- name: discover grub-install command find: paths: - "{{ tmp_rootfs_mount }}/usr/sbin" pattern: "grub*-install" register: grub_install_found - name: discover grub-mkconfig command find: paths: - "{{ tmp_rootfs_mount }}/usr/sbin" pattern: "grub*-mkconfig" register: grub_config_found - name: find grub config file find: paths: - "{{ tmp_rootfs_mount }}/boot" pattern: "grub*.cfg" recurse: yes register: grub_file_found - name: test if all needed grub files were found assert: that: - "{{ grub_install_found.matched > 0 }}" - "{{ grub_config_found.matched > 0 }}" - "{{ grub_file_found.matched > 0 }}" - name: set paths to grub commands set_fact: grub_install_cmd: "{{ grub_install_found.files[0].path | replace(tmp_rootfs_mount,'') }}" grub_config_cmd: "{{ grub_config_found.files[0].path | replace(tmp_rootfs_mount,'') }}" grub_config_file: "{{ grub_file_found.files[0].path | replace(tmp_rootfs_mount,'') }}" - name: make dirs for chroot become: yes file: state: directory path: "{{ tmp_rootfs_mount }}/{{ item }}" with_items: - dev - sys - proc - name: mount dirs for chroot become: yes command: mount -o bind /{{ item }} {{ tmp_rootfs_mount }}/{{ item }} with_items: - dev - proc - name: mount /sys for chroot become: yes command: mount -t sysfs sysfs {{ tmp_rootfs_mount }}/sys - block: - name: get grub version string become: yes command: chroot {{ tmp_rootfs_mount }} /bin/sh -c '{{ grub_install_cmd }} --version' register: grub_version_string - name: install grub to disk become: yes command: chroot {{ tmp_rootfs_mount }} /bin/sh -c '{{ grub_install_cmd }} {{ ironic_root_device }}' - name: preload lvm modules for grub2 become: yes lineinfile: dest: "{{ tmp_rootfs_mount }}/etc/default/grub" state: present line: GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=lvm when: grub_version_string.stdout.split() | last | first == '2' - name: create grub config become: yes command: chroot {{ tmp_rootfs_mount }} /bin/sh -c '{{ grub_config_cmd }} -o {{ grub_config_file }}' always: - name: unmount /{{ item }} for chroot become: yes command: umount {{ tmp_rootfs_mount }}/{{ item }} register: task_result retries: '{{ umount_retry_count }}' delay: '{{ umount_retry_delay }}' until: task_result.rc == 0 with_items: - sys - proc - dev