# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Functionality related to servicing.""" from oslo_log import log from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.common import states from ironic.conductor import steps as conductor_steps from ironic.conductor import task_manager from ironic.conductor import utils from ironic.conf import CONF from ironic.drivers import utils as driver_utils from ironic import objects LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock def do_node_service(task, service_steps=None, disable_ramdisk=False): """Internal RPC method to perform servicing of a node. :param task: a TaskManager instance with an exclusive lock on its node :param service_steps: The list of service steps to perform. If none, step validation will fail. :param disable_ramdisk: Whether to skip booting ramdisk for servicing. """ node = task.node try: # NOTE(ghe): Valid power and network values are needed to perform # a service operation. task.driver.power.validate(task) if not disable_ramdisk: task.driver.network.validate(task) except (exception.InvalidParameterValue, exception.NetworkError) as e: msg = (_('Validation of node %(node)s for service failed: %(msg)s') % {'node': node.uuid, 'msg': e}) return utils.servicing_error_handler(task, msg) utils.wipe_service_internal_info(task) node.set_driver_internal_info('service_steps', service_steps) node.set_driver_internal_info('service_disable_ramdisk', disable_ramdisk) task.node.save() # Allow the deploy driver to set up the ramdisk again (necessary for IPA) try: if not disable_ramdisk: prepare_result = task.driver.deploy.prepare_service(task) else: LOG.info('Skipping preparing for service in-band service since ' 'out-of-band only service has been requested for node ' '%s', node.uuid) prepare_result = None except Exception as e: msg = (_('Failed to prepare node %(node)s for service: %(e)s') % {'node': node.uuid, 'e': e}) return utils.servicing_error_handler(task, msg, traceback=True) if prepare_result == states.SERVICEWAIT: # Prepare is asynchronous, the deploy driver will need to # set node.driver_internal_info['service_steps'] and # node.service_step and then make an RPC call to # continue_node_service to start service operations. task.process_event('wait') return try: conductor_steps.set_node_service_steps( task, disable_ramdisk=disable_ramdisk) except Exception as e: # Catch all exceptions and follow the error handling # path so things are cleaned up properly. msg = (_('Cannot service node %(node)s: %(msg)s') % {'node': node.uuid, 'msg': e}) return utils.servicing_error_handler(task, msg) steps = node.driver_internal_info.get('service_steps', []) if not steps: _tear_down_node_service(task, disable_ramdisk=disable_ramdisk) step_index = 0 if steps else None do_next_service_step(task, step_index, disable_ramdisk=disable_ramdisk) @utils.fail_on_error(utils.servicing_error_handler, _("Unexpected error when processing next service step"), traceback=True) @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock def do_next_service_step(task, step_index, disable_ramdisk=None): """Do service, starting from the specified service step. :param task: a TaskManager instance with an exclusive lock :param step_index: The first service step in the list to execute. This is the index (from 0) into the list of service steps in the node's driver_internal_info['service_steps']. Is None if there are no steps to execute. :param disable_ramdisk: Whether to skip booting ramdisk for service. """ node = task.node # For manual cleaning, the target provision state is MANAGEABLE, # whereas for automated cleaning, it is AVAILABLE. if step_index is None: steps = [] else: assert node.driver_internal_info.get('service_steps') is not None, \ f"BUG: No steps for {node.uuid}, step index is {step_index}" steps = node.driver_internal_info['service_steps'][step_index:] if disable_ramdisk is None: disable_ramdisk = node.driver_internal_info.get( 'service_disable_ramdisk', False) LOG.info('Executing service on node %(node)s, remaining steps: ' '%(steps)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'steps': steps}) # Execute each step until we hit an async step or run out of steps for ind, step in enumerate(steps): # Save which step we're about to start so we can restart # if necessary node.service_step = step node.set_driver_internal_info('service_step_index', step_index + ind) node.save() eocn = step.get('execute_on_child_nodes', False) result = None try: if not eocn: LOG.info('Executing %(step)s on node %(node)s', {'step': step, 'node': node.uuid}) use_step_handler = conductor_steps.use_reserved_step_handler( task, step) if use_step_handler: if use_step_handler == conductor_steps.EXIT_STEPS: # Exit the step, i.e. hold step return # if use_step_handler == conductor_steps.USED_HANDLER # Then we have completed the needful in the handler, # but since there is no other value to check now, # we know we just need to skip execute_deploy_step else: interface = getattr(task.driver, step.get('interface')) result = interface.execute_service_step(task, step) else: LOG.info('Executing %(step)s on child nodes for node ' '%(node)s.', {'step': step, 'node': node.uuid}) result = execute_step_on_child_nodes(task, step) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, exception.AgentConnectionFailed): if task.node.driver_internal_info.get('service_reboot'): LOG.info('Agent is not yet running on node %(node)s ' 'after service reboot, waiting for agent to ' 'come up to run next service step %(step)s.', {'node': node.uuid, 'step': step}) node.set_driver_internal_info('skip_current_service_step', False) task.process_event('wait') return if isinstance(e, exception.AgentInProgress): LOG.info('Conductor attempted to process service step for ' 'node %(node)s. Agent indicated it is presently ' 'executing a command. Error: %(error)s', {'node': task.node.uuid, 'error': e}) node.set_driver_internal_info( 'skip_current_service_step', False) task.process_event('wait') return msg = (_('Node %(node)s failed step %(step)s: ' '%(exc)s') % {'node': node.uuid, 'exc': e, 'step': node.service_step}) if not disable_ramdisk: driver_utils.collect_ramdisk_logs(task.node, label='service') utils.servicing_error_handler(task, msg, traceback=True) return # Check if the step is done or not. The step should return # states.SERVICEWAIT if the step is still being executed, or # None if the step is done. if result == states.SERVICEWAIT: # Kill this worker, the async step will make an RPC call to # continue_node_service to continue service LOG.info('Service step %(step)s on node %(node)s being ' 'executed asynchronously, waiting for driver.', {'node': node.uuid, 'step': step}) task.process_event('wait') return elif result is not None: msg = (_('While executing step %(step)s on node ' '%(node)s, step returned invalid value: %(val)s') % {'step': step, 'node': node.uuid, 'val': result}) return utils.servicing_error_handler(task, msg) LOG.info('Node %(node)s finished service step %(step)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'step': step}) utils.wipe_service_internal_info(task) if CONF.agent.deploy_logs_collect == 'always' and not disable_ramdisk: driver_utils.collect_ramdisk_logs(task.node, label='service') _tear_down_node_service(task, disable_ramdisk) def _tear_down_node_service(task, disable_ramdisk): """Clean up a node from service. :param task: A Taskmanager object. :returns: None """ task.node.service_step = None utils.wipe_service_internal_info(task) task.node.save() if not disable_ramdisk: try: task.driver.deploy.tear_down_service(task) except Exception as e: msg = (_('Failed to tear down from service for node %(node)s, ' 'reason: %(err)s') % {'node': task.node.uuid, 'err': e}) return utils.servicing_error_handler(task, msg, traceback=True, tear_down_service=False) LOG.info('Node %s service complete.', task.node.uuid) task.process_event('done') def execute_step_on_child_nodes(task, step): """Execute a requested step against a child node. :param task: The TaskManager object for the parent node. :param step: The requested step to be executed. :returns: None on Success, the resulting error message if a failure has occurred. """ # NOTE(TheJulia): We could just use nodeinfo list calls against # dbapi. # NOTE(TheJulia): We validate the data in advance in the API # with the original request context. eocn = step.get('execute_on_child_nodes') child_nodes = step.get('limit_child_node_execution', []) filters = {'parent_node': task.node.uuid} if eocn and len(child_nodes) >= 1: filters['uuid_in'] = child_nodes child_nodes = objects.Node.list( task.context, filters=filters, fields=['uuid'] ) for child_node in child_nodes: result = None LOG.info('Executing step %(step)s on child node %(node)s for parent ' 'node %(parent_node)s', {'step': step, 'node': child_node.uuid, 'parent_node': task.node.uuid}) with task_manager.acquire(task.context, child_node.uuid, purpose='execute step') as child_task: interface = getattr(child_task.driver, step.get('interface')) LOG.info('Executing %(step)s on node %(node)s', {'step': step, 'node': child_task.node.uuid}) if not conductor_steps.use_reserved_step_handler(child_task, step): result = interface.execute_service_step(child_task, step) if result is not None: if (result == states.SERVICEWAIT and CONF.conductor.permit_child_node_step_async_result): # Operator has chosen to permit this due to some reason # NOTE(TheJulia): This is where we would likely wire agent # error handling if we ever implicitly allowed child node # deploys to take place with the agent from a parent node # being deployed. continue msg = (_('While executing step %(step)s on child node ' '%(node)s, step returned invalid value: %(val)s') % {'step': step, 'node': child_task.node.uuid, 'val': result}) LOG.error(msg) # Only None or states.SERVICEWAIT are possible paths forward # in the parent step execution code, so returning the message # means it will be logged. return msg def get_last_error(node): last_error = _('By request, the service operation was aborted') if node.service_step: last_error += ( _(' during or after the completion of step "%s"') % conductor_steps.step_id(node.service_step) ) return last_error @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock def do_node_service_abort(task): """Internal method to abort an ongoing operation. :param task: a TaskManager instance with an exclusive lock """ node = task.node try: task.driver.deploy.tear_down_service(task) except Exception as e: log_msg = (_('Failed to tear down service for node %(node)s ' 'after aborting the operation. Error: %(err)s') % {'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) error_msg = _('Failed to tear down service after aborting ' 'the operation') utils.servicing_error_handler(task, log_msg, errmsg=error_msg, traceback=True, tear_down_service=False, set_fail_state=False) return last_error = get_last_error(node) info_message = _('Service operation aborted for node %s') % node.uuid if node.service_step: info_message += ( _(' during or after the completion of step "%s"') % node.service_step ) node.last_error = last_error node.service_step = None utils.wipe_service_internal_info(task) node.save() LOG.info(info_message) @utils.fail_on_error(utils.servicing_error_handler, _("Unexpected error when processing next service step"), traceback=True) @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock def continue_node_service(task): """Continue servicing after finishing an async service step. This function calculates which step has to run next and passes control into do_next_service_step. :param task: a TaskManager instance with an exclusive lock """ node = task.node next_step_index = utils.update_next_step_index(task, 'service') # If this isn't the final service step in the service operation # and it is flagged to abort after the service step that just # finished, we abort the operation. if node.service_step.get('abort_after'): step_name = node.service_step['step'] if next_step_index is not None: LOG.debug('The service operation for node %(node)s was ' 'marked to be aborted after step "%(step)s ' 'completed. Aborting now that it has completed.', {'node': task.node.uuid, 'step': step_name}) task.process_event('fail') do_node_service_abort(task) return LOG.debug('The service operation for node %(node)s was ' 'marked to be aborted after step "%(step)s" ' 'completed. However, since there are no more ' 'service steps after this, the abort is not going ' 'to be done.', {'node': node.uuid, 'step': step_name}) do_next_service_step(task, next_step_index)