--- features: - | Adds a ``traits`` field to the node resource, which will be used by the Compute service to define which nodes may match a Compute flavor using qualitative attributes. The following new endpoints have been added to the Bare Metal REST API in version 1.37: * ``GET /v1/nodes//traits`` lists the traits for a node. * ``PUT /v1/nodes//traits`` sets all traits for a node. * ``PUT /v1/nodes//traits/`` adds a trait to a node. * ``DELETE /v1/nodes//traits`` removes all traits from a node. * ``DELETE /v1/nodes//traits/`` removes a trait from a node. A node's traits are also included in the following node query and list responses: * ``GET /v1/nodes/`` * ``GET /v1/nodes/detail`` * ``GET /v1/nodes?fields=traits`` Traits cannot be specified on node creation, nor can they be updated via a ``PATCH`` request on the node.