# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Base classes for our unit tests. Allows overriding of config for use of fakes, and some black magic for inline callbacks. """ import copy import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import eventlet eventlet.monkey_patch(os=False) # noqa E402 import fixtures from ironic_lib import utils from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import fixture as config_fixture from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils from oslotest import base as oslo_test_base from ironic.common import config as ironic_config from ironic.common import context as ironic_context from ironic.common import driver_factory from ironic.common import hash_ring from ironic.common import utils as common_utils from ironic.conf import CONF from ironic.drivers import base as drivers_base from ironic.objects import base as objects_base from ironic.tests.unit import policy_fixture logging.register_options(CONF) logging.setup(CONF, 'ironic') class ReplaceModule(fixtures.Fixture): """Replace a module with a fake module.""" def __init__(self, name, new_value): self.name = name self.new_value = new_value def _restore(self, old_value): sys.modules[self.name] = old_value def setUp(self): super(ReplaceModule, self).setUp() old_value = sys.modules.get(self.name) sys.modules[self.name] = self.new_value self.addCleanup(self._restore, old_value) class TestingException(Exception): pass class TestCase(oslo_test_base.BaseTestCase): """Test case base class for all unit tests.""" # By default block execution of utils.execute() and related functions. block_execute = True def setUp(self): """Run before each test method to initialize test environment.""" super(TestCase, self).setUp() self.context = ironic_context.get_admin_context() self._set_config() # NOTE(danms): Make sure to reset us back to non-remote objects # for each test to avoid interactions. Also, backup the object # registry self._base_test_obj_backup = copy.copy( objects_base.IronicObjectRegistry.obj_classes()) self.addCleanup(self._restore_obj_registry) self.addCleanup(self._clear_attrs) self.addCleanup(hash_ring.HashRingManager().reset) self.useFixture(fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('http_proxy')) self.policy = self.useFixture(policy_fixture.PolicyFixture()) driver_factory.HardwareTypesFactory._extension_manager = None for factory in driver_factory._INTERFACE_LOADERS.values(): factory._extension_manager = None # Ban running external processes via 'execute' like functions. If the # patched function is called, an exception is raised to warn the # tester. if self.block_execute: # NOTE(jlvillal): Intentionally not using mock as if you mock a # mock it causes things to not work correctly. As doing an # autospec=True causes strangeness. By using a simple function we # can then mock it without issue. self.patch(processutils, 'execute', do_not_call) self.patch(subprocess, 'call', do_not_call) self.patch(subprocess, 'check_call', do_not_call) self.patch(subprocess, 'check_output', do_not_call) self.patch(utils, 'execute', do_not_call) # subprocess.Popen is a class self.patch(subprocess, 'Popen', DoNotCallPopen) def _set_config(self): self.cfg_fixture = self.useFixture(config_fixture.Config(CONF)) self.config(use_stderr=False, fatal_exception_format_errors=True, tempdir=tempfile.tempdir) self.config(cleaning_network=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), group='neutron') self.config(provisioning_network=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), group='neutron') self.config(rescuing_network=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), group='neutron') self.config(enabled_hardware_types=['fake-hardware', 'manual-management']) for iface in drivers_base.ALL_INTERFACES: # Restore some reasonable defaults if iface == 'network': values = ['flat', 'noop', 'neutron'] else: values = ['fake'] if iface == 'deploy': values.extend(['iscsi', 'direct']) elif iface == 'boot': values.append('pxe') elif iface == 'storage': values.append('noop') elif iface not in {'network', 'power', 'management'}: values.append('no-%s' % iface) self.config(**{'enabled_%s_interfaces' % iface: values, 'default_%s_interface' % iface: None}) self.set_defaults(host='fake-mini', debug=True) self.set_defaults(connection="sqlite://", sqlite_synchronous=False, group='database') ironic_config.parse_args([], default_config_files=[]) def _restore_obj_registry(self): objects_base.IronicObjectRegistry._registry._obj_classes = ( self._base_test_obj_backup) def _clear_attrs(self): # Delete attributes that don't start with _ so they don't pin # memory around unnecessarily for the duration of the test # suite for key in [k for k in self.__dict__ if k[0] != '_']: del self.__dict__[key] def config(self, **kw): """Override config options for a test.""" self.cfg_fixture.config(**kw) def config_temp_dir(self, option, group=None): """Override a config option with a temporary directory.""" temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.addCleanup(lambda: common_utils.rmtree_without_raise(temp_dir)) self.config(**{option: temp_dir, 'group': group}) def set_defaults(self, **kw): """Set default values of config options.""" group = kw.pop('group', None) for o, v in kw.items(): self.cfg_fixture.set_default(o, v, group=group) def path_get(self, project_file=None): """Get the absolute path to a file. Used for testing the API. :param project_file: File whose path to return. Default: None. :returns: path to the specified file, or path to project root. """ root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', ) ) if project_file: return os.path.join(root, project_file) else: return root def assertJsonEqual(self, expected, observed): """Asserts that 2 complex data structures are json equivalent.""" self.assertEqual(jsonutils.dumps(expected, sort_keys=True), jsonutils.dumps(observed, sort_keys=True)) def assertNotificationEqual(self, notif_args, service, host, event_type, level): """Asserts properties of arguments passed when creating a notification. :param notif_args: dict of arguments notification instantiated with :param service: expected service that emits the notification :param host: expected host that emits the notification :param event_type: expected value of EventType field of notification as a string :param level: expected NotificationLevel """ self.assertEqual(service, notif_args['publisher'].service) self.assertEqual(host, notif_args['publisher'].host) self.assertEqual(event_type, notif_args['event_type']. to_event_type_field()) self.assertEqual(level, notif_args['level']) def do_not_call(*args, **kwargs): """Helper function to raise an exception if it is called""" raise Exception( "Don't call ironic_lib.utils.execute() / " "processutils.execute() or similar functions in tests!") class DoNotCallPopen(object): """Helper class to mimic subprocess.popen() It's job is to raise an exception if it is called. We create stub functions so mocks that use autospec=True will work. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): do_not_call(*args, **kwargs) def communicate(input=None): pass def kill(): pass def poll(): pass def terminate(): pass def wait(): pass