.nodeId]; if (node.supportedBootDevices.indexOf(data.boot_device) !== -1) { node.bootDevice.boot_device = data.boot_device; if (angular.isDefined(data.persistent)) { node.bootDevice.persistent = data.persistent; } status = responseCode.SUCCESS; } } return [status, null]; }); // Validate the interfaces associated with a specified node $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/ironic\/nodes\/([^\/]+)\/validate$/, undefined, ['nodeId']) .respond(responseCode.SUCCESS, defaultNodeInterfaces); // Get the currently available drivers $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/ironic\/drivers\/$/) .respond(responseCode.SUCCESS, {drivers: drivers}); // Get driver properties $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/ironic\/drivers\/([^\/]+)\/properties$/, undefined, ['driverName']) .respond(responseCode.SUCCESS, []); // Get glance images $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/glance\/images/) .respond(responseCode.SUCCESS, {items: images}); // Create port $httpBackend.whenPOST(/\/api\/ironic\/ports\/$/) .respond(function(method, url, data) { return createPort(JSON.parse(data).port); }); // Delete port $httpBackend.whenDELETE(/\/api\/ironic\/ports\/$/) .respond(function(method, url, data) { var portUuid = JSON.parse(data).port_uuid; var status = responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; if (angular.isDefined(ports[portUuid])) { delete ports[portUuid]; status = responseCode.EMPTY_RESPONSE; } return [status, ""]; }); // Update port $httpBackend.whenPATCH(/\/api\/ironic\/ports\/([^\/]+)$/, undefined, undefined, ['portId']) .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) { var status = responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; var port = service.getPort(params.portId); if (angular.isDefined(port)) { patchObject(port, JSON.parse(data).patch); status = responseCode.SUCCESS; } return [status, port]; }); // Get ports $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/ironic\/ports\//) .respond(function(method, url, data, header, params) { var nodeId = params.node_id; var status = responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; var ports = []; if (angular.isDefined(nodes[nodeId])) { angular.forEach(nodes[nodeId].ports, function(port) { ports.push(port); }); status = responseCode.SUCCESS; } return [status, {ports: ports}]; }); // Create portgroup $httpBackend.whenPOST(/\/api\/ironic\/portgroups\/$/) .respond(function(method, url, data) { return createPortgroup(JSON.parse(data)); }); // Get portgroups. This function is not fully implemented. $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/ironic\/portgroups\//) .respond(function(method, url, data, header, params) { var nodeId = params.node_id; var status = responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; var portgroups = []; if (angular.isDefined(nodes[nodeId])) { angular.forEach(nodes[nodeId].portgroups, function(portgroup) { portgroups.push(portgroup); }); status = responseCode.SUCCESS; } return [status, {portgroups: portgroups}]; }); // Delete portgroup. This function is not yet implemented. $httpBackend.whenDELETE(/\/api\/ironic\/portgroups\/$/) .respond(function(method, url, data) { var portgroupId = JSON.parse(data).portgroup_id; var status = responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; if (angular.isDefined(portgroups[portgroupId])) { var portgroup = portgroups[portgroupId]; if (portgroup.name !== null) { delete portgroups[portgroup.name]; delete portgroups[portgroup.uuid]; } else { delete portgroups[portgroupId]; } status = responseCode.EMPTY_RESPONSE; } return [status, ""]; }); // Get portgroup ports $httpBackend.whenGET(/\/api\/ironic\/portgroups\/([^\/]+)\/ports$/, undefined, ['portgroupId']) .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) { var ports = []; var status = responseCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; if (angular.isDefined(portgroups[params.portgroupId])) { var portgroup = portgroups[params.portgroupId]; var node = nodes[portgroup.node_uuid]; angular.forEach(node.ports, function(port) { if (port.portgroup_uuid === portgroup.uuid) { ports.push(port); } }); status = responseCode.SUCCESS; } return [status, {ports: ports}]; }); } // init() /** * @description Get the list of supported drivers * * @return {[]} Array of driver objects */ function getDrivers() { return drivers; } /** * @description Get the list of images * * @return {[]} Array of image objects */ function getImages() { return images; } /** * @description Flush pending requests * * @return {void} */ function flush() { $httpBackend.flush(); } /** * @description Post test verifications. * This function should be called after completion of a unit test. * * @return {void} */ function postTest() { $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation(); $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest(); } } // ironicBackendMockService() })();