# Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os from oslo_config import cfg from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.conf import auth VALID_ADD_PORTS_VALUES = { 'all': _('all MAC addresses'), 'active': _('MAC addresses of NICs with IP addresses'), 'pxe': _('only the MAC address of the PXE NIC'), 'disabled': _('do not create any ports'), } VALID_KEEP_PORTS_VALUES = { 'all': _('keep all ports, even ones with MAC addresses that are not ' 'present in the inventory'), 'present': _('keep only ports with MAC addresses present in ' 'the inventory'), 'added': _('keep only ports determined by the add_ports option'), } DEFAULT_CPU_FLAGS_MAPPING = { 'vmx': 'cpu_vt', 'svm': 'cpu_vt', 'aes': 'cpu_aes', 'pse': 'cpu_hugepages', 'pdpe1gb': 'cpu_hugepages_1g', 'smx': 'cpu_txt', } opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('status_check_period', default=60, help=_('period (in seconds) to check status of nodes ' 'on inspection')), cfg.StrOpt('extra_kernel_params', default='', help=_('extra kernel parameters to pass to the inspection ' 'ramdisk when boot is managed by ironic (not ' 'ironic-inspector). Pairs key=value separated by ' 'spaces.')), cfg.BoolOpt('power_off', default=True, help=_('whether to power off a node after inspection ' 'finishes. Ignored for nodes that have fast ' 'track mode enabled.')), cfg.StrOpt('callback_endpoint_override', help=_('endpoint to use as a callback for posting back ' 'introspection data when boot is managed by ironic. ' 'Standard keystoneauth options are used by default.')), # TODO(dtantsur): change the default to True when ironic-inspector is no # longer supported (and update the help string). cfg.BoolOpt('require_managed_boot', default=None, help=_('require that the in-band inspection boot is fully ' 'managed by the node\'s boot interface. Set this to ' 'False if your installation has a separate (i)PXE boot ' 'environment for node discovery or unmanaged ' 'inspection. You may need to set it to False to ' 'inspect nodes that are not supported by boot ' 'interfaces (e.g. because they don\'t have ports). ' 'The default value depends on which inspect interface ' 'is used: inspector uses False, agent - True.')), cfg.StrOpt('add_ports', default='pxe', help=_('Which MAC addresses to add as ports during ' 'inspection.'), choices=list(VALID_ADD_PORTS_VALUES.items())), cfg.StrOpt('keep_ports', default='all', help=_('Which ports (already present on a node) to keep after ' 'inspection.'), choices=list(VALID_KEEP_PORTS_VALUES.items())), cfg.BoolOpt('update_pxe_enabled', default=True, help=_('Whether to update the ports\' pxe_enabled field ' 'according to the inspection data.')), cfg.StrOpt('default_hooks', default='ramdisk-error,validate-interfaces,ports,architecture', help=_('A comma-separated lists of inspection hooks that are ' 'run by default. In most cases, the operators will not ' 'modify this. The default (somewhat conservative) hooks ' 'will raise an exception in case the ramdisk reports an ' 'error, validate interfaces in the inventory, create ' 'ports and set the node\'s cpu architecture property.')), cfg.StrOpt('hooks', default='$default_hooks', help=_('Comma-separated list of enabled hooks for processing ' 'pipeline. The default for this is $default_hooks. ' 'Hooks can be added before or after the defaults ' 'like this: "prehook,$default_hooks,posthook".')), cfg.StrOpt('known_accelerators', default=os.path.join( '$pybasedir', 'drivers/modules/inspector/hooks/known_accelerators.yaml'), help=_('Path to the file which contains the known accelerator ' 'devices, to be used by the "accelerators" inspection ' 'hook.')), cfg.DictOpt('cpu_capabilities', default=DEFAULT_CPU_FLAGS_MAPPING, help='Mapping between a CPU flag and a node capability to set ' 'if this CPU flag is present. This configuration option ' 'is used by the "cpu-capabilities" inspection hook.'), cfg.BoolOpt('extra_hardware_strict', default=False, help=_('If True, refuse to parse extra data (in plugin_data) ' 'if at least one record is too short. Additionally, ' 'remove the incoming "data" even if parsing failed. ' 'This configuration option is used by the ' '"extra-hardware" inspection hook.')), cfg.MultiStrOpt('pci_device_alias', default=[], help=_('An alias for a PCI device identified by ' '\'vendor_id\' and \'product_id\' fields. Format: ' '{"vendor_id": "1234", "product_id": "5678", ' '"name": "pci_dev1"}. Use double quotes for the ' 'keys and values.')), cfg.ListOpt('physical_network_cidr_map', default=[], sample_default=(',' '2001:db8::/64:physnet_b'), help=_('Mapping of IP subnet CIDR to physical network. When ' 'the phyical-network inspection hook is enabled, the ' '"physical_network" property of corresponding ' 'baremetal ports is populated based on this mapping.')), cfg.BoolOpt('disk_partitioning_spacing', default=True, help=_('Whether to leave 1 GiB of disk size untouched for ' 'partitioning. Only has effect when used with the IPA ' 'as a ramdisk, for older ramdisk local_gb is ' 'calculated on the ramdisk side. This configuration ' 'option is used by the "root-device" inspection hook.')) ] discovery_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('enabled', default=False, mutable=True, help=_("Setting this to True enables automatic enrollment " "of inspected nodes that are not recognized. " "When enabling this feature, keep in mind that any " "machine hitting the inspection callback endpoint " "will be automatically enrolled. The driver must be " "set when setting this to True.")), cfg.StrOpt('driver', mutable=True, help=_("The default driver to use for newly enrolled nodes. " "Must be set when enabling auto-discovery.")), ] pxe_filter_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('dhcp_hostsdir', help=_('The MAC address cache directory, exposed to dnsmasq.' 'This directory is expected to be in exclusive control ' 'of the driver but must be purged by the operator. ' 'Required.')), cfg.ListOpt('supported_inspect_interfaces', default=['agent'], mutable=True, help=_("List of inspect interfaces that will be considered " "by the PXE filter. Only nodes with these interfaces " "will be enabled.")), cfg.IntOpt('sync_period', default=45, mutable=True, help=_("Period (in seconds) between synchronizing the state " "if dnsmasq with the database.")), ] def register_opts(conf): conf.register_opts(opts, group='inspector') conf.register_opts(discovery_opts, group='auto_discovery') conf.register_opts(pxe_filter_opts, group='pxe_filter') auth.register_auth_opts(conf, 'inspector', service_type='baremetal-introspection') def list_opts(): return auth.add_auth_opts(opts, service_type='baremetal-introspection')