.. -*- rst -*-

Node Traits (nodes)

.. versionadded:: 1.37

Node traits are used for scheduling in the Compute service, using qualitative
attributes to influence the placement of instances to bare metal compute nodes.
Traits specified for a node in the Bare Metal service will be registered on the
corresponding resource provider in the Compute service's placement API.

Traits can be either standard or custom.  Standard traits are listed in the
`os_traits library <https://docs.openstack.org/os-traits/latest/>`_.  Custom
traits must meet the following requirements:

* prefixed with ``CUSTOM_``
* contain only upper case characters A to Z, digits 0 to 9, or underscores
* no longer than 255 characters in length

A bare metal node can have a maximum of 50 traits.

List Traits of a Node

.. rest_method:: GET /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/traits

Return a list of traits for the node.

Normal response code: 200

Error codes: 400,401,403,404


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

    - node_ident: node_ident


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

    - traits: n_traits

**Example list of traits for the node:**

.. literalinclude:: samples/node-traits-list-response.json
   :language: javascript

Set all traits of a node

.. rest_method:: PUT /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/traits

Set all traits of a node, replacing any existing traits.

Normal response code: 204

Error codes: 400,401,403,404,409


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

    - node_ident: node_ident
    - traits: n_traits

**Example request to set all traits of a Node:**

.. literalinclude:: samples/node-set-traits-request.json

Add a trait to a node

.. rest_method:: PUT /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/traits/{trait}

Add a single trait to a node.

Normal response code: 204

Error codes: 400,401,403,404,409


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

    - node_ident: node_ident
    - trait: trait

Remove all traits from a node

.. rest_method:: DELETE /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/traits

Normal response code: 204

Error codes: 400,401,403,404,409


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

    - node_ident: node_ident

Remove a trait from a node

Remove a single trait from a node.

.. rest_method:: DELETE /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/traits/{trait}

Normal response code: 204

Error codes: 400,401,403,404,409


.. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml

    - node_ident: node_ident
    - trait: trait