Expand the deployment guide
* Add optional Glance and Neutron integration. * Migrate and expand the configdrive section from the install guide. * Explain how to use cloud-init boot scripts. * Explain allocations and mention metalsmith as an easy CLI. * Use more realistic URLs and checksums in the examples. * Remove a reference to local boot, it's the default nowadays. * Replace the iLO note with a more generic one. * Small fixes and clean ups. Change-Id: I28ac60da6722b9ca2c2b571511070010145958f6
This commit is contained in:
@ -116,6 +116,10 @@ An example by passing a JSON string:
Format of JSON for deploy steps argument is described in `Deploy step format`_
.. note::
Starting with `ironicclient` 4.6.0 you can provide a YAML file for
Excluding the default steps
@ -41,28 +41,9 @@ To do this, pass ``--user-data /path/to/file`` to the :command:`nova boot` comma
When used standalone
When used without the Compute service, the operator needs to create a configuration drive
and provide the file or HTTP URL to the Bare Metal service.
For the format of the configuration drive, Bare Metal service expects a
``gzipped`` and ``base64`` encoded ISO 9660 [#]_ file with a ``config-2``
label. The
:python-ironicclient-doc:`baremetal client <cli/osc_plugin_cli.html>`
can generate a configuration drive in the `expected format`_. Just pass a
directory path containing the files that will be injected into it via the
``--config-drive`` parameter of the ``baremetal node deploy``
command, for example::
baremetal node deploy $node_identifier --config-drive /dir/configdrive_files
Starting with the Stein release and `ironicclient` 2.7.0, you can request
building a configdrive on the server side by providing a JSON with keys
``meta_data``, ``user_data`` and ``network_data`` (all optional), e.g.:
.. code-block:: bash
baremetal node deploy $node_identifier \
--config-drive '{"meta_data": {"hostname": "server1.cluster"}}'
When used without the Compute service, the operator needs to create a
configuration drive and provide the file or HTTP URL to the Bare Metal service.
See :ref:`deploy-configdrive` for details.
Configuration drive storage in an object store
@ -134,10 +115,6 @@ the configuration drive and mount it, for example::
mount $CONFIG_DEV /mnt/config
.. [#] A configuration drive could also be a data block with a VFAT filesystem
on it instead of ISO 9660. But it's unlikely that it would be needed
since ISO 9660 is widely supported across operating systems.
Cloud-init integration
@ -4,10 +4,63 @@ Deploying with Bare Metal service
This guide explains how to use Ironic to deploy nodes without any front-end
service, such as OpenStack Compute (nova) or Metal3_.
.. _Metal3: http://metal3.io/
.. note::
To simplify this task you can use the metalsmith_ tool which provides a
convenient CLI for the most common cases.
Populating instance_info
.. _Metal3: http://metal3.io/
.. _metalsmith: https://docs.openstack.org/metalsmith/latest/
Allocation is a way to find and reserve a node suitable for deployment. When an
allocation is created, the list of available nodes is searched for a node with
the given *resource class* and *traits*, similarly to how it is done in
:doc:`OpenStack Compute flavors </install/configure-nova-flavors>`. Only the
resource class is mandatory, for example:
.. code-block:: console
$ baremetal allocation create --resource-class baremetal --wait
| Field | Value |
| candidate_nodes | [] |
| created_at | 2019-04-03T12:18:26+00:00 |
| extra | {} |
| last_error | None |
| name | None |
| node_uuid | 5d946337-b1d9-4b06-8eda-4fb77e994a0d |
| resource_class | baremetal |
| state | active |
| traits | [] |
| updated_at | 2019-04-03T12:18:26+00:00 |
| uuid | e84f5d60-84f1-4701-a635-10ff90e2f3b0 |
.. note::
The allocation processing is fast but nonetheless asynchronous. Use the
``--wait`` argument to wait for the results.
If an allocation is successful, it sets the node's ``instance_uuid`` to the
allocation UUID. The node's UUID can be retrieved from the allocation's
``node_uuid`` field.
An allocation is automatically deleted when the associated node is
unprovisioned. If you don't provision the node, you're responsible for deleting
the allocation.
See the `allocation API reference
for more information on how to use allocations.
Populating instance information
The node's ``instance_info`` field is a JSON object that contains all
information required for deploying an instance on bare metal. It has to be
populated before deployment and is automatically cleared on tear down.
Image information
@ -16,7 +69,9 @@ You need to specify image information in the node's ``instance_info``
(see :doc:`/user/creating-images`):
* ``image_source`` - URL of the whole disk or root partition image,
mandatory. The following schemes are supported: ``http://``, ``https://``
and ``file://``. Files have to be accessible by the conductor. If the scheme
is missing, an Image Service (glance) image UUID is assumed.
* ``root_gb`` - size of the root partition, required for partition images.
@ -29,8 +84,7 @@ You need to specify image information in the node's ``instance_info``
``image_source``, only required for ``http://`` images when using
.. note::
Additional checksum support exists via the ``image_os_hash_algo`` and
Other checksum algorithms are supported via the ``image_os_hash_algo`` and
``image_os_hash_value`` fields. They may be used instead of the
``image_checksum`` field.
@ -41,23 +95,24 @@ You need to specify image information in the node's ``instance_info``
Starting with the Stein release of ironic-python-agent can also be a URL
to a checksums file, e.g. one generated with:
.. code-block:: shell
.. code-block:: console
cd /path/to/http/root
md5sum *.img > checksums
$ cd /path/to/http/root
$ md5sum *.img > checksums
* ``kernel``, ``ramdisk`` - HTTP(s) or file URLs of the kernel and
initramfs of the target OS. Must be added **only** for partition images.
Supports the same schemes as ``image_source``.
For example:
An example for a partition image:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_source=$IMG \
--instance-info image_checksum=$MD5HASH \
--instance-info kernel=$KERNEL \
--instance-info ramdisk=$RAMDISK \
--instance-info image_source=http://image.server/my-image.qcow2 \
--instance-info image_checksum=1f9c0e1bad977a954ba40928c1e11f33 \
--instance-info kernel=http://image.server/my-image.kernel \
--instance-info ramdisk=http://image.server/my-image.initramfs \
--instance-info root_gb=10
With a SHA256 hash:
@ -65,27 +120,24 @@ With a SHA256 hash:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_source=$IMG \
--instance-info image_source=http://image.server/my-image.qcow2 \
--instance-info image_os_hash_algo=sha256 \
--instance-info image_os_hash_value=$SHA256HASH \
--instance-info kernel=$KERNEL \
--instance-info ramdisk=$RAMDISK \
--instance-info image_os_hash_value=a64dd95e0c48e61ed741ff026d8c89ca38a51f3799955097c5123b1705ef13d4 \
--instance-info kernel=http://image.server/my-image.kernel \
--instance-info ramdisk=http://image.server/my-image.initramfs \
--instance-info root_gb=10
With a whole disk image:
With a whole disk image and a checksum URL:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node set $NODE_UUID \
--instance-info image_source=$IMG \
--instance-info image_checksum=$MD5HASH
--instance-info image_source=http://image.server/my-image.qcow2 \
--instance-info image_checksum=http://image.server/my-image.qcow2.CHECKSUM
.. note::
For iLO drivers, fields that should be provided are:
* ``ilo_deploy_iso`` under ``driver_info``;
* ``ilo_boot_iso``, ``image_source``, ``root_gb`` under ``instance_info``.
Certain hardware types and interfaces may require additional or different
fields to be provided. See specific guides under :doc:`/admin/drivers`.
When using low RAM nodes with ``http://`` images that are not in the RAW
format, you may want them cached locally, converted to raw and served from
@ -164,6 +216,21 @@ override a node's storage interface, run the following:
.. note::
This feature is available starting with the Wallaby release.
Attaching virtual interfaces
If using the OpenStack Networking service (neutron), you can attach its ports
to a node before deployment as VIFs:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node vif attach $NODE_UUID $PORT_UUID
.. warning::
These are **neutron** ports, not **ironic** ports!
VIFs are automatically detached on deprovisioning.
@ -192,17 +259,84 @@ Deployment
baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID
#. You can provide a configdrive as a JSON or as an ISO image, e.g.:
#. Starting with the Wallaby release you can also request custom deploy steps,
see :ref:`standalone-deploy-steps` for details.
.. _deploy-configdrive:
Deploying with a config drive
The configuration drive is a small image used to store instance-specific
metadata and is present to the instance as a disk partition labeled
``config-2``. See :doc:`/install/configdrive` for a detailed explanation.
A configuration drive can be provided either as a whole ISO 9660 image or as
JSON input for building an image. A first-boot service, such as cloud-init_,
must be running on the instance image for the configuration to be applied.
.. _cloud-init: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Building a config drive on the client side
For the format of the configuration drive, Bare Metal service expects a
``gzipped`` and ``base64`` encoded ISO 9660 file with a ``config-2``
label. The :python-ironicclient-doc:`baremetal client
<cli/osc_plugin_cli.html>` can generate a configuration drive in the `expected
format`_. Pass a directory path containing the files that will be injected
into it via the ``--config-drive`` parameter of the ``baremetal node deploy``
command, for example:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID --config-drive /dir/configdrive_files
.. note::
A configuration drive could also be a data block with a VFAT filesystem on
it instead of ISO 9660. But it's unlikely that it would be needed since ISO
9660 is widely supported across operating systems.
.. _expected format: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/user/metadata.html#config-drives
Building a config drive on the conductor side
Starting with the Stein release and `ironicclient` 2.7.0, you can request
building a configdrive on the server side by providing a JSON with keys
``meta_data``, ``user_data`` and ``network_data`` (all optional), e.g.:
.. code-block:: bash
baremetal node deploy $node_identifier \
--config-drive '{"meta_data": {"hostname": "server1.cluster"}}'
.. note::
When this feature is used, host name defaults to the node's name or UUID.
SSH public keys can be provided as a mapping:
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID \
--config-drive '{"meta_data": {"public_keys": {"0": "ssh key contents"}}}'
See :doc:`/install/configdrive` for details.
If using cloud-init_, its configuration can be supplied as ``user_data``, e.g.:
#. Starting with the Wallaby release you can also request custom deploy steps,
see :ref:`standalone-deploy-steps` for details.
.. code-block:: shell
baremetal node deploy $NODE_UUID \
--config-drive '{"user_data": "#cloud-config\n{\"users\": [{\"name\": ...}]}"}'
.. warning::
User data is a string, not a JSON! Also note that a prefix, such as
``#cloud-config``, is required, see `user data format
Some first-boot services support network configuration in the `OpenStack
network data format
It can be provided in the ``network_data`` field of the configuration drive.
Ramdisk booting
@ -210,8 +344,3 @@ Ramdisk booting
Advanced operators, specifically ones working with ephemeral workloads,
may find it more useful to explicitly treat a node as one that would always
boot from a Ramdisk. See :doc:`/admin/ramdisk-boot` for details.
Other references
* :ref:`local-boot-without-compute`
Reference in New Issue
Block a user