#!/bin/bash set -e -x if [ ! -x /usr/bin/jq ]; then echo "This script relies on 'jq' to process JSON output." echo "Please install it before continuing." exit 1 fi OS_AUTH_TOKEN=$(openstack token issue | grep ' id ' | awk '{print $4}') IRONIC_URL="" export OS_AUTH_TOKEN IRONIC_URL function GET { # GET $RESOURCE curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" \ -H 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-API-Version: 1.22' \ ${IRONIC_URL}/$1 | jq -S '.' } function POST { # POST $RESOURCE $FILENAME curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" \ -H 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-API-Version: 1.22' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST --data @$2 \ ${IRONIC_URL}/$1 | jq -S '.' } function PATCH { # POST $RESOURCE $FILENAME curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" \ -H 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-API-Version: 1.22' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X PATCH --data @$2 \ ${IRONIC_URL}/$1 | jq -S '.' } function PUT { # PUT $RESOURCE $FILENAME curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: $OS_AUTH_TOKEN" \ -H 'X-OpenStack-Ironic-API-Version: 1.22' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X PUT --data @$2 \ ${IRONIC_URL}/$1 } pushd source/samples ########### # ROOT APIs GET '' > api-root-response.json GET 'v1' > api-v1-root-response.json ########### # DRIVER APIs GET v1/drivers > drivers-list-response.json GET v1/drivers/agent_ipmitool > driver-get-response.json GET v1/drivers/agent_ipmitool/properties > driver-property-response.json GET v1/drivers/agent_ipmitool/raid/logical_disk_properties > driver-logical-disk-properties-response.json GET v1/drivers/agent_ipmitool/vendor_passthru/methods > driver-passthru-methods-response.json ######### # CHASSIS POST v1/chassis chassis-create-request.json > chassis-show-response.json CID=$(cat chassis-show-response.json | grep '"uuid"' | sed 's/.*"\([0-9a-f\-]*\)",*/\1/') if [ "$CID" == "" ]; then exit 1 else echo "Chassis created. UUID: $CID" fi GET v1/chassis > chassis-list-response.json GET v1/chassis/detail > chassis-list-details-response.json PATCH v1/chassis/$CID chassis-update-request.json > chassis-update-response.json # skip GET /v1/chassis/$UUID because the response is same as POST ####### # NODES # Create a node with a real driver, but missing ipmi_address, # then do basic commands with it POST v1/nodes node-create-request.json > node-create-response.json NID=$(cat node-create-response.json | grep '"uuid"' | sed 's/.*"\([0-9a-f\-]*\)",*/\1/') if [ "$NID" == "" ]; then exit 1 else echo "Node created. UUID: $NID" fi # get the list of passthru methods from agent* driver GET v1/nodes/$NID/vendor_passthru/methods > node-vendor-passthru-response.json # Change to the fake driver and then move the node into the AVAILABLE # state without saving any output. # NOTE that these three JSON files are not included in the docs PATCH v1/nodes/$NID node-update-driver.json PUT v1/nodes/$NID/states/provision node-set-manage-state.json PUT v1/nodes/$NID/states/provision node-set-available-state.json GET v1/nodes/$NID/validate > node-validate-response.json PUT v1/nodes/$NID/states/power node-set-power-off.json GET v1/nodes/$NID/states > node-get-state-response.json GET v1/nodes > nodes-list-response.json GET v1/nodes/detail > nodes-list-details-response.json GET v1/nodes/$NID > node-show-response.json # Put the Node in maintenance mode, then continue doing everything else PUT v1/nodes/$NID/maintenance node-maintenance-request.json ########### # PORTS # Before we can create a port, we must # write NODE ID into the create request document body sed -i "s/.*node_uuid.*/ \"node_uuid\": \"$NID\",/" port-create-request.json POST v1/ports port-create-request.json > port-create-response.json PID=$(cat port-create-response.json | grep '"uuid"' | sed 's/.*"\([0-9a-f\-]*\)",*/\1/') if [ "$PID" == "" ]; then exit 1 else echo "Port created. UUID: $PID" fi GET v1/ports > port-list-respone.json GET v1/ports/detail > port-list-detail-response.json PATCH v1/ports/$PID port-update-request.json > port-update-response.json # skip GET $PID because same result as POST # skip DELETE ################ # NODE PORT APIs GET v1/nodes/$NID/ports > node-port-list-response.json GET v1/nodes/$NID/ports/detail > node-port-detail-response.json ############ # LOOKUP API GET v1/lookup?node_uuid=$NID > lookup-node-response.json ##################### # NODES MANAGEMENT API # These need to be done while the node is in maintenance mode, # and the node's driver is "fake", to avoid potential races # with internal processes that lock the Node # this corrects an intentional ommission in some of the samples PATCH v1/nodes/$NID node-update-driver-info-request.json > node-update-driver-info-response.json GET v1/nodes/$NID/management/boot_device/supported > node-get-supported-boot-devices-response.json PUT v1/nodes/$NID/management/boot_device node-set-boot-device.json GET v1/nodes/$NID/management/boot_device > node-get-boot-device-response.json