.. _dev-quickstart: ===================== Developer Quick-Start ===================== This is a quick walkthrough to get you started developing code for Ironic. This assumes you are already familiar with submitting code reviews to an OpenStack project. The gate currently runs the unit tests under Python 2.7 and Python 3.5. It is strongly encouraged to run the unit tests locally prior to submitting a patch. .. note:: Do not run unit tests on the same environment as devstack due to conflicting configuration with system dependencies. .. note:: This document is compatible with Python (3.5), Ubuntu (16.04) and Fedora (24). When referring to different versions of Python and OS distributions, this is explicitly stated. .. seealso:: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#development-workflow Prepare Development System ========================== System Prerequisites -------------------- The following packages cover the prerequisites for a local development environment on most current distributions. Instructions for getting set up with non-default versions of Python and on older distributions are included below as well. - Ubuntu/Debian:: sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev libssl-dev python-pip libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libpq-dev git git-review libffi-dev gettext ipmitool psmisc graphviz libjpeg-dev - RHEL7/CentOS7:: sudo yum install python-devel openssl-devel python-pip mysql-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel postgresql-devel git git-review libffi-devel gettext ipmitool psmisc graphviz gcc libjpeg-turbo-devel If using RHEL and yum reports "No package python-pip available" and "No package git-review available", use the EPEL software repository. Instructions can be found at ``_. - Fedora:: sudo dnf install python-devel openssl-devel python-pip mysql-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel postgresql-devel git git-review libffi-devel gettext ipmitool psmisc graphviz gcc libjpeg-turbo-devel Additionally, if using Fedora 23, ``redhat-rpm-config`` package should be installed so that development virtualenv can be built successfully. - openSUSE/SLE 12:: sudo zypper install git git-review libffi-devel libmysqlclient-devel libopenssl-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel postgresql-devel python-devel python-nose python-pip gettext-runtime psmisc Graphviz is only needed for generating the state machine diagram. To install it on openSUSE or SLE 12, see ``_. To run the tests locally, it is a requirement that your terminal emulator supports unicode with the ``en_US.UTF8`` locale. If you use locale-gen to manage your locales, make sure you have enabled ``en_US.UTF8`` in ``/etc/locale.gen`` and rerun ``locale-gen``. Python Prerequisites -------------------- If your distro has at least tox 1.8, use similar command to install ``python-tox`` package. Otherwise install this on all distros:: sudo pip install -U tox You may need to explicitly upgrade virtualenv if you've installed the one from your OS distribution and it is too old (tox will complain). You can upgrade it individually, if you need to:: sudo pip install -U virtualenv Running Unit Tests Locally ========================== If you haven't already, Ironic source code should be pulled directly from git:: # from your home or source directory cd ~ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/ironic cd ironic Running Unit and Style Tests ---------------------------- All unit tests should be run using tox. To run Ironic's entire test suite:: # to run the py27, py35 unit tests, and the style tests tox To run a specific test or tests, use the "-e" option followed by the tox target name. For example:: # run the unit tests under py27 and also run the pep8 tests tox -epy27 -epep8 You may pass options to the test programs using positional arguments. To run a specific unit test, this passes the desired test (regex string) to `stestr `_:: # run a specific test for Python 2.7 tox -epy27 -- test_conductor Debugging unit tests -------------------- In order to break into the debugger from a unit test we need to insert a breaking point to the code: .. code-block:: python import pdb; pdb.set_trace() Then run ``tox`` with the debug environment as one of the following:: tox -e debug tox -e debug test_file_name tox -e debug test_file_name.TestClass tox -e debug test_file_name.TestClass.test_name For more information see the `oslotest documentation `_. Database Setup -------------- The unit tests need a local database setup, you can use ``tools/test-setup.sh`` to set up the database the same way as setup in the OpenStack test systems. Additional Tox Targets ---------------------- There are several additional tox targets not included in the default list, such as the target which builds the documentation site. See the ``tox.ini`` file for a complete listing of tox targets. These can be run directly by specifying the target name:: # generate the documentation pages locally tox -edocs # generate the sample configuration file tox -egenconfig Exercising the Services Locally =============================== In addition to running automated tests, sometimes it can be helpful to actually run the services locally, without needing a server in a remote datacenter. If you would like to exercise the Ironic services in isolation within your local environment, you can do this without starting any other OpenStack services. For example, this is useful for rapidly prototyping and debugging interactions over the RPC channel, testing database migrations, and so forth. Here we describe two ways to install and configure the dependencies, either run directly on your local machine or encapsulated in a virtual machine or container. Step 1: Create a Python virtualenv ---------------------------------- #. If you haven't already downloaded the source code, do that first:: cd ~ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/ironic cd ironic #. Create the Python virtualenv:: tox -evenv --notest --develop -r #. Activate the virtual environment:: . .tox/venv/bin/activate #. Install the `openstack` client command utility:: pip install python-openstackclient #. Install the `openstack baremetal` client:: pip install python-ironicclient .. note:: You can install python-ironicclient from source by cloning the git repository and running `pip install .` while in the root of the cloned repository. #. Export some ENV vars so the client will connect to the local services that you'll start in the next section:: export OS_TOKEN=fake-token export OS_URL=http://localhost:6385/ Next, install and configure system dependencies. Step 2: Install System Dependencies Locally -------------------------------------------- This step will install RabbitMQ and MySQL on your local system. This may not be desirable in some situations (eg, you're developing from a laptop and do not want to run a MySQL server on it all the time). #. Install rabbitmq-server: Ubuntu/Debian:: sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server RHEL7/CentOS7:: sudo yum install rabbitmq-server sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server.service Fedora:: sudo dnf install rabbitmq-server sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server.service openSUSE/SLE 12:: sudo zypper install rabbitmq-server sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server.service #. Install mysql-server: Ubuntu/Debian:: sudo apt-get install mysql-server RHEL7/CentOS7:: sudo yum install mariadb mariadb-server sudo systemctl start mariadb.service Fedora:: sudo dnf install mariadb mariadb-server sudo systemctl start mariadb.service openSUSE/SLE 12:: sudo zypper install mariadb sudo systemctl start mysql.service If using MySQL, you need to create the initial database:: mysql -u root -pMYSQL_ROOT_PWD -e "create schema ironic" .. note:: if you choose not to install mysql-server, ironic will default to using a local sqlite database. #. Create a configuration file within the ironic source directory:: # generate a sample config tox -egenconfig # copy sample config and modify it as necessary cp etc/ironic/ironic.conf.sample etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local # disable auth since we are not running keystone here sed -i "s/#auth_strategy = keystone/auth_strategy = noauth/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local # use the 'fake-hardware' test hardware type sed -i "s/#enabled_hardware_types = .*/enabled_hardware_types = fake-hardware/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local # use the 'fake' deploy and boot interfaces sed -i "s/#enabled_deploy_interfaces = .*/enabled_deploy_interfaces = fake/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local sed -i "s/#enabled_boot_interfaces = .*/enabled_boot_interfaces = fake/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local # enable both fake and ipmitool management and power interfaces sed -i "s/#enabled_management_interfaces = .*/enabled_management_interfaces = fake,ipmitool/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local sed -i "s/#enabled_power_interfaces = .*/enabled_power_interfaces = fake,ipmitool/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local # set a fake host name [useful if you want to test multiple services on the same host] sed -i "s/#host = .*/host = test-host/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local # change the periodic sync_power_state_interval to a week, to avoid getting NodeLocked exceptions sed -i "s/#sync_power_state_interval = 60/sync_power_state_interval = 604800/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local # if you opted to install mysql-server, switch the DB connection from sqlite to mysql sed -i "s/#connection = .*/connection = mysql\+pymysql:\/\/root:MYSQL_ROOT_PWD@localhost\/ironic/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local Step 3: Start the Services -------------------------- From within the python virtualenv, run the following command to prepare the database before you start the ironic services:: # initialize the database for ironic ironic-dbsync --config-file etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local create_schema Next, open two new terminals for this section, and run each of the examples here in a separate terminal. In this way, the services will *not* be run as daemons; you can observe their output and stop them with Ctrl-C at any time. #. Start the API service in debug mode and watch its output:: cd ~/ironic . .tox/venv/bin/activate ironic-api -d --config-file etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local #. Start the Conductor service in debug mode and watch its output:: cd ~/ironic . .tox/venv/bin/activate ironic-conductor -d --config-file etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local Step 4: Interact with the running services ------------------------------------------ You should now be able to interact with ironic via the python client, which is present in the python virtualenv, and observe both services' debug outputs in the other two windows. This is a good way to test new features or play with the functionality without necessarily starting DevStack. To get started, export the following variables to point the client at the local instance of ironic and disable the authentication:: export OS_AUTH_TYPE=token_endpoint export OS_TOKEN=fake export OS_ENDPOINT= Then list the available commands and resources:: # get a list of available commands openstack help baremetal # get the list of drivers currently supported by the available conductor(s) openstack baremetal driver list # get a list of nodes (should be empty at this point) openstack baremetal node list Here is an example walkthrough of creating a node:: MAC="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" # replace with the MAC of a data port on your node IPMI_ADDR="" # replace with a real IP of the node BMC IPMI_USER="admin" # replace with the BMC's user name IPMI_PASS="pass" # replace with the BMC's password # enroll the node with the fake hardware type and IPMI-based power and # management interfaces. Note that driver info may be added at node # creation time with "--driver-info" NODE=$(openstack baremetal node create \ --driver fake-hardware \ --management-interface ipmitool \ --power-interface ipmitool \ --driver-info ipmi_address=$IPMI_ADDR \ --driver-info ipmi_username=$IPMI_USER \ -f value -c uuid) # driver info may also be added or updated later on openstack baremetal node set $NODE --driver-info ipmi_password=$IPMI_PASS # add a network port openstack baremetal port create $MAC --node $NODE # view the information for the node openstack baremetal node show $NODE # request that the node's driver validate the supplied information openstack baremetal node validate $NODE # you have now enrolled a node sufficiently to be able to control # its power state from ironic! openstack baremetal node power on $NODE If you make some code changes and want to test their effects, simply stop the services with Ctrl-C and restart them. Step 5: Fixing your test environment ------------------------------------ If you are testing changes that add or remove python entrypoints, or making significant changes to ironic's python modules, or simply keep the virtualenv around for a long time, your development environment may reach an inconsistent state. It may help to delete cached ".pyc" files, update dependencies, reinstall ironic, or even recreate the virtualenv. The following commands may help with that, but are not an exhaustive troubleshooting guide:: # clear cached pyc files cd ~/ironic/ironic find ./ -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm # reinstall ironic modules cd ~/ironic . .tox/venv/bin/activate pip uninstall ironic pip install -e . # install and upgrade ironic and all python dependencies cd ~/ironic . .tox/venv/bin/activate pip install -U -e . .. _`deploy_devstack`: Deploying Ironic with DevStack ============================== DevStack may be configured to deploy Ironic, setup Nova to use the Ironic driver and provide hardware resources (network, baremetal compute nodes) using a combination of OpenVSwitch and libvirt. It is highly recommended to deploy on an expendable virtual machine and not on your personal work station. Deploying Ironic with DevStack requires a machine running Ubuntu 16.04 (or later) or Fedora 24 (or later). Make sure your machine is fully up to date and has the latest packages installed before beginning this process. .. seealso:: https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/latest/ .. note:: The devstack "demo" tenant is now granted the "baremetal_observer" role and thereby has read-only access to ironic's API. This is sufficient for all the examples below. Should you want to create or modify bare metal resources directly (ie. through ironic rather than through nova) you will need to use the devstack "admin" tenant. Devstack will no longer create the user 'stack' with the desired permissions, but does provide a script to perform the task:: git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack.git devstack sudo ./devstack/tools/create-stack-user.sh Switch to the stack user and clone DevStack:: sudo su - stack git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack.git devstack Create devstack/local.conf with minimal settings required to enable Ironic. An example local.conf that enables both ``direct`` and ``iscsi`` :doc:`deploy interfaces ` and uses the ``ipmi`` hardware type by default:: cd devstack cat >local.conf <`_ to control the power state of the virtual baremetal nodes. .. note:: When running QEMU as non-root user (e.g. ``qemu`` on Fedora or ``libvirt-qemu`` on Ubuntu), make sure ``IRONIC_VM_LOG_DIR`` points to a directory where QEMU will be able to write. You can verify this with, for example:: # on Fedora sudo -u qemu touch $HOME/ironic-bm-logs/test.log # on Ubuntu sudo -u libvirt-qemu touch $HOME/ironic-bm-logs/test.log .. note:: To check out an in-progress patch for testing, you can add a Git ref to the ``enable_plugin`` line. For instance:: enable_plugin ironic git://git.openstack.org/openstack/ironic refs/changes/46/295946/15 For a patch in review, you can find the ref to use by clicking the "Download" button in Gerrit. You can also specify a different git repo, or a branch or tag:: enable_plugin ironic https://github.com/openstack/ironic stable/kilo For more details, see the `devstack plugin interface documentation `_. Run stack.sh:: ./stack.sh Source credentials, create a key, and spawn an instance as the ``demo`` user:: . ~/devstack/openrc # query the image id of the default cirros image image=$(openstack image show $DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME -f value -c id) # create keypair ssh-keygen openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub default # spawn instance openstack server create --flavor baremetal --image $image --key-name default testing .. note:: Because devstack create multiple networks, we need to pass an additional parameter ``--nic net-id`` to the nova boot command when using the admin account, for example:: net_id=$(openstack network list | egrep "$PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME"'[^-]' | awk '{ print $2 }') openstack server create --flavor baremetal --nic net-id=$net_id --image $image --key-name default testing You should now see a Nova instance building:: openstack server list --long +----------+---------+--------+------------+-------------+----------+------------+----------+-------------------+------+------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks | Image Name | Image ID | Availability Zone | Host | Properties | +----------+---------+--------+------------+-------------+----------+------------+----------+-------------------+------+------------+ | a2c7f812 | testing | BUILD | spawning | NOSTATE | | cirros-0.3 | 44d4092a | nova | | | | -e386-4a | | | | | | .5-x86_64- | -51ac-47 | | | | | 22-b393- | | | | | | disk | 51-9c50- | | | | | fe1802ab | | | | | | | fd6e2050 | | | | | d56e | | | | | | | faa1 | | | | +----------+---------+--------+------------+-------------+----------+------------+----------+-------------------+------+------------+ Nova will be interfacing with Ironic conductor to spawn the node. On the Ironic side, you should see an Ironic node associated with this Nova instance. It should be powered on and in a 'wait call-back' provisioning state:: openstack baremetal node list +--------------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------+ | UUID | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------+ | 9e592cbe-e492-4e4f-bf8f-4c9e0ad1868f | node-0 | None | power off | None | False | | ec0c6384-cc3a-4edf-b7db-abde1998be96 | node-1 | None | power off | None | False | | 4099e31c-576c-48f8-b460-75e1b14e497f | node-2 | a2c7f812-e386-4a22-b393-fe1802abd56e | power on | wait call-back | False | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------+ At this point, Ironic conductor has called to libvirt (via virtualbmc) to power on a virtual machine, which will PXE + TFTP boot from the conductor node and progress through the Ironic provisioning workflow. One libvirt domain should be active now:: sudo virsh list --all Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- 2 node-2 running - node-0 shut off - node-1 shut off This provisioning process may take some time depending on the performance of the host system, but Ironic should eventually show the node as having an 'active' provisioning state:: openstack baremetal node list +--------------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------+ | UUID | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------+ | 9e592cbe-e492-4e4f-bf8f-4c9e0ad1868f | node-0 | None | power off | None | False | | ec0c6384-cc3a-4edf-b7db-abde1998be96 | node-1 | None | power off | None | False | | 4099e31c-576c-48f8-b460-75e1b14e497f | node-2 | a2c7f812-e386-4a22-b393-fe1802abd56e | power on | active | False | +--------------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------+ This should also be reflected in the Nova instance state, which at this point should be ACTIVE, Running and an associated private IP:: openstack server list --long +----------+---------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------+------------+----------+-------------------+------+------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks | Image Name | Image ID | Availability Zone | Host | Properties | +----------+---------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------+------------+----------+-------------------+------+------------+ | a2c7f812 | testing | ACTIVE | none | Running | private=10.1. | cirros-0.3 | 44d4092a | nova | | | | -e386-4a | | | | | 0.4, fd7d:1f3 | .5-x86_64- | -51ac-47 | | | | | 22-b393- | | | | | c:4bf1:0:f816 | disk | 51-9c50- | | | | | fe1802ab | | | | | :3eff:f39d:6d | | fd6e2050 | | | | | d56e | | | | | 94 | | faa1 | | | | +----------+---------+--------+------------+-------------+---------------+------------+----------+-------------------+------+------------+ The server should now be accessible via SSH:: ssh cirros@ $ Running Tempest tests ===================== After `Deploying Ironic with DevStack`_ one might want to run integration tests against the running cloud. The Tempest project is the project that offers an integration test suite for OpenStack. First, navigate to Tempest directory:: cd /opt/stack/tempest To run all tests from the `Ironic plugin `_, execute the following command:: tox -e all -- ironic To limit the amount of tests that you would like to run, you can use a regex. For instance, to limit the run to a single test file, the following command can be used:: tox -e all -- ironic_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_baremetal_basic_ops Debugging Tempest tests ----------------------- It is sometimes useful to step through the test code, line by line, especially when the error output is vague. This can be done by running the tests in debug mode and using a debugger such as `pdb `_. For example, after editing the *test_baremetal_basic_ops* file and setting up the pdb traces you can invoke the ``run_tempest.sh`` script in the Tempest directory with the following parameters:: ./run_tempest.sh -N -d ironic_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_baremetal_basic_ops * The *-N* parameter tells the script to run the tests in the local environment (without a virtualenv) so it can find the Ironic tempest plugin. * The *-d* parameter enables the debug mode, allowing it to be used with pdb. For more information about the supported parameters see:: ./run_tempest.sh --help .. note:: Always be careful when running debuggers in time sensitive code, they may cause timeout errors that weren't there before. OSProfiler Tracing in Ironic ============================ OSProfiler is an OpenStack cross-project profiling library. It is being used among OpenStack projects to look at performance issues and detect bottlenecks. For details on how OSProfiler works and how to use it in ironic, please refer to `OSProfiler Support Documentation `_. Building developer documentation ================================ If you would like to build the documentation locally, eg. to test your documentation changes before uploading them for review, run these commands to build the documentation set: - On your local machine:: # activate your development virtualenv . .tox/venv/bin/activate # build the docs tox -edocs #Now use your browser to open the top-level index.html located at: ironic/doc/build/html/index.html - On a remote machine:: # Go to the directory that contains the docs cd ~/ironic/doc/source/ # Build the docs tox -edocs # Change directory to the newly built HTML files cd ~/ironic/doc/build/html/ # Create a server using python on port 8000 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 #Now use your browser to open the top-level index.html located at: http://your_ip:8000