# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Base classes for storage engines """ import abc from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db import api as db_api import six _BACKEND_MAPPING = {'sqlalchemy': 'ironic.db.sqlalchemy.api'} IMPL = db_api.DBAPI.from_config(cfg.CONF, backend_mapping=_BACKEND_MAPPING, lazy=True) def get_instance(): """Return a DB API instance.""" return IMPL @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Connection(object): """Base class for storage system connections.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" @abc.abstractmethod def get_nodeinfo_list(self, columns=None, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): """Get specific columns for matching nodes. Return a list of the specified columns for all nodes that match the specified filters. :param columns: List of column names to return. Defaults to 'id' column when columns == None. :param filters: Filters to apply. Defaults to None. :associated: True | False :reserved: True | False :reserved_by_any_of: [conductor1, conductor2] :maintenance: True | False :chassis_uuid: uuid of chassis :driver: driver's name :provision_state: provision state of node :provisioned_before: nodes with provision_updated_at field before this interval in seconds :param limit: Maximum number of nodes to return. :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next result set. :param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted. :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted. (asc, desc) :returns: A list of tuples of the specified columns. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_node_list(self, filters=None, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): """Return a list of nodes. :param filters: Filters to apply. Defaults to None. :associated: True | False :reserved: True | False :maintenance: True | False :chassis_uuid: uuid of chassis :driver: driver's name :provision_state: provision state of node :provisioned_before: nodes with provision_updated_at field before this interval in seconds :param limit: Maximum number of nodes to return. :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next result set. :param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted. :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted. (asc, desc) """ @abc.abstractmethod def reserve_node(self, tag, node_id): """Reserve a node. To prevent other ManagerServices from manipulating the given Node while a Task is performed, mark it reserved by this host. :param tag: A string uniquely identifying the reservation holder. :param node_id: A node id or uuid. :returns: A Node object. :raises: NodeNotFound if the node is not found. :raises: NodeLocked if the node is already reserved. """ @abc.abstractmethod def release_node(self, tag, node_id): """Release the reservation on a node. :param tag: A string uniquely identifying the reservation holder. :param node_id: A node id or uuid. :raises: NodeNotFound if the node is not found. :raises: NodeLocked if the node is reserved by another host. :raises: NodeNotLocked if the node was found to not have a reservation at all. """ @abc.abstractmethod def create_node(self, values): """Create a new node. :param values: A dict containing several items used to identify and track the node, and several dicts which are passed into the Drivers when managing this node. For example: :: { 'uuid': uuidutils.generate_uuid(), 'instance_uuid': None, 'power_state': states.POWER_OFF, 'provision_state': states.AVAILABLE, 'driver': 'pxe_ipmitool', 'driver_info': { ... }, 'properties': { ... }, 'extra': { ... }, } :returns: A node. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_node_by_id(self, node_id): """Return a node. :param node_id: The id of a node. :returns: A node. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_node_by_uuid(self, node_uuid): """Return a node. :param node_uuid: The uuid of a node. :returns: A node. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_node_by_name(self, node_name): """Return a node. :param node_name: The logical name of a node. :returns: A node. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_node_by_instance(self, instance): """Return a node. :param instance: The instance name or uuid to search for. :returns: A node. """ @abc.abstractmethod def destroy_node(self, node_id): """Destroy a node and all associated interfaces. :param node_id: The id or uuid of a node. """ @abc.abstractmethod def update_node(self, node_id, values): """Update properties of a node. :param node_id: The id or uuid of a node. :param values: Dict of values to update. May be a partial list, eg. when setting the properties for a driver. For example: :: { 'driver_info': { 'my-field-1': val1, 'my-field-2': val2, } } :returns: A node. :raises: NodeAssociated :raises: NodeNotFound """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_port_by_id(self, port_id): """Return a network port representation. :param port_id: The id of a port. :returns: A port. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_port_by_uuid(self, port_uuid): """Return a network port representation. :param port_uuid: The uuid of a port. :returns: A port. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_port_by_address(self, address): """Return a network port representation. :param address: The MAC address of a port. :returns: A port. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_port_list(self, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): """Return a list of ports. :param limit: Maximum number of ports to return. :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next result set. :param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted. :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted. (asc, desc) """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_ports_by_node_id(self, node_id, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): """List all the ports for a given node. :param node_id: The integer node ID. :param limit: Maximum number of ports to return. :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next result set. :param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted (asc, desc) :returns: A list of ports. """ @abc.abstractmethod def create_port(self, values): """Create a new port. :param values: Dict of values. """ @abc.abstractmethod def update_port(self, port_id, values): """Update properties of an port. :param port_id: The id or MAC of a port. :param values: Dict of values to update. :returns: A port. """ @abc.abstractmethod def destroy_port(self, port_id): """Destroy an port. :param port_id: The id or MAC of a port. """ @abc.abstractmethod def create_chassis(self, values): """Create a new chassis. :param values: Dict of values. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_chassis_by_id(self, chassis_id): """Return a chassis representation. :param chassis_id: The id of a chassis. :returns: A chassis. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_chassis_by_uuid(self, chassis_uuid): """Return a chassis representation. :param chassis_uuid: The uuid of a chassis. :returns: A chassis. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_chassis_list(self, limit=None, marker=None, sort_key=None, sort_dir=None): """Return a list of chassis. :param limit: Maximum number of chassis to return. :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we return the next result set. :param sort_key: Attribute by which results should be sorted. :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted. (asc, desc) """ @abc.abstractmethod def update_chassis(self, chassis_id, values): """Update properties of an chassis. :param chassis_id: The id or the uuid of a chassis. :param values: Dict of values to update. :returns: A chassis. """ @abc.abstractmethod def destroy_chassis(self, chassis_id): """Destroy a chassis. :param chassis_id: The id or the uuid of a chassis. """ @abc.abstractmethod def register_conductor(self, values, update_existing=False): """Register an active conductor with the cluster. :param values: A dict of values which must contain the following: :: { 'hostname': the unique hostname which identifies this Conductor service. 'drivers': a list of supported drivers. } :param update_existing: When false, registration will raise an exception when a conflicting online record is found. When true, will overwrite the existing record. Default: False. :returns: A conductor. :raises: ConductorAlreadyRegistered """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_conductor(self, hostname): """Retrieve a conductor's service record from the database. :param hostname: The hostname of the conductor service. :returns: A conductor. :raises: ConductorNotFound """ @abc.abstractmethod def unregister_conductor(self, hostname): """Remove this conductor from the service registry immediately. :param hostname: The hostname of this conductor service. :raises: ConductorNotFound """ @abc.abstractmethod def touch_conductor(self, hostname): """Mark a conductor as active by updating its 'updated_at' property. :param hostname: The hostname of this conductor service. :raises: ConductorNotFound """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_active_driver_dict(self, interval): """Retrieve drivers for the registered and active conductors. :param interval: Seconds since last check-in of a conductor. :returns: A dict which maps driver names to the set of hosts which support them. For example: :: {driverA: set([host1, host2]), driverB: set([host2, host3])} """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_offline_conductors(self): """Get a list conductor hostnames that are offline (dead). :returns: A list of conductor hostnames. """ @abc.abstractmethod def touch_node_provisioning(self, node_id): """Mark the node's provisioning as running. Mark the node's provisioning as running by updating its 'provision_updated_at' property. :param node_id: The id of a node. :raises: NodeNotFound """