--- ############################################################################### # This ansible playbook installs all supporting software necessary to run the # ironic service locally into the vagrant VM attached. Its intent is to provide # a quickstart development environment that doesn't pollute an engineer's own # machine. # # The vagrant vm's IP address is assumed to be # # http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/dev/dev-quickstart.html#exercising-the-services-locally # - hosts: ironic sudo: yes tasks: ############################################################################ # APT Updates ############################################################################ # Make sure our VM's software is ~@Latest - name: Apt Update apt: update_cache=yes upgrade=dist cache_valid_time=86400 # Reboot if required. - name: Reboot system if required command: shutdown -r now 'Rebooting to complete system upgrade' removes=/var/run/reboot-required register: rebooted - name: Wait for VM Reboot. sudo: no local_action: wait_for port=22 host="{{ip}}" search_regex=OpenSSH delay=10 timeout=900 when: rebooted.changed ############################################################################ # Install all the needed packages in one go. ############################################################################ - name: Install Required Packages apt: name={{item}} state=present with_items: - rabbitmq-server - python-mysqldb - mysql-server - mysql-client ############################################################################ # Configure rabbitmq. ############################################################################ - name: Ensure rabbitmq is running service: name=rabbitmq-server state=started enabled=yes - name: Add ironic RabbitMQ user rabbitmq_user: user=ironic password=ironic vhost=/ configure_priv=.* read_priv=.* write_priv=.* state=present ############################################################################ # Configure mysql. ############################################################################ - name: Configure MySQL lineinfile: dest=/etc/mysql/my.cnf line="bind-address={{ip}}" regexp="^bind\-address" notify: Restart MySQL - name: Create MySQL Database mysql_db: name=ironic state=present - name: Create ironic MySQL user mysql_user: name=ironic password=ironic host={{item}} priv=ironic.*:ALL state=present with_items: - localhost - "%" - name: Ensure mysql is running service: name=mysql state=started enabled=yes ############################################################################ # Create ironic.conf.local configuration. ############################################################################ - name: Update local configuration with vagrant parameters. sudo: no local_action: ini_file dest=etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local section="{{item.section}}" option="{{item.option}}" value="{{item.value}}" with_items: - { section: 'glance', option: 'auth_strategy', value: 'noauth' } - { section: 'neutron', option: 'auth_strategy', value: 'noauth' } - { section: 'database', option: 'connection', value: "mysql+pymysql://ironic:ironic@{{ip}}/ironic" } - { section: 'DEFAULT', option: 'auth_strategy', value: 'noauth' } - { section: 'DEFAULT', option: 'enabled_drivers', value: 'pxe_ssh, agent_ssh, fake' # All other testing drivers require add'l packages # and should be enabled locally, if desired } - { section: 'DEFAULT', option: 'pecan_debug', value: 'true' } - { section: 'oslo_messaging_rabbit', option: 'rabbit_host', value: "{{ip}}" } - { section: 'oslo_messaging_rabbit', option: 'rabbit_userid', value: "ironic" } - { section: 'oslo_messaging_rabbit', option: 'rabbit_password', value: "ironic" } ############################################################################# # Handlers ############################################################################# handlers: - name: Restart MySQL service: name=mysql state=restarted enabled=yes