Improve method to get list of active conductors

To facilitate the consistent hash ring, we must know not only what
conductors are active, but also which driver(s) each active conductor
supports. This patch renames list_active_conductor_drivers to
get_active_driver_dict and changes the return value to be a dict,
mapping drivers to the set of hosts which support them.

blueprint instance-mapping-by-consistent-hash

Change-Id: Ie327aa7d9207f6f5da1380631dbbc431dfd7e218
This commit is contained in:
Devananda van der Veen 2013-12-03 09:04:17 -08:00
parent e05555b455
commit 00d560162f
5 changed files with 104 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -24,11 +24,6 @@ import wsmeext.pecan as wsme_pecan
from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import base
from ironic.openstack.common import log
from oslo.config import cfg
CONF.import_opt('heartbeat_timeout', 'ironic.conductor.manager',
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
@ -69,6 +64,5 @@ class DriversController(rest.RestController):
# will break from a single-line doc string.
# This is a result of a bug in sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme
drivers = pecan.request.dbapi.list_active_conductor_drivers(
return DriverList.convert(drivers)
d2c = pecan.request.dbapi.get_active_driver_dict()
return DriverList.convert(d2c.keys())

View File

@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ class HashRing(object):
def __init__(self, hosts, replicas=CONF.hash_distribution_replicas):
"""Create a new hash ring across the specified hosts.
:param hosts: list of hosts which will be mapped
:param hosts: an iterable of hosts which will be mapped.
:param replicas: number of hosts to map to each hash partition,
or len(hosts), which ever is lesser.
Default: CONF.hash_distribution_replicas
self.hosts = hosts
self.hosts = list(hosts)
self.replicas = replicas if replicas <= len(hosts) else len(hosts)
self.partition_shift = 32 - CONF.hash_partition_exponent
self.part2host = array.array('H')

View File

@ -336,8 +336,12 @@ class Connection(object):
def list_active_conductor_drivers(self, interval):
"""Retrieve a list of drivers supported by the registered conductors.
def get_active_driver_dict(self, interval):
"""Retrieve drivers for the registered and active conductors.
:param interval: Time since last check-in of a conductor.
:param interval: Seconds since last check-in of a conductor.
:returns: A dict which maps driver names to the set of hosts
which support them. For example:
{driverA: set([host1, host2]),
driverB: set([host2, host3])}

View File

@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
"""SQLAlchemy storage backend."""
import collections
import datetime
from oslo.config import cfg
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from ironic.common import exception
@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ CONF = cfg.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
@ -544,15 +547,18 @@ class Connection(api.Connection):
if count == 0:
raise exception.ConductorNotFound(conductor=hostname)
def list_active_conductor_drivers(self, interval):
# TODO(deva): add configurable default 'interval', somewhere higher
# up the code. This isn't a db-specific option.
def get_active_driver_dict(self, interval=None):
if interval is None:
interval = CONF.conductor.heartbeat_timeout
limit = timeutils.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=interval)
result = model_query(models.Conductor).\
filter(models.Conductor.updated_at >= limit).\
driver_set = set()
# build mapping of drivers to the set of hosts which support them
d2c = collections.defaultdict(set)
for row in result:
return list(driver_set)
for driver in row['drivers']:
return d2c

View File

@ -85,27 +85,87 @@ class DbConductorTestCase(base.DbTestCase):
def test_list_active_conductor_drivers(self):
# create some conductors with different timestamps
now = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0)
then = now + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
def test_get_active_driver_dict_one_host_no_driver(self):
h = 'fake-host'
expected = {}
d1 = [u'not-this-one']
self._create_test_cdr(id=1, hostname='d1', drivers=d1)
self._create_test_cdr(hostname=h, drivers=[])
result = self.dbapi.get_active_driver_dict(interval=1)
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
d2 = [u'foo', u'bar']
d3 = [u'another']
self._create_test_cdr(id=2, hostname='d2', drivers=d2)
self._create_test_cdr(id=3, hostname='d3', drivers=d3)
def test_get_active_driver_dict_one_host_one_driver(self):
h = 'fake-host'
d = 'fake-driver'
expected = {d: set([h])}
# verify that res contains d2 and d3, but not the old d1
res = self.dbapi.list_active_conductor_drivers(interval=60)
drivers = d2 + d3
self.assertEqual(sorted(res), sorted(drivers))
self._create_test_cdr(hostname=h, drivers=[d])
result = self.dbapi.get_active_driver_dict(interval=1)
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
# change the interval, and verify that d1 appears
res = self.dbapi.list_active_conductor_drivers(interval=7200)
drivers = d1 + d2 + d3
self.assertEqual(sorted(res), sorted(drivers))
def test_get_active_driver_dict_one_host_many_drivers(self):
h = 'fake-host'
d1 = 'driver-one'
d2 = 'driver-two'
expected = {d1: set([h]), d2: set([h])}
self._create_test_cdr(hostname=h, drivers=[d1, d2])
result = self.dbapi.get_active_driver_dict(interval=1)
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
def test_get_active_driver_dict_many_hosts_one_driver(self):
h1 = 'host-one'
h2 = 'host-two'
d = 'fake-driver'
expected = {d: set([h1, h2])}
self._create_test_cdr(id=1, hostname=h1, drivers=[d])
self._create_test_cdr(id=2, hostname=h2, drivers=[d])
result = self.dbapi.get_active_driver_dict(interval=1)
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
def test_get_active_driver_dict_many_hosts_and_drivers(self):
h1 = 'host-one'
h2 = 'host-two'
h3 = 'host-three'
d1 = 'driver-one'
d2 = 'driver-two'
expected = {d1: set([h1, h2]), d2: set([h2, h3])}
self._create_test_cdr(id=1, hostname=h1, drivers=[d1])
self._create_test_cdr(id=2, hostname=h2, drivers=[d1, d2])
self._create_test_cdr(id=3, hostname=h3, drivers=[d2])
result = self.dbapi.get_active_driver_dict(interval=1)
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
def test_get_active_driver_dict_with_old_conductor(self):
past = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0)
present = past + datetime.timedelta(minutes=2)
d = 'common-driver'
h1 = 'old-host'
d1 = 'old-driver'
self._create_test_cdr(id=1, hostname=h1, drivers=[d, d1])
h2 = 'new-host'
d2 = 'new-driver'
self._create_test_cdr(id=2, hostname=h2, drivers=[d, d2])
# verify that old-host does not show up in current list
one_minute = 60
expected = {d: set([h2]), d2: set([h2])}
result = self.dbapi.get_active_driver_dict(interval=one_minute)
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
# change the interval, and verify that old-host appears
two_minute = one_minute * 2
expected = {d: set([h1, h2]), d1: set([h1]), d2: set([h2])}
result = self.dbapi.get_active_driver_dict(interval=two_minute)
self.assertEqual(expected, result)