.. _faq: ========================================== Developer FAQ (frequently asked questions) ========================================== Here are some answers to frequently-asked questions from IRC and elsewhere. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 How do I... =========== ...create a migration script template? -------------------------------------- Using the ``alembic revision`` command, e.g:: $ cd ironic/ironic/db/sqlalchemy $ alembic revision -m "create foo table" For more information see the `alembic documentation`_. .. _`alembic documentation`: https://alembic.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorial.html#create-a-migration-script ...know if a release note is needed for my change? -------------------------------------------------- `Reno documentation`_ contains a description of what can be added to each section of a release note. If, after reading this, you're still unsure about whether to add a release note for your change or not, keep in mind that it is intended to contain information for deployers, so changes to unit tests or documentation are unlikely to require one. ...create a new release note? ----------------------------- By running ``reno`` command via tox, e.g:: $ tox -e venv -- reno new version-foo venv create: /home/foo/ironic/.tox/venv venv installdeps: -r/home/foo/ironic/test-requirements.txt venv develop-inst: /home/foo/ironic venv runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='0' venv runtests: commands[0] | reno new version-foo Created new notes file in releasenotes/notes/version-foo-ecb3875dc1cbf6d9.yaml venv: commands succeeded congratulations :) $ git status On branch test Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) releasenotes/notes/version-foo-ecb3875dc1cbf6d9.yaml Then edit the result file. For more information see the `reno documentation`_. .. _`reno documentation`: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/reno/usage.html