--- upgrade: - | A number of drivers that were declared as unsupported in Newton release have been removed from ironic tree. This includes drivers with power and/or management driver interfaces based on: - MSFT OCS - SeaMicro client - Virtualbox over pyremotevbox client As a result, the following ironic drivers will no longer be available: - agent_vbox - fake_msftocs - fake_seamicro - fake_vbox - pxe_msftocs - pxe_seamicro - pxe_vbox After upgrading, if one or more of these drivers are in the 'enabled_drivers' configuration option, the ironic-conductor service will fail to start. Any existing ironic nodes with these drivers assigned will become inoperational via ironic after ironic upgrade, as it will be not possible to change any node state/properties except changing the node driver. Operators having one of the drivers listed above enabled are required to either disable those drivers and assign another existing driver to affected nodes as appropriate, or install these drivers from elsewhere separately.