.. _bios: ================== BIOS Configuration ================== Overview ======== The Bare Metal service supports BIOS configuration for bare metal nodes. It allows administrators to retrieve and apply the desired BIOS settings via CLI or REST API. The desired BIOS settings are applied during manual cleaning. Prerequisites ============= Bare metal servers must be configured by the administrator to be managed via ironic hardware type that supports BIOS configuration. Enabling hardware types ----------------------- Enable a specific hardware type that supports BIOS configuration. Refer to :doc:`/install/enabling-drivers` for how to enable a hardware type. Enabling hardware interface --------------------------- To enable the bios interface: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_bios_interfaces = no-bios Append the actual bios interface name supported by the enabled hardware type to ``enabled_bios_interfaces`` with comma separated values in ``ironic.conf``. All available in-tree bios interfaces are listed in setup.cfg file in the source code tree, for example: .. code-block:: ini ironic.hardware.interfaces.bios = fake = ironic.drivers.modules.fake:FakeBIOS no-bios = ironic.drivers.modules.noop:NoBIOS Retrieve BIOS settings ====================== To retrieve the cached BIOS configuration from a specified node:: $ openstack baremetal node bios setting list BIOS settings are cached on each node cleaning operation or when settings have been applied successfully via BIOS cleaning steps. The return of above command is a table of last cached BIOS settings from specified node. If ``-f json`` is added as suffix to above command, it returns BIOS settings as following:: [ { "setting name": { "name": "setting name", "value": "value" } }, { "setting name": { "name": "setting name", "value": "value" } }, ... ] To get a specified BIOS setting for a node:: $ openstack baremetal node bios setting show If ``-f json`` is added as suffix to above command, it returns BIOS settings as following:: { "setting name": { "name": "setting name", "value": "value" } } Configure BIOS settings ======================= Two :ref:`manual_cleaning` steps are available for managing nodes' BIOS settings: Factory reset ------------- This cleaning step resets all BIOS settings to factory default for a given node:: { "target":"clean", "clean_steps": [ { "interface": "bios", "step": "factory_reset" } ] } The ``factory_reset`` cleaning step does not require any arguments, as it resets all BIOS settings to factory defaults. Apply BIOS configuration ------------------------ This cleaning step applies a set of BIOS settings for a node:: { "target":"clean", "clean_steps": [ { "interface": "bios", "step": "apply_configuration", "args": { "settings": [ { "name": "name", "value": "value" }, { "name": "name", "value": "value" } ] } } ] } The representation of ``apply_configuration`` cleaning step follows the same format of :ref:`manual_cleaning`. The desired BIOS settings can be provided via the ``settings`` argument which contains a list of BIOS options to be applied, each BIOS option is a dictionary with ``name`` and ``value`` keys. To check whether the desired BIOS configuration is set properly, use the command mentioned in the `Retrieve BIOS settings`_ section. .. note:: When applying BIOS settings to a node, vendor-specific driver may take the given BIOS settings from the argument and compare them with the current BIOS settings on the node and only apply when there is a difference.