.. -*- rst -*- ================= Node Bios (nodes) ================= .. versionadded:: 1.40 Given a Node identifier (``uuid`` or ``name``), the API exposes the list of all Bios settings associated with that Node. These endpoints do not allow modification of the Bios settings; that should be done by using ``clean steps``. List all Bios settings by Node ============================== .. rest_method:: GET /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/bios Return a list of Bios settings associated with ``node_ident``. Normal response code: 200 Error codes: 404 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - node_ident: node_ident Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - bios: bios_settings - created_at: created_at - updated_at: updated_at - links: links - name: bios_setting_name - value: bios_setting_value **Example list of a Node's Bios settings:** .. literalinclude:: samples/node-bios-list-response.json Show single Bios setting of a Node ================================== .. rest_method:: GET /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/bios/{bios_setting} Return the content of the specific bios ``bios_setting`` associated with ``node_ident``. Normal response code: 200 Error codes: 404 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - node_ident: node_ident - bios_setting: bios_setting Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - : d_bios_setting - created_at: created_at - updated_at: updated_at - links: links - name: bios_setting_name - value: bios_setting_value **Example details of a Node's Bios setting details:** .. literalinclude:: samples/node-bios-detail-response.json