.. -*- rst -*- ======================= Conductors (conductors) ======================= .. versionadded:: 1.49 Listing Conductor resources is done through the ``conductors`` resource. Conductor resources are read-only, they can not be created, updated, or removed. List Conductors =============== .. rest_method:: GET /v1/conductors Return a list of conductors known by the Bare Metal service. By default, this query will return the hostname, conductor group, and alive status for each Conductor. When ``detail`` is set to True in the query string, will return the full representation of the resource. Normal response code: 200 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - fields: fields_for_conductor - limit: limit - marker: marker - sort_dir: sort_dir - sort_key: sort_key - detail: detail Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - hostname: hostname - conductor_group: conductor_group - alive: alive - drivers: drivers - links: links **Example Conductor list response:** .. literalinclude:: samples/conductor-list-response.json :language: javascript **Example detailed Conductor list response:** .. literalinclude:: samples/conductor-list-details-response.json :language: javascript Show Conductor Details ====================== .. rest_method:: GET /v1/conductors/{hostname} Shows details for a conductor. By default, this will return the full representation of the resource; an optional ``fields`` parameter can be supplied to return only the specified set. Normal response codes: 200 Error codes: 400,403,404,406 Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - hostname: hostname_ident - fields: fields_for_conductor Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - hostname: hostname - conductor_group: conductor_group - alive: alive - drivers: drivers - links: links **Example JSON representation of a Conductor:** .. literalinclude:: samples/conductor-show-response.json :language: javascript