Upgrading to Hardware Types =========================== Starting with the Rocky release, the Bare Metal service does not support *classic drivers* any more. If you still use *classic drivers*, please upgrade to *hardware types* immediately. Please see :doc:`/install/enabling-drivers` for details on *hardware types* and *hardware interfaces*. Planning the upgrade -------------------- It is necessary to figure out which hardware types and hardware interfaces correspond to which classic drivers used in your deployment. The following table lists the classic drivers with their corresponding hardware types and the boot, deploy, inspect, management, and power hardware interfaces: ===================== ==================== ==================== ============== ========== ========== ========= Classic Driver Hardware Type Boot Deploy Inspect Management Power ===================== ==================== ==================== ============== ========== ========== ========= agent_ilo ilo ilo-virtual-media direct ilo ilo ilo agent_ipmitool ipmi pxe direct inspector ipmitool ipmitool agent_ipmitool_socat ipmi pxe direct inspector ipmitool ipmitool agent_irmc irmc irmc-virtual-media direct irmc irmc irmc iscsi_ilo ilo ilo-virtual-media iscsi ilo ilo ilo iscsi_irmc irmc irmc-virtual-media iscsi irmc irmc irmc pxe_drac idrac pxe iscsi idrac idrac idrac pxe_drac_inspector idrac pxe iscsi inspector idrac idrac pxe_ilo ilo ilo-pxe iscsi ilo ilo ilo pxe_ipmitool ipmi pxe iscsi inspector ipmitool ipmitool pxe_ipmitool_socat ipmi pxe iscsi inspector ipmitool ipmitool pxe_irmc irmc irmc-pxe iscsi irmc irmc irmc pxe_snmp snmp pxe iscsi no-inspect fake snmp ===================== ==================== ==================== ============== ========== ========== ========= .. note:: The ``inspector`` *inspect* interface was only used if explicitly enabled in the configuration. Otherwise, ``no-inspect`` was used. .. note:: ``pxe_ipmitool_socat`` and ``agent_ipmitool_socat`` use ``ipmitool-socat`` *console* interface (the default for the ``ipmi`` hardware type), while ``pxe_ipmitool`` and ``agent_ipmitool`` use ``ipmitool-shellinabox``. See Console_ for details. For out-of-tree drivers you may need to reach out to their maintainers or figure out the appropriate interfaces by researching the source code. Configuration ------------- You will need to enable hardware types and interfaces that correspond to your currently enabled classic drivers. For example, if you have the following configuration in your ``ironic.conf``: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_drivers = pxe_ipmitool,agent_ipmitool You will have to add this configuration as well: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_hardware_types = ipmi enabled_boot_interfaces = pxe enabled_deploy_interfaces = iscsi,direct enabled_management_interfaces = ipmitool enabled_power_interfaces = ipmitool .. note:: For every interface type there is an option ``default__interface``, where ```` is the interface type name. For example, one can make all nodes use the ``direct`` deploy method by default by setting: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] default_deploy_interface = direct Migrating nodes --------------- After the required items are enabled in the configuration, each node's ``driver`` field has to be updated to a new value. You may need to also set new values for some or all interfaces: .. code-block:: console export OS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION=1.31 for uuid in $(openstack baremetal node list --driver pxe_ipmitool -f value -c UUID); do openstack baremetal node set $uuid --driver ipmi --deploy-interface iscsi done for uuid in $(openstack baremetal node list --driver agent_ipmitool -f value -c UUID); do openstack baremetal node set $uuid --driver ipmi --deploy-interface direct done See :doc:`/install/enrollment` for more details on setting hardware types and interfaces. .. warning:: It is not recommended to change the interfaces for ``active`` nodes. If absolutely needed, the nodes have to be put in the maintenance mode first: .. code-block:: console openstack baremetal node maintenance set $UUID \ --reason "Changing driver and/or hardware interfaces" # do the update, validate its correctness openstack baremetal node maintenance unset $UUID Other interfaces ---------------- Care has to be taken to migrate from classic drivers using non-default interfaces. This chapter covers a few of the most commonly used. Ironic Inspector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some classic drivers, notably ``pxe_ipmitool``, ``agent_ipmitool`` and ``pxe_drac_inspector``, use ironic-inspector_ for their *inspect* interface. The same functionality is available for all hardware types, but the appropriate ``inspect`` interface has to be enabled in the Bare Metal service configuration file, for example: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_inspect_interfaces = inspector,no-inspect See :doc:`/install/enabling-drivers` for more details. .. note:: The configuration option ``[inspector]enabled`` does not affect hardware types. Then you can tell your nodes to use this interface, for example: .. code-block:: console export OS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION=1.31 for uuid in $(openstack baremetal node list --driver ipmi -f value -c UUID); do openstack baremetal node set $uuid --inspect-interface inspector done .. note:: A node configured with the IPMI hardware type, will use the inspector inspection implementation automatically if it is enabled. This is not the case for the most of the vendor drivers. .. _ironic-inspector: https://docs.openstack.org/ironic-inspector/ Console ~~~~~~~ Several classic drivers, notably ``pxe_ipmitool_socat`` and ``agent_ipmitool_socat``, use socat-based serial console implementation. For the ``ipmi`` hardware type it is used by default, if enabled in the configuration file: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_console_interfaces = ipmitool-socat,no-console If you want to use the ``shellinabox`` implementation instead, it has to be enabled as well: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_console_interfaces = ipmitool-shellinabox,no-console Then you need to update some or all nodes to use it explicitly. For example, to update all nodes use: .. code-block:: console export OS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION=1.31 for uuid in $(openstack baremetal node list --driver ipmi -f value -c UUID); do openstack baremetal node set $uuid --console-interface ipmitool-shellinabox done RAID ~~~~ Many classic drivers, including ``pxe_ipmitool`` and ``agent_ipmitool`` use the IPA-based in-band RAID implementation by default. For the hardware types it is not used by default. To use it, you need to enable it in the configuration first: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_raid_interfaces = agent,no-raid Then you can update those nodes that support in-band RAID to use the ``agent`` RAID interface. For example, to update all nodes use: .. code-block:: console export OS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION=1.31 for uuid in $(openstack baremetal node list --driver ipmi -f value -c UUID); do openstack baremetal node set $uuid --raid-interface agent done .. note:: The ability of a node to use the ``agent`` RAID interface depends on the ramdisk (more specifically, a :ironic-python-agent-doc:`hardware manager ` used in it), not on the driver. Network and storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The network and storage interfaces have always been dynamic, and thus do not require any special treatment during upgrade. Vendor ~~~~~~ Classic drivers are allowed to use the ``VendorMixin`` functionality to combine and expose several node or driver vendor passthru methods from different vendor interface implementations in one driver. **This is no longer possible with hardware types.** With hardware types, a vendor interface can only have a single active implementation from the list of vendor interfaces supported by a given hardware type. Ironic no longer has in-tree drivers (both classic and hardware types) that rely on this ``VendorMixin`` functionality support. However if you are using an out-of-tree classic driver that depends on it, you'll need to do the following in order to use vendor passthru methods from different vendor passthru implementations: #. While creating a new hardware type to replace your classic driver, specify all vendor interface implementations your classic driver was using to build its ``VendorMixin`` as supported vendor interfaces (property ``supported_vendor_interfaces`` of the Python class that defines your hardware type). #. Ensure all required vendor interfaces are enabled in the ironic configuration file under the ``[DEFAULT]enabled_vendor_interfaces`` option. You should also consider setting the ``[DEFAULT]default_vendor_interface`` option to specify the vendor interface for nodes that do not have one set explicitly. #. Before invoking a specific vendor passthru method, make sure that the node's vendor interface is set to the interface with the desired vendor passthru method. For example, if you want to invoke the vendor passthru method ``vendor_method_foo()`` from ``vendor_foo`` vendor interface: .. code-block:: shell # set the vendor interface to 'vendor_foo` openstack --os-baremetal-api-version 1.31 baremetal node set --vendor-interface vendor_foo # invoke the vendor passthru method openstack baremetal node passthru call vendor_method_foo